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Everything posted by tomo

  1. I also highly recommend using a birth pool. I recently had my first baby at home and used a birth pool from when I was 1cm dilated. I had also heard that you shouldn't use a birth pool before 5cm due to it slowing things down, but I got in earlier on advice of my midwife. I found that it spaced out my contractions but then they got more intense. I bought the birth pool in a box, very sturdy and easy to assemble, fill etc. Although to be honest that was my husband's responsibility. It gave him something to do in the early stages! Hopefully I'll get to use it for any subsequent babies too, so worth the money in my opinion. They resell well so you could sell it on the forum afterwards. Definitely get one with a pump though, makes emptying it dead easy. Hose through the cat flap to the garden did the job nicely. My labour was 11 hours long and I spent the majority of it in the pool. It became my own little space where I could just focus on my breathing. I also went starkers, dim lights all the way though. But to be honest you really don't care and it was only me, my husband and my midwife (who had just examined me- so not much to hide there!) Best of luck with your birth!
  2. Yes me too, I can't see it either, I'm on a mac? I'd be interested to see it too with my giant baby currently outgrowing his 0-3 babygrows at 9 weeks. Eek! I'm pretty sure he's going to have outgrown this pram bassinet before long too. Double Eek! espelli Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Is anyone else having trouble opening the > attachment on the original thread? I seem to get > stuck in a loop when clicking on the link to the > pdf. Any ideas?! I'd love to see where to buy > clothes for my little longshanks - also with big > feet!
  3. Is anyone up for the Gardens cafe meet up tomorrow? It's been ages since I've been able to make any of the meet ups, so would be good to see some other mums. Caroline x
  4. Morning all, seems like ages since I've made it along to any winter baby club meets. Tuesday is a much better day for me too. Will try and come tomorrow, but all dependant on whether various useless delivery people turn up on time. Would definitely be up meeting up after Easter on a Tuesday though. Caroline x
  5. Yes, I did a hypnobirthing course with Sophie at http://www.calmbirthcalmbaby.com/ she's a fantastic teacher and incredibly passionate about enabling women to have faith in their ability to birth their babies. I found it incredibly useful. I had a home birth and found the relaxation and breathing techniques i had learnt really helpful. When i did the balloon breathing correctly, it did make each contraction (or surge as it's known in hypbobirthing speak) a lot more copeable. I had a big baby 9lbs 13, but managed using hypnobirthing, a birth pool and a bit of gas and air towards the end. I know people used the book and CDs and had great success too, so it's not always essential to do a class. I did find you do have to put the practice in, especially the breathing techniques. Most of all it gave me a belief that I could do it! Good luck!
  6. I also had a positive ECV at 37 weeks. Had tried acupuncture with moxibustion, inversions from the spinning babies website, handstands in a swimming pool and baby turning mp3, which I listened to before going in for the ECV. It all went very smoothly and baby turned in record time 30 seconds! Even the surgeon performing the maneuver was shocked that he turned so easily. Baby stayed head down and achieved my hoped for home birth. I'm so glad that I went for it, as I was looking at a certain c-section due to size of baby. I didn't find it painful at all, but used deep breathing techniques to help me stay relaxed. They monitor baby's heart rate before, during and afterwards for about half an hour. If baby shows any sign of distress then they obviously stop. Good luck with whatever you choose.
  7. I used birth pool in a box and can highly recommend it. I had the slightly larger one with the seat and was plenty big enough for me I'm 5ft 10. It is very sturdy when inflated, so great for leaning against mid contraction. I was also with Brierley midwives, they were amazing! My top tip- get some of those dry nights bed sheets- I put them over the bathroom floor when my waters went- or rather continued to trickle for several hours! Agree with the bendy straw suggestion and lucozade to keep your energy levels up. You may not feel like eating anything. Also we had to buy a hoselock tap adaptor to fit our kitchen tap as the ones supplied with pool didn't fit. Good luck!
