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Posts posted by goldilocks

  1. Just a reminder of the sections of EDG that have been posted about and tie into the council's data. Its important because things are being stated as fact here that aren't facts at all.

    East Dulwich Grove East - section between Lordship Lane and Melbourne Grove. This is the section where traffic has increased as those turning towards DKH can no longer cut down Melbourne, Derwent or Elsie and instead have to stay on EDG.

    EDG Central - the section between Townley Road and Melbourne Grove (so this includes the Dutch Estate, the Charter School and the Health Centre). This is the section where traffic has FALLEN. Based on actual counts from September 2019 111,505 vehicles a week, January 2022 (after lifting of wfh direction and with schools in) 89,815.

    EDG South - This is the section from Townley Road across to RedPost Hill - latest data shows a 4.8% increase here.

  2. I always get a postal vote. I have on occasions returned it to a polling station.

    trinidad Wrote:


    > goldilocks Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > If you haven't posted back in time you can also

    > > hand in your postal vote at a polling station


    > Hello goldilocks, are you voting by post?

  3. Traffic outside your flat has fallen by 19% as per the data sheet that you quoted.

    heartblock Wrote:


    > I?m not opposed to LTNs ?on principle? but I have

    > not seen any published evidence that they reduce

    > car use or pollution in this area and the fuzzy

    > data, although flawed and with dubious use of

    > statistical methodology- shows that traffic on my

    > road, outside my flat has risen by over 20% ... as

    > observed. The only fundamentalists here are the

    > individuals that cling onto the failed LTNs in

    > this area, in the hope those impacted by more

    > pollution just go away and shut-up, so people on

    > quiet closed roads, can enjoy the rise in house

    > prices and freedom from the rif-raf.

    > Next move will be gated communities USA style.

  4. I think its just 'lazy' wording from the council though - like I say, there is data on the interactive map for September 2019 - which is the data that was referenced in the previous update too.

    I think what it means is that there wasn't monitoring on that particular strip prior to September 2021, but the September 2019 data is very close by so its similar for comparison.

    @Mrs D- the date of the January 2019 count included some days when the indi schools were still on Xmas holiday so the number would have been artificially deflated compared to average. The September 2019 number is the end of September so its normal term time traffic.

    The fact that the comparison is September 2021 isn't fully helpful as the fuel crisis was starting to be felt at that point, and the January is after work from home but still quite close, so would still love to see the October / Nov / Dec data but if its in line with the other points then its interesting that traffic has decreased so substantially on that central section of East Dulwich Grove.

  5. Dougie - try not to come on and mansplain.

    I've even given sources - because unlike Heartblock I'm a fan of that

    The data shared showed a fall on EDG Central - this is based on actual data, not made up.

  6. Whilst this is very tiresome to have to keep doing, no, Heartblock, you are not correct. There is a drop in traffic on the central section of EDG. Let me spell that out slightly more clearly.

    Because of the traffic interventions that have been put in place, there is now less traffic on East Dulwich Grove than there was before. So everyone with the little green sign in their front garden is essentially asking for more traffic on their section of road.

    Secondly - the 19% reduction is compared to something - the September 2019 count. When I last checked the interactive website then it was on there - so again, despite this being tiresome, yes it does exist and no you aren't right!

    I'm now past the point where I think that any actual data would change your mind - however, the bit where you present things as fact is difficult to let slide, as people may not realise that your "facts" are not facts at all.

  7. The timing of these meetings is very difficult for anyone with primary aged kids to attend though - 6:30 on a school night is tea time / bath / bedtime. I'm not saying a different time would definitely get more input, but maybe asking in a survey if people would attend if at a different time could be indicative? One of the good things for families and something that allowed greater engagement was actually more things being on zoom. Perhaps the future is a hybrid approach?
  8. You have cited CPZ and LTNs in your comments previously.

    Anyway, sure you can ask those canvassing what their position is. Personally I haven't been canvassed by anyone other than Labour - which makes you wonder whether any of the other candidates are actually wanting to stand and what they'd do if they got elected.

  9. The DYL have been extended in the last week - since the 1Dulwich concerns about the fire engine not being able to easily return to its depot. The engine drivers specifically said they couldn't get through because of the parked cars. The gap in the planters is the equivalent of what was a whole lane, its not an access problem through the gap.
  10. They do look ugly, but unfortunately needed if going to be successful at stopping drop offs.

    Interesting point on the signage though - One Dulwich appear to be calling for more signs rather than fewer - and yet even with the many many signs, drivers are still missing or willfully ignoring the signage.

    I'd understood that there was a codesign process scheduled in terms of the final version of the square and that the current landscaping is not what's intended.

  11. Electric and induction are worlds apart in terms of functionality.

    Induction is instant like gas - so you turn the ring down and it instantly lowers the temp - whereas on electric it takes a while. The controls on induction are generally LED type ones but we recently went on holiday and they had a range cooker with an induction hob and that had traditional turn dials. Pretty sure that whatever your preference for controls, you'd be able to find something if looking for induction.

  12. Still trying to distance Tristan and Clive from the Tories I see...

    Tristan's bio shows that he's been an active Conservative party member for years and Clive could have chosen to stand as an independent on an anti LTN ticket given its the central part of their positioning, but instead he decided to stand as a Conservative candidate, I'm not really sure how you're drawing the distinction.

    Not sure what happened to the Lib Dems in DV to make you think they've disappeared. I believe they're still campaigning, and apparently on a 'take out the LTNs' platform too.

    Metallic Wrote:


    > I think for Dulwich Village Ward, the Lib Dems

    > seem to have virtually disappeared, and I cannot

    > bear what Councillors Newens and Leeming have done

    > with our lovely district. So I'll be taking a

    > very deep breath and voting for the Tories. They

    > are not anything to do with the national Tory

    > cause anyway, and I would like to see some

    > different people holding those Labour councillors

    > to account. It is a one party borough, the Lib

    > Dems don't have any feelings for anyone south of

    > Walworth.

  13. There are also loads of staff from Charter and Goose Green schools who buy lunch in M&S so will give them another option of somewhere to grab a sandwich to go - it definitely aligns with Pret's new business model of moving out to areas where people will be working from home in the hope that they'll still pop out for a sandwich at lunch. For me one of the main things about working from home is that I don't have to buy lunch at Pret or similar, but sure it will get enough footfall.
  14. Its a huge unit and the advertised rent meant that it was hard to see what would go in there. I'm a bit disappointed its a pret, just because its not very interesting. I do have some concerns about the impact on places like poached / blackbird etc especially if people subscribe to the coffee monthly fee option but on the other hand, its not really a sit in brunch option so hopefully sufficiently different. That said, its a huge improvement on a) an empty unit and b) a betting shop.
  15. Hilarious take there - moments away from suggesting its pretty much all pro bono

    To be clear, the type of work Tristan (Tory candidate) does is very very far away from what you've suggested.

    ed26 Wrote:


    > Can't see what's wrong with this really. Every

    > time there's a General Election, there's plenty of

    > websites that guide people in voting tactically to

    > try to oust a monopoly party, where the opposition

    > is fractured. That's exactly what's happening

    > here.


    > (And re the comment about cross-border planning,

    > it probably just means cases like if a UK Citizen

    > marries an EU Citizen and they have assets, family

    > or beneficiaries in both jurisdictions. Not

    > necessarily sinister).

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