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Posts posted by m7post

  1. Thank you Mr Barber - Please do keep us updated on future plans that hopefully this 'Assembly Question' will result in. Let's hope we can have a clean centre to out community - if we can't achieve that as a council / community, what can we, it's a basic really isn't it.




    JBARBER Wrote:


    > Hi m7post,

    > Its the chewing gum that really annoys me.

    > Agree we need occassional deep clean of grime that

    > litter picking, manual sweeping and rain just

    > doesn't seem to shift.


    > I'll ask a question at full council assembly to

    > get a definitive answer.

  2. Thank you Mr Barber - Please do keep us updated on future plans that hopefully this 'Assembly Question' will result in. Let's hope we can have a clean centre to out community - if we can't achieve that as a council / community, what can we, it's a basic really isn't it.




    JBARBER Wrote:


    > Hi m7post,

    > Its the chewing gum that really annoys me.

    > Agree we need occassional deep clean of grim that

    > litter picking, manual sweeping and rain just

    > doesn't seem to shift.


    > I'll ask a question at full council assembly to

    > get a definitive answer.

  3. The aspects of pro and con re the speed humps/tables are well covered above.

    I'd just like to add - perhaps we should be looking toward - all roads in the area other than L.L. E.D.G, Grove Vale and E.D. Road having a 20mph limit - perhaps we could be the first London Borough to introduce a safer streets scheme of this nature across the area.

    Would every one / any one support this?


  4. This is an issue originally raised in the 'East Dulwich councillor - can I help?'

    - but i wanted to put it out to a wider comment base - I hoping we can persuade the area office of the need for actually cleaning the increasing filthy pavements of Lordship Lane. It's becoming embarrassing how just dirty it is round here.

    see below last reply to councillor James Barber.

    Hi James, Thanks for your note. ( Re: East Dulwich councillor - can I help?)

    Thanks for the info on funding - unfortunately I'm all to aware of how the system dose and doesn't work.

    Back to the point though - the grubbiness of L.L..

    The out each morning - they are not cleaning though are they - they're just picking up litter and alike.

    The pavements really need cleaning - as mentioned - around all the bins, buss stops, take awakes, late night shops, fish stalls around the station - there is thick blackening grime - that then gets walked out across the pavements - rain will not wash this away - even if it would - surely we can not rely on the vagaries of the weather to determine whether we live in a clean environment - we need to clear and clean up after our selves.

    Please could we have some action in changing the regime - so at least occasionally / fortnightly the pavements are washed/pressure washed in the most needy areas.

    Please could come back to us with what can be done.




    JBARBER Wrote:


    > Hi m7post,


    >- every day including Sundays a dedicated

    > team are out from 6.30am cleaning Lordship Lane.

    > I'm sorry its grimmier. We need more rain to wash

    > away stains and spills.

  5. Hi James, Thanks for your note. ( Re: East Dulwich councillor - can I help?)

    Thanks for the info on funding - unfortunately I'm all to aware of how the system dose and doesn't work.

    Back to the point though - the grubbiness of L.L..

    The out each morning - they are not cleaning though are they - they're just picking up litter and alike.

    The pavements really need cleaning - as mentioned - around all the bins, buss stops, take awakes, late night shops, fish stalls etc - there is thick blackening grime - that then gets walked out across the pavements - rain will not wash this away - even if it would - surely we can not rely on the vagaries of the weather to determine weather we live in a clean environment - we need to clear and clean up after our selves.

    Please could we have some action in changing the regime - so at least occasionally the pavements are washed/pressure washed in the most needy areas.

    Please could come back to us with what can be done.




    JBARBER Wrote:


    > Hi m7post,


    >- every day including Sundays a dedicated

    > team are out from 6.30am cleaning Lordship Lane.

    > I'm sorry its grimmier. We need more rain to wash

    > away stains and spills.

  6. hello - just a quick thought or two on this;

    Absolutely the publican should be formally made aware of the bad behavior of his attendees, it is his responsibility to ensure good behaviour at the pub.

    Someone above mentioned not worth contacting the police - this is not the case - make a formal complaint in writing every and any time this occurs - pub owners have to adhere to set rules and standards to maintain their license - if they do not they can loose it / not have it renewed or have any extensions etc - this is the type of action that will encourage the landlord to get his house in order.

