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Everything posted by fmay

  1. Thanks Molly, that sounds like what I need!
  2. ...By way, have mentioned on another post about DVDs I've found usefull. 10 minute solution- Workout DVDs on Amazon, all different types of exercise/dance/boxing etc (something for everyone) that you can do in 10minute bursts. It's more realistic finding the odd 10mins in your day when busy with babies than having enough time to go to a full class or a gym. Post baby I can recommed the 'Blast off Belly Fat' dvd...ha ha!
  3. ...Can anyone recommend a good buggy for running? Are there any on the market especially for that? I have the M&P Skate which is just too heavy, after 20mins running my back is killing. Re powerpramming you don't actually run consistently for any length of time, more stop and start, doing exercises in between, so must buggies will be ok. By way, for mums who have very little time (and maybe don't want to powerpram in the rain and cold through winter) there are some great DVDs on Amazon called '10minute solution'. All different types of exercise with routines in 10 minute bursts so you can do them with the babe playing next to you or whilst napping, and they're tough. I'm getting great results from doing them a few times a week.
  4. Haven't read whole thread, sure someone must have pointed this out...but wouldn't you agree the little ones are soooo worth any bodily changes, bits of extra 'podge'?? Anyway, don't forget that we're always much more conscious and critical of our bodies than anyone else. I expect nobody actually notices the little changes or fat we obsess about. It's all we see when we look in a mirror but other won't notice unless you point it out.....so don't, just glam up your hair, nails, wear nice clothes etc (when you get chance!) and feel proud at what an amazing thing your body has done for you and your family. :))
  5. Beware ordering anything delivered by Royal Mail at the moment. Since internet shopping in the last month or so I have 3 out of four deliveries declared missing. They seem to be despatched but never get further than our local sorting/post office.....or disappear somewhere in between? I think there's piles of stuff just left to sort and deliver in the East Dulwich area. Don't the post workers now want extra pay to cover the overtime they'd have to do to make up for all the post left undelivered since they went on strike!?! Such a pain. On Hillcourt Road we occasionally get a bit of old post dropped through the door at about lunchtime, a couple of times a weeek.
  6. I spoke to the priest at St Thomas More and he said he would christen my son but I had to attend church weekly for at least 6 months or so before he could discuss christening arrangements. My son is already 6 months now (and i've since attended for a couple of months) so this means that he will be christened a lot older than I would have liked (babies in my family have traditionally been christened by about 2-3 months old).....so I expect that he would say the same to you! Hope this helps...
  7. The Ergo sling comes into it's own when the baby is a few months older, then it's fantastic. I love mine, so comfortable and it doesn't give me back probs like every other carrier I've used. You will get loads of use out of it Heidi, and the baby's not newborn for long!
  8. I had a great birth and I used Kristin Hayward, based in Herne Hill, for a couple of private hypnobirthing lessons, to learn breathing techniques etc....but I can't honestly say I found myself using the hypnobirthing stuff much once I was in full blown labour! It's good to help remove any fear of birth prior to the event, but labour is such an incredibly intense I(and yes, unfortunately incredibly painful) experience that I personally was just trying to breathe and cope with it in my own way at the time...that's to say I wasn't able to do the specific breathing techniques or gentle visualisations of rainbows and the like, that I had learnt for hypnobirthing! I was terrified of having an ordeal beforehand then was very pleasantly surprised to manage a short drug free home water birth, but I do think I was very lucky to achieve this. You can do lots to prepare...yoga, hypno, accupuncture etc...but at the end of the day I think it is important to remain open minded about what sort of experience you could have and try to make the best of whatever situation you find yourself in at the time. You can only prepare the best you can to try to stay calm and positive and remember that giving birth is often a fairly straightforward and natural event...we only ever hear the horror stories! No matter what type of birth you 'decide' to have, you cannot control what eventually happens. I was very open minded- said I'd like to have a home waterbirth but was also open to the fact that I may need to attend hospital and make the best of any interventions needed. Friends of mine were adamant that they were absolutely not having any drugs and were not going near any medics.....I had a 4 hour drug free home waterbirth and they had 2 day labours (a couple of them also induced after being overdue) which resulted in c-sections and every drug going!!! They wish they hadn't been so closed-minded. You might worry you're a 'wimp' Emma, but you'll be amazed at how women cope once in labour. It is what we were put on the earth to do and the best bit is that once you have your gorgeous child in your arms staring up at you, every little minute of pain is totally worth it and I think most would agree, almost instantly forgotten. During labour I told my partner I couldn't do this again and I was sorry but we could only have one child. About 3 weeks later I was discussing how long to leave before trying for another one. :)) Oakwood are fantastic by the way. You'll be in very good hands with those midwives looking after you. PM me if you want Krisin Hayward's number. She works from home in Herne Hill, at Zita West's clinic in central London and from a clinic in Harley Street. I also used hypnobirthing CDs to help remove my fear of childbirth beforehand, they helped me relax and begin to believe I could do it!?!