  8. I had my son's anterior tongue tie sniped last week. We saw Katie Fisher at her home on the Tuesday, where she confirmed the tongue tie and also the thrush that we also currently have. Oh the joys! We then booked to have the snip at the private clinic she runs with Mr Patel (based in Thornton heath) on the Friday. It's a fairly new venture for them I believe. The Op was done by Mr Patel, and was very quick. It cost ?120 for the procedure and ?30 for the follow up session a week later. We have to do the 3 hourly feeds, although it's still a miracle if he goes that long (he's a big baby and very hungry)He does seem to be feeding more efficiently though. We also were advised to massage the wound 2-3 times a day. Which is easier said than done on a 5 week old. The Kings referal system does seem crazy. Also not sure why it's not routinely checked for at birth? It seems to be such a common problem, and can make those first weeks of trying to work out what the problem is very frustrating for mother and baby. Hope you get it resolved asap. Hope you get it resolved asap.
  9. Hi Louise and Lindsay- Sorry to hear that you're also battling with tongue tie. It does seem crazy that it's so difficult to get diagnosed and refered to the clinic. Especially when you have to be seen twice, sometimes by the same person before they'll refer you? We went private in the end. I saw Katie Fisher last Tuesday and was booked in to see Mr Patel at their private tongue tie clinic on yesterday. For me it was worth paying, just to speed up the whole process. Jacob does seem to be feeding a lot more efficiently already. We still need to work on the latch, but it's made a significant difference already. I'm seeing my NCT mums on Monday lunchtime. We're trying out the New parent classes at Townley Rd clinic, so I can't make the Gardens I'm afraid. I'm free on Tuesday and Wednesday if anyone fancies meeting up for tea and cake somewhere? Caroline x
  10. Hi all, Congratulations to all the new arrivals! Have all the winter mums had their babies now? I've not posted since the birth of my son a month ago. It's been a bit of a whirlwind! We've had our share of breast feeding issues, tongue tie (which has been sniped this morning by Mr Patel) and also a nice bought of Thrush which we're tackling at the moment. I was wondering if the Monday morning meet ups are still happening? Would be nice to compare notes on how everyone is doing. Or if not is anyone up for meeting next week? I'm a new mum so no toddler in tow, so can be flexible on when/where to meet. Caroline x
  11. Congratulations Julia and welcome to the world baby Owen! Make sure and rest as much as he'll allow. Husband's got another weeks paternity leave next week, so won't make Monday. Would be up for meeting the following week for a piece of cake. Not sure I'm quite ready for all this exercise you speak of! Hope you're all well! Cxx
  12. Best gift I've had so far (baby arrived on Monday) is an Aden & Anais swaddle - basically an organic muslin swaddle. Have used it lots so far. It's lovely and soft and could be used as breast feeding drape, impromptu blanket etc if she didn't want to use it as a swaddle. It's not necessarily something you'd buy yourself, so makes a good gift. Homemade cake or biscuits is a good idea for visitors. Don't forget something lovely for mummy- neals yard mother's stuff is v nice and makes you feel a bit more human.