  7. Dear Mr Barber - Thank you for your reply - sorry, I hadn't seen it till this point.

    I'm sure you will agree that employing some consultancy company to provide 3 times a year just some really fairly meaningless data is really of little use to us. It really only takes a council employee half an hour to walk up and down each side of Lordship lane.

    The shop keepers of Lordship Lane as I'm sure you are more than aware pay high business rates - this is the centre of our community - a lot of the shops are food based - the condition of the surroundings needs, and should be for the level of rates and council tax paid, at a minimum hygienic. Out side all the takeaway type places the level of grime as it is at most of the majour bus stops is pretty rank - as well as the beginning of Northcross Road, late night shops / bars and especially round East Dulwich Station. Please could you look into on our behalf - how money could be diverted from paying companies to tell how clean or not the place my be - to actually the council actually doing something about it . We need to take some pride in where we live, other boroughs that have high usage centres wash their streets and pavements as needed - really we should at the minimum be looking to do the same - shouldn't we?

    Thanks again and best wishes,



    JBARBER Wrote:


    > Hi M7Post,

    > Funnilly enough I'd felt the same about the

    > streets in East Dulwich getting grubbier than

    > normal.

    > I've asked council officers about this.

    > Apparently street cleanliness is measured by a

    > company called Encams 3 times a year. The last

    > full years results for Southwark (lower results

    > mean cleaner streets) 08/09 were:

    > Litter 6%, detritus (eg.leaf material) 12%,

    > graffiti 3%, Fly posting 1%


    > A Southwark street cleaning inspector has just

    > found for East Dulwich:

    > Litter 2.4%, dtritus 22%, graffiti 0%, Flt posting

    > 0%


    > As a result more attention will be made to

    > clearing Detritus in East Dulwich.

    > However, we don't have the mechanisms for washing

    > all our streets. In the future if very dry periods

    > without any real rain continue e.g. global warming

    > we'd have to review setting up the infrastructure

    > for street washing.


    > Hope this answers your points.

  8. Re: East Dulwich councillor - can I help?

    Posted by: m7post September 08, 08:23AM

    Dear Mr Barber.

    I hope you can help. I'm sure many residents of ED will recognise this point. Over recent month in particular but also in general - Lordship Lane running also to East Dulwich station and areas like the start of North Cross Road are looking and smell very grubby these days.

    There seems to be no regime in place for the cleaning of pavements , they may get the odd sweep but certainly no proper cleaning/washing. In particular areas out side of takeaways, bus stops and the butcher/fish market stalls on Northcross Road. Walking yesterday afternoon, the place really did smell fairly rank and the general appearance is that of uncared for.

    The area outside ED station is often a very poor advert of the area for those arriving here, the phone boxes filthy, graffiti not addressed etc.

    I hope the council and councilors will be able to rectify this somewhat embarrassing state of affairs in our area.

    With Thanks,


  9. Dear Mr Jones,

    Similar to some other posts - and something that you may need to work with local councilors on - that of the state of the area and pavement immediately outside of the station - the condition of this area is often very poor - lacking in cleaning - the phone boxes often filthy - graffiti all over the bike lockup boxes etc - not a good advert for ED really. Perhaps some encouragement on your part to the local councilors to work with and achieve daily cleaning or alike.

    With thanks.


  10. Dear Mr Barber.

    I hope you can help. I'm sure many residents of ED will recognise this point. Over recent month in particular but also in general - Lordship Lane running also to East Dulwich station and areas like the start of North Cross Road are looking and smell very grubby these days.

    There seems to be no regime in place for the cleaning of pavements , they may get the odd sweep but certainly no proper cleaning/washing. In particular areas out side of takeaways, bus stops and the butcher/fish market stalls on Northcross Road. Walking yesterday afternoon, the place really did smell fairly rank and the general appearance is that of uncared for.

    The area outside ED station is often a very poor advert of the area for those arriving here, the phone boxes filthy, graffiti not addressed etc.

    I hope the council and councilors will be able to rectify this somewhat embarrassing state of affairs in our area.

    With Thanks,


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