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Home schooling or online learning for 15 year old

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we are considering the out of school options for our son in year 10 as school is really not working out for him.

Some of the online options look pretty good but i am worried he might feel isolated.

Just wondered whether anyone has any experience of patching something like this together for this age group?

Any advice gratefully received.

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Hi Betty


I can't recommend any particular school but I would suggest you consider Googling UK full time secondary schools online as there is quite an option now.  Your son will be in a virtual classroom with other students and will be assigned mentor etc.

You could also ensure he has an array of extracurricular activities related to his interests so that he can interact with other students his age in a live setting such as football or art etc.

I hope you find the right solution for your son. But I agree, if you were to do separate tutors 1-2-1 for various subjects, he may feel isolated, which you do not want.

Do you research and I hope you get the best outcomes for your son.


Miss B

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Agree with MissB - are a fair number now set up with online classrooms; activities etc. You can look on Southwark's Local Offer pages. Some include King's Interhigh; Nisai; The Complete Education Solution's online school for ND students etc. 



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