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David Mc

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Posts posted by David Mc

  1. >Given the chance to jump aboard a gravy train.. you jump aboard.

    Not everyone does. The company I work for will let you claim anything under ?250 with no authorisation - just the vague threat of a random audit. I do not abuse it. I work out the cost my work mobile phone calls down to the hundredths of pennies that they appear on my bill as. It's a privilege and I think most if not all people realise this and don't abuse it. And we are not public servants.

  2. Was really good fun. Lovely to meet you Thunderchild and Deemariekay. TC - Mogs told me afterwards that I smacked you in the face with a shuttlecock. I was mortified! If I'd realised at the time, I'd have apologised - but I didn't, so please accept a belated one? Sorry!

    Edited to say I can make it next Saturday as well.

  3. The Ile de R? is very lovely but it has that bridge, which is fine (if expensive) if you're travelling during quiet times and horrific if you're not!

    And I've heard good things about the place called Arcachon (mentioned above). The sand dunes there inspired the pyramid outside the Louvre.

    Saturday's Independent had a pull-out section on B?ziers and the Cap d'Agde but that's the wrong coast!

  4. "...On that memorable 1978 day, Bon Scott provided the lead vocals. Less than two years later, my school had succeeded in expelling me and Scott was dead. The found the body on a February morning in 1980 outside 67 Overhill Road, a nondescript building just off the South Circular. After a night of presumably catastrophic drinking in the Music Machine nightclub, Scott took the highway to hell (East Dulwich), for the last time, choking on his own vomit in a Renault 5. Is there a less dignified way to go than choking to death in a Renault 5 in East Dulwich?

    Choking to death in a Renault 5 in West Dulwich I suppose.

    East Dulwich resident Robert Boswell feels so strongly about Scott's demise in SE22 that he is campaigning to have a blue plaque erected outside 67 Overhill Road. 'Bon brought so much pleasure to so many people,' he tells me. 'Surely the death site of such a titan of Rock should be recognised? In Australia Bon's gravesite is recognised as a heritage site.'

    No doubt it is, though the country is a little short of cultural highlights. Nonetheless, those of you who agree should email [email protected]..."

  5. Shamelessly stolen from Karl Lutchmayer via Time Out.

    How many bass players does it take to change a lightbulb?

    None - just get the keyboard player to put it in with their left hand.

  6. Jah - I agree with you, even if you don't recognise me from the Forum Meets when you are often smoking 3 ft away from me outside "my building" in Canary Wharf. I've tried to "grab your eye" many a time, but you've looked straight through me like I don't exist. Permission to slap you next time? (I don't always work in the same building so am not there every day)!

    Cassius: go to Google and type in "Just Fucking Google It". Be amazed.

    SophieSofa - who are you?

    What musical qualifications do you have??

    I thought she was fantastic (in spite of what I'm about to paste below).

    Mine? Well I sing in an amateur choir that has won international competitions and recorded CDs and am an enormous fan of musical theatre.


    By Thomas Sutcliffe in The Independent earlier this week:

    Like everyone else in the world, barring a few Somali goat herders who don't have access to YouTube, I enjoyed Susan Boyle's triumph over the dubious on Britain's Got Talent. But my real admiration is reserved for the way in which Simon Cowell crafts his apparently spontaneous dramas of ordinary Joe apotheosis.

    Take this weekend's show for example, during which a little crowd-pleaser called Shaheen, pictured, turned up to prod the crowd into making that mooing noise we reserve for kittens and small children. Shortly after Shaheen had launched into an Amy Winehouse number Cowell stopped him in mid-flow. Shocked gasp from crowd. Cut to Shaheen's mother looking anguished. Was Simon really going to drop-kick a kitten into the wings?

    Simon sternly asks Shaheen whether he sings anything else and Shaheen says yes, he can do a Michael Jackson number too. And, by marvellous serendipity, a recording of it just happens to be in the theatre's sound system, cued up and ready to go. Shaheen licks into the number, crowd erupts, Simon smiles and sinks the programme's hooks a little deeper into the audience.

    Why did Susan Boyle's hair look more dishevelled on her big night than it did when she was doing follow-up interviews in her own home? Because it made for better television that way. Most of the acts (including many of the notional successes) are mediocre, but the pantomimes of astonishment and surprise from the judges are world-class stuff.

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