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Posts posted by scor46

  1. Now Peckhamgatecrasher that must have been tounge in cheek.. I dont rate Nicholas at all. I am surprised thay have survived for so long. The range is limited and very conformist. (now that just totally contradicts what i said in my last post)
  2. I?m definitely up for the next wine tasting at G&B. I do enjoy a vino. However I will say that G&B has a very diverse, eclectic range of wines and I haven?t decided if this is a good or bad thing. I do enjoy tasting new and unusual wines but I struggle sometimes with the complexity and also the price of each bottle.

    As a general rule of thumb, the more you pay for a bottle of wine the better it generally is. I realise this is a very simplistic comment but the wine makers all round the world are aware that they survive only on repeat business. No point selling wine at an extortionate price if it isn?t any good because the buyer just won?t come back again.

    But then there are the French?.. The French wine makers are a different kettle of fish all together.

  3. It would be interesting to see if the crime rate in the immediate area has increased or decreased since the road has been closed to through traffic. I would suggest that it has gone down, as it?s not as easy for would-be robbers, muggers or burglars to make their escape by car. But it may also have risen due to less traffic or witnesses. Just a thought!!

    For my own selfish reason I would like to see the road reopened, as it?s a long drive around.

  4. *Bob* Wrote:


    > Just out of interest.. How do you rate your own

    > pub, Scor46?

    The George Canning is a good pub, it is not a great pub and it certainly could be better. We are a ?tied pub?, which means we operate on a very low profit margin and have very little money if any to reinvest in the business. We get by with cost effective paint job once a year a general ?fix it when we can afford to? strategy. This is not ideal but ?tied pubs? don?t make the margins that the free of tie pubs do. I can only dream about spending upwards of ?200k to refit my pub like the Plough or the Phoenix can. The Pubcos (landlords) have bled us dry. I have owned and run pubs for over 25 years and this is the worst it has ever been, the pub trade is in turmoil. The knock on effect is that I pay only slightly more than minimum wage so I really struggle to find committed staff.

  5. Interesting thread and its all been said before. But it does not change the fact that the pubs in ED and surrounding areas are really poor. I don?t want to criticize the landlords too much as there is a fundamental reason as to why they are so poor. (Come on to that in a minute) But it just does not change the fact the bars are very average. Over priced, poorly trained staffed, poor customer service, average fit outs, badly maintained, Drug & violence problems (Some of the managers & owners don?t know how to spot the drug issue never mind deal with it) and so on and so on?

    I love living in ED and being a lad from Newcastle that?s a big statement to make. I enjoy the diversity of the area and I can even tolerate the ?mission mummies? but the pubs are really sad. When my pals come and visit I probably say something like ? we can stay on Lordship Lane, it?s not that good but it will do?.

    So why are the pubs so poor? It?s quite simple really; they don?t have any money to reinvest. They make little or no profit at all. Most if not all of the Pubs in ED are ?tied pubs? (owned by Pubcos). The pub owners are ?tied? to buy beer from the pubco at an extortionate price. Most of the pubs are selling beer as a ?loss leader?, with Gross profit margins of circa 50% (In some cases they are way less than 50%) Gross profit is calculated by net takings minus cost of purchases. So this figure (GP) is what is left of your turnover before you factor in every other cost, i.e. wages, rent, rates, services, repairs and maintenance etc. I would even suggest that some of the pubs are trading illegally because there is no way that they can afford to pay VAT, PAYE etc (robbing Peter to pay Paul syndrome). I think a GP of 44% automatically triggers an investigation by the Inland Revenue.

    For Pubs to make any sort of profit on beer so that they can reinvest in the premises, one of two things needs to happen: sell a pint for about ?4.50 a pint (now be sensible this will close every pub on the high street) or the law changes and allows the pubs to buy competitively direct from the brewers, out of tie. (JD Wetherspoon & the Plough are free of tie). The pubcos have artificially kept the price of a pint at roughly ?3 and they make all the profit. In general pubs could sell their beer at 50p or in some cases 60p less if it wasn?t for the pubcos tie.

    The pubcos are a legalised cartel! They way they do business affects every person who likes a pint in this Country. There is no such thing as the traditional English pub anymore the industry is a joke! Out of the 65,000 pubs in this Country, approx 40,000 are owned by pubcos. How many people have left good jobs with a little bit of money or used their 25K redundancy to buy a pub and in a very short space of time have not only lost the lot but have lost their family house as well. Thousands of people have gone bankrupt because of the pubcos. And they don?t care because this has always been their ?fuel?. There will always be someone who thinks they can buy a pub and make a fortune. These people know nothing or very little about running a pub and they are just cannon fodder for the pubcos. The law needs to change because this affects us all.

    So to keep on topic, it?s an unfair marketplace where only the pubcos will survive. Go to the Fox on the hill and see the sign on the wall that shows the drinks prices for a few of the pubs in the area. Obviously the Fox is by far the cheapest yet I can almost guarantee that the Fox is only one that is making any money. (The Fox is free of tie)

    The pubs are crap in ED though mainly through no fault of the landlords..

    Geezzz?. I do go on don?t I???

  6. Ladygooner Wrote:


    > Scor46 will you be at the Emirates on Tuesday

    > night? If so you can buy me a beer!

    Yes im going to the game on tuesday.... should be easy pickings for you. I would love to buy you a beer. tell me where and when??

  7. Being a newcastle fan and season ticket holder Im encouraged by how well owen and viduka have started the season. Its been over 50 years since we won a domestic trophy and this season... this season.. willbe no different from the last 50. We are crap!! strikers apart, we are just at best 'average'. So another season of mediocrity beckons. Im looking forward to finishing about mid table again.
  8. Yep lordship_bod i no exactly how you feel. It took 5 weeks and 4 visits before VM finally got their act together. The problem is Virgins left arm doesnt no what its right arm is doing!! To cap it all VM only refunded 2-weeks installments even though we did not have any service for 5...
  9. I used to go to the mag to watch sport but I do agree that its to busy and a little hostile at times. So now I just go to the Canning instead. Great atmosphere, New LCD TV OK! top service and a great manager........ Did I mention I work there?

    However, on certain occasions I do go to the EDT. Can I just say that I admire the Bishops stance on live sport. It doesn?t appeal to me but I can see that some would be thankful for it. Well-done Scot.

  10. pub

    ? noun 1 an establishment for the sale and consumption of beer and other drinks.

    ? ORIGIN abbreviation of PUBLIC HOUSE.


    ? noun 2 a counter, room, or place where alcoholic drinks or refreshments are served

    So what really is the difference???

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