  13. Morning all, just let you know that our little man, Jacob, arrived on Monday morning, 5.50am, at home weighing a mighty 9lbs 13! Not sure that was part of the plan! So pleased we got to have our Homebirth. 11 hour labour, spent most of it in the pool, which was invaluable, as was the hypnobirthing techniques and the little bit of gas and air I had right at the end. Brierley midwife's have been amazing! Feeling a bit shell shocked, but all doing well. Utterly in love with our little man. Would love to catch up when I'm feeling a bit more human. Hope you're all well. Caroline xxx
  14. Congratulations Laura and Katie! Lovely names. I'm still hanging out doing my best John Wayne impression, but hoping that our little man will make an appearance before too long. Have taken to doing lots of baking with the intention of having homemade snacks in the house for the home birth. Although me and my husband keep eating them all... I'm going to end up with a flapjack baby! My due date's not till Thursday and intend on spending the day making some marmalade to lure him out. I'm be up for a meet next week unless I'm otherwise occupied... Congrats to Sal on a successful ECV! So pleased it worked for you. Cxx
  15. Congratulations Nicky! Wonderful News! Another girl- my little boy is going to be outnumbered when he arrives! Hope it wasn't too much of an ordeal and that you're enjoying getting to know your little girl. Cxx
  16. Was lovely to see all the new mums and babies yesterday- you made it all look so easy! Made me realise how soon it was all going to happen for me and that I'm not actually going to be pregnant forever. Eep! Hopefully catch up again soon. Cxx
  17. Congratulations Ruth! Hope you're recovering nicely. Thea's a beautiful name. Good choice! I'd be up for meeting up with fellow WB club members so I can coo over their new little ones. Is there a plan? Cxx
  18. Thanks Ladies, was so scared he'd flip back in the middle of the night. Midwife appointment later- so hopefully she'll confirm he's still head down. Hope things get moving for you very soon Nicky! Good luck with the section Ruth and everyone else due imminently! Sal - hope you're little one turns of her own accord. Have you tried the moxibustion sticks? They're dead easy to use. You can pick some up from Traditional Chinese medicine places. It can help even if you have to have the ECV too.
  19. Just to update you- I had a successful ECV today! Whoop! Baby is now head down, so we're now back on track. The procedure itself was very straight forward and not in the slightest bit painful, not even that uncomfortable. Baby was turned in record time- 30 seconds- much to everyones surprise! Even the Consultant Obstetrician looked shocked it had been so easy. So I think he had wanted to turn, but just needed a helping hand. Sal- if you do decide to try it I would recommend trying to get yourself as relaxed as possible before the procedure. This morning I had a long relaxing bath - submerging my bump as much as I can! I also listened to my Hypnotherapy breech turning mp3 in the waiting room beforehand and then did deep belly breathing when he was actually performing the version. They monitor baby before and afterwards- for about 40 mins and he was absolutely fine. Hopefully he'll stay put now. Good luck Sal- hopefully you won't need it and your little one will have turned on her own. Cxx
  20. Thanks for the tips ladies. I have been trying everything going! Have had several sessions of acupuncture with moxibustion and have been doing the sticks daily at home- which definitely do get him wriggling about. Have tried the peas on the baby's head, lots of inversions and had an additional session with my hypnobirthing practitioner yesterday to try and turn him. He's certainly been very active since then and I thought he might of turned in the night, but I think I still feel his head at the top of my belly. ECV is definitely a last resort! But worth a try, the consultant we're seeing has quite a good success rate apparently. But hopefully we won't need it. Cxx
  21. Wow, so many new babies! Huge congratulations to Pippa and Steph and all the others with new arrivals. Well done you all!! I'm on my first week of maternity leave, but have spent most of it trying to turn my baby! We had a scan last week at 36 weeks and he was still breech, so plans of having a natural homebirth are a bit up in the air at the moment. Have been trying every trick in the book to get him to flip round including handstands in a swimming pool! I'm booked for an ECV on Thursday, but I'm hoping that he'll have gone head down by then. But what will be will be! Good luck to everyone else and for your induction Nicky! Hopefully you'll get some movement before then. Caroline xx
  22. We went on holiday to Sicily last May - pre pregnancy, so can't comment on the baby friendliness of specific accommodation. But it's a fantastic place to visit and would definitely go back. We found this small company, who specialise in Southern Italy/Sicily wonderful to deal with. http://www.long-travel.co.uk/destinations.aspx We stayed in Casa Etna- which was up in the hills above Taormina with amazing views of Mount Etna. Taormina is very pretty but quite glitzy. Have heard good things about Cefalu too.
  23. Was wondering if anyone happens to have a copy of Breech Birth by Benna Waites that they would either wouldn't mind lending to me or selling? Have heard good reviews that it is a particularly balanced view of the subject. 37 weeks and mini tomo is still firmly in the head up position.
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