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Advice Wanted; Water birth


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Hi Clare - they definitely have the facility, and there's one room in particular (room 2 I think... on the left as you enter the maternity ward) that has a built in water birth pool as well as mood lighting etc! They also have portable pools on offer, there was one in a room I used for #1, although I didn't use it.

As far as I'm aware you can't "book" to use the pools, it's a case of if they're available when you arrive you can use them. Although I'm sure someone who's actually had a water birth (Fuschia?) may be able to provide more info.

Good luck!

P x

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Thanks Pickle :-)

I looked on the Kings website and there doesnt seem to be any information at all, it sounds as though its unlikely to not be available - although still the luck of the draw!

I know in some area's there is a "booking" system, which seems odd as who knows when they will go into labour!!!

I have a while yet but the idea of birth still terrifies me :-( Water birth seems (I may be mistaken here) to be the least painful.....

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That's right. There is one room at least with a big jacuzzi style thing. Other rooms can have inflatable sort of pools filled. You can also take your own, if you discuss beforehand and ensure compatability of hoses.

There seem to be lots of ifs and buts re birth pool use, mostly if you are high risk in any way, I couldn't have any of my children actually in the water due to being on blood thinners (bleeding risk) and for twins they don't wnat you in there at all (want you plugged in to the continuous monitoring) but I just went ahead anyway, it was in my plan, and the midwives on duty said go ahead, even though the consultant in charge was fussing rather.

As you have to be monitored via a handheld sonicaid rather than the bely thing, and I suspect you're limited in the othe rpain relief you can have in the pool, it's all part and parcel of going down one route to birth, a low tech low intervention approach... (worth looking at hypnobirthing too) and trying to avoid induction, etc.

You could contact the supervisor of midwives directly, book your tour and talk it all through.

It's certainly relaxing, good pain relief, gives you distance and privacy... even if you don't actually give birth into the water but get out to push, as I did. With child no 1 I had feared I wouldn't want to do that (though it was all so fast, we never got out pool up!)

With the twins, I said "I need to push" and got out of the pool myself.. not sure just because I knew it was wise for us and I wanted to get settled elsewhere before I couldn't move about any more, or whether I just wanted the extra support I found when I was out of the pool (leant over a bean bag on the bedhead)

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I think you have to call and ask.. they do tours I think.

But it would do no harm to speak to the supervisor of midwives specifically about use of the pool/s, availability and protocols. I think I'm right you can't use the pool with pethidine or an epidural.

But many women will use the pool at some point, even if they give birth on land.

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They def do tours twice a week. Think its Tuesday and Thursday at 6pm but you would need to check. Your midwife should tell you this information. I really liked this as it put my mind at rest to see where I would be. Its good to see around and you can ask all the questions you want to know.

RE: water birth - you can't pre book. Its only available if the pools are available but like mentioned most rooms have an en-suite and blow up pools. I had a blow up pool in the en-suite and it was great. There is as mentioned one room with one built in. I was offered this but I found the room I had to be more private and convenient as the pool was in the bathroom. So you are most likely to be able to have a water birth if its suitable for you. When you first go into Labour and are still at home you can ring forward and specify that you want a water birth. If the rooms with pools are available they will keep it aside for you if its possible.

I found Kings labour ward excellent and the staff and facilities are great. You will be in great and safe hands. Good luck.

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HI there. I WAS a while ago - summer 2005 but I went to Kings for my first birth as they had told us it was highly unlikely' that we wouldn't be able to use a birth pool. How wrong this was. As 2005 was the start of baby boom round this ares there was no chance when I actually got there. I'd be wary of anyone telling you thay you'll almost definately be able to use one unless they've dramatically expanded their facilities since?(Maybe the comments above are more recent).

Had my second at home with a birth pool. Gues if you're set on a hospital birth you could always hire one ane take it with you just in case there isn't a room free with one in?

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I had no.1 in Sept 2007 and was told that the likelihood of getting a pool in hospital was slim to none. The reasoning isn't because they're all being used at the same time but because they haven't had time to clean and re-fill in time for the next mother (understandably as obviously taking care of patients is their priority).

I was very very keen on having a water birth and therefore opted for the home option which luckily all went to plan. I think the thing that reassured it for me was that if at any time i lost my confidence and wanted to be admitted and have drugs or just to be in hospital (you can only have gas & air while in water) i could go to Kings straight away.

I don't have any other experience (no. 2 due in 7 weeks) however I do highly recommend water and if you want to discuss home births please pm me as i'll be happy to talk you through it.

Good luck with decisions

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The portable pools a Kings have sterile liners that can be opened and put in.. my DP did this for me while we settled in to the room.. so I don't think that would necessarily be a problem.. though i agree, homebirth is the bets way to guarantee your pool access!
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Hi Clare - Kings do a waterbirth talk once or twice a month on the 1st and/or 3rd Tuesday of the month. (Wish I could be more helpful but at 36+ weeks my brain isn't retaining any information it doesn't need). You turn up at the reception to the nightingale birth centre and a lovely midwife will talk you through it. If you're lucky (we weren't) the room will be free so you can have a look at it. They have one plumbed in pool in room 12 and two inflatable pools they can put in any room, and you can bring your own in if you want to guarantee it. There's lots of time to ask all your questions and it really helped me feel better about going to hospital if I decide to.

I'm not sure I'll be going in as my plan is to stay at home as long as possible, right to the end if I'm happy, but I wanted to go in to explore the options and I'm glad I did. They also do tours of the labour ward twice a week - 4pm on a Monday and 6pm on a Thursday, which I'm going to go along to - you don't need to book, just turn up. Might be worth calling the nightingale ward just to check my details though, since I do seem to be turning late and early to everything these days...

If you are heading towards the water birth route then I can suggest doing the sitaram yoga classes, which have really helped me learn good calming breathing techniques, and looking into hypnotherapy - I've been using the natal hypnotherapy cd which knocks me for six every time. Between these two things I'm feeling really calm about the prospect of birth, which is astonishing to me, but feels much nicer than apprehension. Even if it all goes to pot and I end up shouting for drugs, at least I haven't spent the last weeks feeling anxious :)

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Also try Ingrid at 'Birthlight'. She does the BEST preparation for birth - home or hospital - breathing techniques, positions, relates it to anatomy etc. (I've been to her classes and the Sitaram birth preparation class as well). She and the Natal Hypnotherapy CD's gave me an actually really enjoyable second birth (first time birth was full on hospital, posterior, epidural forceps etc.) where I could manage the pain and felt totally in control. PM me if you want Ingrid's details! Cannot recommend her highly enough!!!

Good luck!


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I was lucky enough to have one of the rooms with a pool and found it great. Gas and air was good for me but i know some who hated it. I hadn't planned to stay in for the whole time, then when i was in decided that i would because it was such good support. In the event my daughter's heart rate slowed down so i had to get out, but if i were doing it again i'd definitely try for a water birth. Pm if any questions, Becca
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i recently had a water birth - it was great. i wouldn't say it does much for the contractions as such BUT it certainly soothes you afterwards. i don't think there's any magic trick when dealing with contractions but a lot is to be said for "drifting off" immediately after .. in fact twice i fell asleep in the water in between contractions! i also used gas and air and then a tens machine when i wasn't in the pool.

Kings is a "first come first serve basis - as you said, you can't plan when you go into labour. i've got a friend who managed to get the pool and she had a great time at kings.

all the best!

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