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Lordship Lane starts on page 30 of the proposal drawings

Short summary of proposed changes (my adding up, feel free to check!)

18 new restricted spaces created on North Cross Road

22 new restricted spaces created on Lordship lane and side roads

83 current 30 mins restricted to be changed to 60 mins, 62 of which will have the hours of operation extended to include Saturdays. Therefore in effect creating a loss of 62 unrestricted parking spaces on a Saturday.

I post this information to bring it to the attention of interested parties, although a regular driver I either walk or bus whilst visiting Lordship Lane so am not directly affected at present by the proposals.

first mate Wrote:


> Here's a link to proposals on free parking...again

> has consultation passed us all by

> [www.southwark.gov.uk]

> ojects/3654/one_hour_free_parking_in_local_shoppin

> g_parades

The closing date is today FEB 9th - so take a look and respond. Is it worth a separate thread on EDF to flag this up right now and if so, can someone do that?

Here's link to form, it literally takes 1 minute to fill out https://forms.southwark.gov.uk/ShowForm.asp?fm_fid=1195

However, a word of warning.

By mixing in already restricted areas with proposed changes to unrestricted it seems to me that the Council have tried to pull a fast one. If you oppose introduction of new restricted parking on L'dship Lane you need to object to the whole package and explain why.

I also hope that James Barber is prepared to take the Council to task on the design of this consultation and the Council's attempts to get a result by sleight of hand.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit was today, 10:40am by first mate.

I have just filled in the form and an quite annoyed about it. Any person reading the headlines and the questions (and not having time to study the maps) would assume that 30 minute parking is being converted to one hour parking, whereas in reality lots of unrestricted parking is being restricted under the guise of doing us all a favour and "helping" local businesses. Thank you various EDF members for pointing this out. This is not a consultation ..... we are all being treated with utter contempt.

I don't know the full details of the shambles that is the 20mph limit but I suspect that a similar level of "consultation" was undertaken. That's an aside as I think we are probably too late to do anything about the 20mph limit as it is currently being implemented and the money has already been spent on it but there is still a chance to save the parking situation. When you do the form please take note of first mate's post above as the questions are designed to give the result desired by the council apparatchiks. The consultation is also very clever in that you can only select one parade and there are 4 on Lordship Lane. This tactic spreads the dissenters thinly. So I selected one parade and in the box below said "in addition all the other parades on Lordship Lane"

carolb, thanks for those really useful points- espeically about division of Lordship Lane into sections for consuktation purposes, as though shoppers and residents only ever limit themselves to one section.

Please everyone, take the time to read this form and fill it in

I scanned the questionnaire first to see the full range of questions. It does indeed take 1 minute - no chance to say very much.

- Another poorly designed form that lets you input without any identification of yourself.

- No clarity on how local vs other views may be taken into account (and in ref to above point, no way to tell)

- It is not clear how you enter for multiple places - eg Dulwich Village, Lordship Lane, East Dulwich Grove, Half Moon Lane and Herne Hill

Seems again that due to the construct of this questionnaire - that you have to reply you are AGAINST in the very first question, or stand the chance that your subsequent comments are not given due and proper assessment

It is not appropriate to be so unclear about the additional restrictions to unrestricted places to I suggest that you may also want to COMPLAIN to all Ward/local Councillors?

Councillors' emails if you want them to hear and register your comments are:

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Relatively free parking around Lordship Lane is probably one of the main things that make it such a lively and well used shopping area. Nothing kills a town centre (and pushes people to retail parks) like parking restrictions.

Southwark parking review - some feedback made directly to Southwark and copied to Councillors.

I would like to complain about the current consultation on the Southwark website which is not clear and therefore not fit for purpose as a Consultation.

I would like this consultation to be reissued with the different scenarios separated out and so made clearer, alongside the supporting evidence for the individual changes at the various (45) locations.

Some of my reasons are listed below:


The map and consultation summary provided is misleading and so cannot be used as the basis for consultation.

1. In many cases, the suggestion on the surface, purports to change 1/2 hour free parking to 1 hour free parking. No mention is made of the Mon-Fri change - to Monday-Sat. In those cases, the introduction of restrictions on Saturday is a much more significant change that has not been properly advised nor made clear on the consultation documents.

2. It is confusing and not transparent to include within this consultation both changes to timings for existing restricted bays with unrestricted bays becoming restricted. These could be made far clearer and would allow for objective input if separated out. No detail is provided on the assumed impact of these changes.

3. There is no evidence provided for the individual areas and why this change may be necessary in all 45 cases.

4. In some areas such as Dulwich Village, this may push commuter parking, possibly teachers, onto surrounding roads and no modelling of this is given or assumptions made in terms of displacement. It is also unclear on p56 for Dulwich Village, if this becomes parallel parking. If so, what is the assumed loss of spaces and the impact of parallel parking on that stretch of the road.

5. For Lordship Lane, the mix of timings is not consistent, some ending at 7pm, some at 6.30pm and some at 4pm and these differences are not explained nor the displacement effect quantified.

6. The input form drop down selection and associated comment box will not allow adequate input. For example people will park at any of the bays on Lordship Lane as might be available at the time of parking and the form allows input only for the individual bays, which is unrepresentative of normal parking patterns and prevents objection to the whole.

7. The consultation form does not provide details for an alternative mechanism of response to Southwark (for example, an email address) to permit more comprehensive responses.

8. There is no explanation of the selection of one hour free parking periods over for example limited parking over the lunchtime period as works for Herne Hill at present and which may not need or benefit from the change.

These are a number of observations but more than sufficient to indicate that the consultation as issued is flawed and unfit for purpose.

I would appreciate the support of Councillors copied here and a reply from Southwark parking.

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