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Everything posted by Azul

  1. took me years of nasty hangovers, watch my growing belly, and gain my status. I'm one, and proud of it. and I hope this year, I can became a smoker again. never been a child, though. I've always been this size and been this old. I think I'm now declaring the CPT as my local, but someone mentioned clockhouse. what and where is that ?
  2. where are they ? I had a couple of those annoying things crawling under my table in the plough, it's the second time it happened in just a few days. enough! they just stare and wait for me to smile at them. I don't, I'm not one of them, I've never been. I don't smile at children. There is no logical reason to do so. why can't I find a pub without children ? if dogs have to stay out, why won't children too?
  3. I would like to start smoking again.
  4. and girlfriend is full of will and wants to go and do stuff. why can't I stay in bed all day? maybe a cold magners and a greasy bkfast at the plough will sort me out.
  5. I went to that place in lordship lane, the one with a really hot girl behind the counter. she only picks up the phone and shows herself around. it was empty, I was there and I could not resist the hottie.
  6. ignore all those polite and civilized comments posted before. go there and punch her nose, or tell us where she lives and we'll do it for you.
  7. I did it, it's all gone. what now ? should I stay home until it grows again?
  8. Time to go for a haircut and spend the next 6 months wondering why I did it in the first place. Need about 5cm off Where should I go ?
  9. I saw them fixing a pipe last night after I came from the pub.
  10. and tell you all about my job, I work in IT, I sort porn. yeap, all those different small pictures you see, I tagged them, sort them and then put them online. Some are good, some are bad. That's what I do. Now don't come around and ask me what I do, and don't look me weirdly after I told you. I'm a 'Junior Porn Sorter', that's my job title.
  11. Aircon is the best thing ever. Usually it started late in May and went through all month of August. first 32 degrees you manage it well, feels good and goes well with a cold beer. then it keeps on rising and reaches 35, 36 you start feeling a bit woobly, heavier, with more lazy thoughts. When it gets to 37 you don't want to go to work, the fan is on all night but it doesn't really cool you down. Past 3 in the morning and you're still well awake. You take 3 cold showers a day just to keep you cool. Next morning by 8.30 it's well over 32 again, luckly the car has aircon so you turn it on and wait 10min before you jump in. , by two in the afternoon you can expect the 39. Around 11am, your brain just doesn't function anymore, you just stare, someone asks you something but they don't even look like they really want an answer. you're just too confused, you feel that most of your blood left you through the pores. Why don't they all go away ? Why can't we turn off the sun ? At lunchtime you hear it on the radio, they're saying that it's 41 already and that they expect it to rise a bit more during the day and that the heat is here to stay. More than 30% of the forest has gone already in flames and it's only early July. The worse it that you have to walk two minutes to the cafe to get some lunch, but you can't stand the heat, someone is getting their act together and switches on the engine, 10 minutes with aircon on so that the car cools down before we go in. You rush, rush, rush to the car, drive 30 seconds and rush rush rush to the cafe where they have the aircon running and feels like -5 inside. 2.30pm your digestion gathers all the blood you have for some kind of meeting in your stomach, not the best timing. You had to leave the office to go to a customer, and after parking (you managed to find a spot over a crossing) you only have to walk 100 metres to their office, along the way there is one of those electronic panels of information from the city council where they measure the temperature, it is directly exposed to sunlight, it marks 55. you're not felling so well now. In a few weeks time, the average will be 44 every day.
  12. what about that viet cafe ? is it open yet ? I could use a weasel coffee today.
  13. I have a few gremlins at home but they're all called Tina, it is amazing the amount of effort they go through just to make your life miserable the next morning. sometimes I think they're watching me all the time and recording every time I leave something in a memorable location so that I can pick it up next day, and then they all come and move it away.
  14. Azul

    Great Gigs

    hey, I saw Buena Vista more or less about that time, felt exactly the same. They made me want to start learn the piano now, so that I can be playing it well by the age of 70. Ultraconsultancy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I accidentally went through a phase of seeing very > old men play, and most of them could pee from a > height on the musicians of today. > > Best of all was Buena Vista Social Club shortly > after the first album. Seventy year old men > grooving like cats, and singing about "priapic > animism" for two hours. I couldn't stop smiling > for a week. > > Went to see Motorhead at a festival a few years > back. Rolf Harris was playing to their crowd, who > are actually well behaved but very drunk. someone > in the crowd kept heckling, so RH asked what he > wanted. He handed over a Stylophone, and asked > Rolf to play it. He had a bit of a fiddle with it, > said something to the band, and they started to > play Moon River. The crowd joined in, and at that > precise moent the sun went down behind the stage. > Now that's talent... > > Ultraconsultancy
  15. Azul

    Great Gigs

    wicked, I found it online, http://www.legalsounds.com/download-mp3/portishead/live-at-sudoeste-festival-%28portugal-08-09-1998%29/album_56382
  16. Azul

    Great Gigs

    I'm going to see Portishead tomorrow night at ATP, almost ten years since last time, 09.08.98, Zambujeira Do Mar, Portugal 1998 was a great year!
  17. Horsebox Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > That's a useful nugget of information. Thanks, > Nero. It is slightly strange how it seems to be > the bulkier items that get waylaid, where the flat > envelopes make it through. Different sorting > process, perhaps? > > Anyway, it's Friday, I shouldn't be fretting about > the post. I'm off for a drink or 2 on LL. I'm glad that I'm not the only one, I have also noticed that letters tend to arrive the following day or so, but any package has been taking 3/4 weeks to arrive. I am still waiting for a few of them. Plus those parcel guys say that they show up but they never do, don't leave a card and I have had to contact sellers several times just for them to come back with a reference number and a message from the parcel guy saying "no one home, left card on day...". Bullshit! I'm now well pissed off with all those postie guys and I'm getting a big dog with sharp teeth!
  18. Keef Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > My God, a guy just wants a bit of a change... Okay > okay okay, bear with me... I have a friend that spent half his life on second life, one day he decided that he wanted to be a woman. He turned himself into the hottest girl I could imagine. I still catch him looking with a funny face at those dresses my gf wears. Pretty sure that I'm gonna catch him one day running drunk down the street wearing some high heels and a pinky dress.
  19. Ant Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > My head hurts. It's too early. I don't understand. > What's going on? Keef's done a runner and someone left sloshy on its chair. Sloshy then kept on typing. doesn't look good, don't think we'll ever see an unsloshed Keef again.
  20. Jah Lush Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Errr...a line of what exactly? Something in the > upwardly direction perhaps? > And....Keef! KEEF! What's with the Slosh nonsense? > Go back to being Keef, Slosh doesn't suit you. > Sloshed maybe but Keef deffo. who's Slosh? what happened to Keef? Have the sloshi men sloshed Keef?
  21. This one is pretty cool too: "Children are like small brain-damaged adults with no capacity for conversation. Children should be sent away to school until they turn twenty-one or they can speak normally."
  22. "How about Chris using an oversize oak peppermill to grind crack cocaine onto Shawn's rectum because Shawn's nose is so coked out that she's had to find a new absorvent membrane." brilliant!
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