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Everything posted by QueenMab

  1. Sorry I missed you today. Had to take mother-(not)-in-law to the airport. Hopefully next time. NOt sure about the Twilight Saga, mind. Or am I missing out?!
  2. Oh, I'm just back from my hols. I'll try and catch you all tomorrow too. Looking forward to seeing your baby kapapxiana! And to meeting you finally, Ruth.
  3. Is there a full schedule of childrens' activities at the Bessemer Grange centre? I sent an email to them requesting more info but never got any reply...
  4. We use them for standard laundry washes and they are excellent. Definitely not a con, as I find they get things cleaner than that 'non bio' powder, so it is not just the action of the water/residual soap. However as others say, you should apply a spot stain treatment before washing for dirty marks, spilled food stains etc.
  5. Sounds good to me. I'm getting to the cabin fever stage here! God help me, have only had baby 3 weeks, already getting a bit claustrophobic being stuck at home all day with a baby plus my partner who is off work for the summer (he's a teacher). Now, where is the Dog Free area? I had enough trouble finding the Japanese garden last time... Nx
  6. Congratulations on your new arrival Sarah. I also meant to say it was great to meet you the other week in the French Caf?. I was having a stressful time with the hospital pressing me for an induction and talking to you helped restore my sanity somewhat. Anyway, yes I suppose I should have mentioned that I have HAD A BABY! Sidney was born by c-section on 16 July. I can recommend a c-section, no pushing, no waiting hours to deliver the baby: 15 minutes on the slab and they hand your baby to you. Easy!
  7. If my baby has not been born by then (looking increasingly unlikely this will ever happen), I shall join you!
  8. I've heard great reports about Bio Oil... can't confirm via personal experience yet though :)
  9. Sorry I missed you all last week: I had to go to the tongue tie clinic with my friend and her new baby. I'm free this week though. Shall we try for Thursday? 2pm French caf??
  10. I don't think you need do anything really. I've seen the odd rat in or near my garden in my time, in various locations of London. London, nay the world, is full of rats, so you're likely to see them now and again. If you start seeing them regularly in your garden you might think about calling the council or put down some poison, but otherwise I wouldn't worry
  11. I allowed far too many bits of conflicting advice to put me off exercise during pregnancy. I think exercise is a good thing, and much better for you than not exercising, assuming there's no medical reason you can't. If you find yourself getting drastically overheated during the class you can always sit down for 5 minutes and regain your composure. A good instructor will ensure no-one gets dangerously overheated anyway. Now get your gym knickers on and get down there!
  12. Sounds great to me, I shall be there, assuming I've not actually gone into labour by then.
  13. So glad you're OK now Clarissa. Come and join us at 12 today at the Chandelier if you can.
  14. "As someone who has suffered at the hands of a Southwark Council worker (or hired contractor) butchering our hedge to a complete eyesore... the entire process is completely flawed..." Well if you want perfectly manicured topiary, you could always, you know, do it yourself, or pay someone to do the job for you to your satisfaction. It shouldn't come as any surprise that Southwark doesn't provide Capability Brown-style gardening services for those who don't manage their own gardens and hedges etc.
  15. Do join the fray Elizabeth! I found it really nice talking to everyone on Wednesday, you learn so many things from talking to other pregnant ladies. Especially Sarah who has already had a baby, so has lots of experience to share (whilst kindly refraining from sharing the horrors with us for now :) I will be racing back to The Gowlett for their pizza, it was lovely. Only, you need to order the second you arrive, as there's quite a wait for them... I thought eating a whole pizza that late would result in a sleepless night of heartburn, so I was dead pleased to awaken at 8am after sleeping like a log all night. That hasn't happened in ages. Hurray!
  16. I must agree that the junctions (Upland Rd, Underhill Rd) going east across Barry Road are a liability, both as a cyclist and a car driver. Possibly it's worse for car drivers as you don't have the height advantage. I avoid taking these routes if possible. However, for goodness' sake more speed bumps cannot be the answer, they seem to encourage bad driving as you have people swerving all over the place trying to avoid them.
  17. Weds 25th sounds good to me. It's in the diary! The second baby sounds like much harder work to me, mums4u. I think your first is great as everyone makes a fuss and you can allow yourself you relax and enjoy it a bit. With your second I imagine you have all the stress and hassle and hormonal upheaval to deal with, as well as a small child to accomodate. (THere was a good chapter about second children in Sheila Kitzinger's book which I flicked through this week). TO be honest my entire pregnancy has just been one mad upheaval after another and day to day living is just that: taking each day as it comes, good and bad. I keep looking at all the happy loved up couples at my NCT classes and so on and thinking how nice that must be, but I expect below the surface there are all kinds of upheavals going on there too. Well, that thought keeps me sane anyway. I hope you get some time to enjoy yourself during this time, mums4u. Why don't you come and join us on the 25th?
  18. Lovely to see everyone at the weekend... Ruth you should have come, we were only in the pub garden, which had lots of room for rampaging monster children. Those of you that couldn't make it were missed: hope you can make the next one. LadyR, I have the opposite situation: I don't think I've had a night out with my other half in months! (He can't wait for the baby to come so he will have a legitimate excuse to stay in and avoid parties, having fun, etc). Anyway, I love a nice dinner out, so that sounds like a great plan to me. I am free that week on Monday 23rd & Weds 25th, if those dates are any good?
  19. Good thinking Face. An afternoon of soggy sandwiches is not a great prospect. (I've just examined the Metcheck and BBC weather sites, mind, and both seem to think tomorrow's weather should be clear in the afternoon, although I guess if it rains early the ground might be a bit too damp to make a picnic an enjoyable option, unless we're going to be GI Janes and bring tarpaulins, groundsheets and the like. (Ahem, I do actually have a tarpaulin). So, 1.30 tomorrow at the Japanese Gardens, Peckham Rye Park. In event of rain/dampness underfoot the Rye pub?
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