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Baby Clinic @ Townley Rd

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hi its dr dohas surgery on a tues and another one on a wed so think you should go along on a wed, also worth looking on the info board by the room where they weigh the babies on there will be a timetable for the parenting classes. the classes themselves were not great but I met a lot of lovely mums there and after the 7 weeks of classes finished we continued to see each othe rtwice a week and made some lovely friends. they are for babies 0-6 months and its free. if you have missed the start of this course of classes ask about the next set they are worth having a look along to.
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I've always attended the Tues clinic even though I'm registered at DMC - the time for the DMC one doesn't suit us, and I only ever go to simply get my little ones weighed - they've never argued with me despite the notices they put up to the contrary.
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Just thought I would set the record straight re this.

I have been this morning and they did weigh my baby as it was empty, but I got told off as the Tuesday 10am clinic is strictly for Townley Rd patients (Dr Doha), and they do check now.

The clinic for patients registered at DMC is Wednesday 12 noon.

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I know this might be controversial - but aside from getting weighed does anyone find the HVs helpful?

I waited an hour and half the last (only) time I went. I was asked if everything was ok, and without waiting for answer told to enjoy my baby as it is a lovely time, and sent packing. Cool, thanks. Bit upset because the midwives were fab fab fab.

Oh well...advice on this forum is so much better!

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snowboarder Wrote:


> I know this might be controversial - but aside

> from getting weighed does anyone find the HVs

> helpful?

> I waited

No. I made a complaint about them when I had son no 1 after they gave me incorrect advice (and made me cry, when it was they who were wrong!) and got an apology and advice they would all receive additional training, but I lost confidence at that point.

What happened was I wanted to take son no 1 swimming before his vaccs,( which we did a bit later than usual) i checked the net and spoke to the GP and they confirmed no problem, polio is not spread via the wee of vaccinated babies.

I then saw the HV and mentioned we'd been swimming, and she hit the roof, told me in no uncertain terms I was putting my child at risk.. and made me sign for a copy of the vaccs booklet as proof I was aware of my dangerous behaviour. I went off snivelling, and read the pamphlet.. only to see it included exactly the opposite, that i was right, it IS safe to swim before vaccs!! I was so upset.

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ARgh, this annoys me so much(the HVs/clinic) - see my thread about weaning! I've basically decided not to go back as we can weigh him ourselves and that's all I was getting out of it. Because he was early, some HVs/Doctors chart his growth as if he was younger than he is, if you see what i mean, but then some don't, which can lead to wildly inconsistent plotting of his growth. in fact, if you do it consistently he's been on the same curve all the way along (not that it really matters but anyway). Plus which they failed to recognise my baby had reflux when I phoned tearfully for advice - given the problems I listed were: crying during feeding and arching back, and being sick a lot, you'd have thought they might have thought of reflux, but the HV's words were 'I'm really stumped, I've nothing to suggest'. It was only by looking on forums like this one that I figured it out and took him to the GP.

Sorry - HVs are one of my favoured rant topics at the moment!

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I'm very disappointed with clinic. No confidence whatsoever in anything the HVs say and yes, you really do feel rushed out the door before you can even ask a question. It's awful...my baby was so fed up yesterday when, despite getting there at 12.30 (it starts at 12.30) we waited almost and hour and a half for a quick weigh. Waste of time.

Yes, the most helpful advice is from mums on this forum!

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Don't get me started! When I do go (very infrequently these days) to get my daughter weighed I refuse any "advice" from the HV as honestly feel that I know more than they do! Absolutely shocking system as far as I'm concerned.

I reluctantly went along for my son's 2 year check (waste of time, for anyone wondering if they should do it!) to be asked whether I was worried about the fact that my son was short. He's not short, perfectly average. She also asked whether he could talk, while he was right in front of her saying "look Mummy, there's a tractor over there, it's red, there's a bike, I'm gonna ride it, can I have a snack, I'm thirsty...".

Grrrrrrrrr. Winds me up, better stop posting now :-S

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That's hilarious (although understand it'd be irritating at the time!). Also my feeling is that I DO know more than them - I know my son! What really worries me though is people who are unsure about what to do with their baby who hang on every word the HV says. I often hear people say 'I must ask the HV if it's ok to do XXX', and i have to stop myself saying 'don't!'.
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snowboarder Wrote:


> I know this might be controversial - but aside

> from getting weighed does anyone find the HVs

> helpful?

> I waited an hour and half the last (only) time I

> went. I was asked if everything was ok, and

> without waiting for answer told to enjoy my baby

> as it is a lovely time, and sent packing. Cool,

> thanks. Bit upset because the midwives were fab

> fab fab.

> Oh well...advice on this forum is so much better!

Never, ever, ever go to baby clinic. Weigh your baby at home - get on scales on own, then holding baby, and work it out for yourself.

You know if your baby is OK or not....and if you are worried I think I'd go anywhere for advice before baby clinic! HV's are (in my humble opinion) mostly a complete waste of time. The one who came to see me after Baby 2 was born came assuming it was my first baby...even though I told her it wasn't she still spent an hour telling me how to breastfeed (I had a 75th centile exclusively breast fed thriving baby at this point???!!), and other random pointless info. Oh, and then when I mentioned that it was sometimes tricky to fit a decent meal in she said "well it's your 2nd baby, you know how to do things 1 handed by now"!

Seriously, I nearly threw her out of my house at that point.

Then there is the one who told my friend (who uses cloth nappies on her baby) that she needed to make sure her baby had plenty of nappy off time to ensure she didn't end up with bandy legs....errr yes, because all the pre-disposable adults in the world are clearly walking in John Wayne sty-le.....???

They seem to make mis-information an art form.

There are not many people who make me angry, but HV's seem to manage it on a fairly regular basis, given that they are dealing with people who are often at a happy, but often really fragile point in their lives why do so many of them seem incapable of showing any kindness or empathy?



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Useless, the lot of 'em.

Despite seeing them loads for son No 1 to try and work out why he couldnt breastfeed they didnt spot his tongue tie.

It was only when I had the sme problem with No 2 and my (private) midwife diagnosed it that I realised it had been exactly the same for No 1.

Its such a simple thing to see - I could have a look now and tell straightaway if there was a problem, I can't believe I went through months of hell because they didnt notice it.

The also failed to help me with PND, which as we saw from the poor lady who topped herself last week can be fatal.

Stay away from them at all costs!!!

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Yes, I don't think I even bothered to seek help from that direction for PND. Actually my midwife did say one of the HVs had really helped one of her patients with PND by visiting her and letting her talk through things on a regular basis but can't see how any of our's would do that - first thing they told me was how little time they have!
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Useless.....which is such a shame because they could provide such vital support and advice to parents.

Even just being friendly and welcoming to parents would be nice - instead their 'system' of weighing seems to be of all import - with parents hanging around in an un-babyfriendly environment for a long wait...to be bossed around. Extremely unparent-centred.

What happened to building relationships so that they can pick up early warning signs and offer help...

I was at high risk for post-natal depression when I got handed over to the local HV - had to chase to meet them and haven't heard from them since...my son's now 2.5. How do they know how my son and I are doing?

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