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Would you come to see Thea Gilmore in East Dulwich?


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Thanks Sean, it's been bloody hard and often stressful work on top of a day job, and if it wasn't for Nygel I think I'd have given up by now :)

But worth it when people appreciate it!


Edited to say: I mean, the fact that Nygel does at least half of the work involved, the Goose is a joint venture :)

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I think its fantastic that we have live music in ED Sue. I dont know if you are connected to kingy? But have seen a couple of his gigs in ed and saw miller anderson (who i had not previously heard of) on friday night at the Mag. Sorry not to have been to one of yours yet but will do soon. mick.
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Mick Mac Wrote:


> I think its fantastic that we have live music in

> ED Sue. I dont know if you are connected to kingy?

> But have seen a couple of his gigs in ed and saw

> miller anderson (who i had not previously heard

> of) on friday night at the Mag. Sorry not to have

> been to one of yours yet but will do soon. mick.


No we're not connected to Kingy although we go to each other's gigs - yeh, Miller Anderson is great.

We started the Goose in March 2008, when there was very little live music in the area apart from Andy Hankdog's nights in Nunhead.

However we have now given up our gigs at Hooper's Bar, as Kingy is now putting on the same kind of music (and in some cases the same artists!) as we were there, so we are concentrating on our more folk orientated stuff rather than just repeating what someone else is now doing.

Next up is Tim van Eyken at DHFC in January - you can Buy Tickets Here!

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Mick Mac Wrote:


> I think its fantastic that we have live music in

> ED Sue. I dont know if you are connected to kingy?

> But have seen a couple of his gigs in ed and saw

> miller anderson (who i had not previously heard

> of) on friday night at the Mag. Sorry not to have

> been to one of yours yet but will do soon. mick.


Strange - I posted a reply to this but it seems to have disappeared?

No, we're not connected to Kingy, we began putting on music gigs in East Dulwich in March 2008. Obviously we know Kingy though and we go to each others' gigs.

Agree Miller Anderson is great, he has been on in ED several times this year!

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