  9. Yes Aquatots 1 is really like a playgroup in water...my 6month old is enjoying it but he can't swim yet! Friends of mine with older childeren love lessons at Beckenham Spa.
  10. Calorie requirements are high at this age as toddlers are active- around 1,200 calories per day for a 3 year old. Children do need fat to make up a much larger part of their diet than adults (for growth and nerve function) but I wouldn't advise too much as it may stop her getting other necessary nutrients as well and fat is very filling so you'd probably find she will be too full to consume enough carbs and protein that are important as part of her balanced diet. Also, as I think somebody else mentioned, this could become an unhealthy habit...although at this age I think it is more likely that it will be a passing 'phase' that she'd soon grow out of! I know of another child who wanted nothing but butter and would try to eat whole spoonfulls but by age 4 had completely grown out of the obsession and barely touched it again. Children of this age like to 'control' their food, a sort of game, a power struggle of sorts between them and their parents. Sometimes it helps to teach them the propper use for each food ingredient. For example, butter is used for cooking with and to spread on bread/sandwiches etc...Have you tried that? We worry so much as mothers, I know...our little ones do challenge us!
  11. ...mashed up avocado with mashed banana is a good breakfast too. Takes 2 mins to do!
  12. As a change from cereal my little one LOVES yoghurt...been giving it to him as brek and sometimes pud since about 5 months, and it's obviously very smooth and easy to swallow. I mix it with his pureed fruit, like mango/peach/pear/apple...and you can add cinamon which most little ones seem to love. Or stirr in some fruit from one of those Ella's pouches if you don't want to make your own fruit puree all the time. Very quick and easy. Babies can have whole milk yoghurt (the best are full fat Greek yoghurt or organic whole milk live yoghurt) from the start because the enzymes in live yoghurt break down the lactose, so it is different to other dairy, which they are meant to avoid until 12 months.
  13. I found the moses basket good because it's so mobile, light, easy to move around when the baby's tiny. Newborns always sleep a lot so we had ours in the basket wherever we were...in the living room with us in the evenings, in the kitchen when I was cooking and next to the bed when we slept at night. It was also easy to take when visiting relatives so the baby had a familiar bed to sleep in. They do tend to grow out of them quite quickly though, at least by around 3-4 months for most, so don't spend a fortune on one!
  14. I wasn't aware that these could be done in the Warehouse (indoor market near Costa). I think it was mentioned on the forum previously but for all those looking for somewhere local to get baby passport pics done,'Shot by the Sheriff photography'- I can't recommend them highly enough. It was quick and easy and we got loads of lovely pics in just a few minutes. They charge 10 pounds but that can be used against a photo shoot if you choose to have one at a later date. All set for our hols now!
  15. I think nice money boxes are good christening gifts...they can collect donations from the guests to start their savings!!!
  16. If Brockwell Park is where the Lido is, I am going to a mummy/baby yoga class there tomorrow with my 5 month old boy. It's 2-3.30 each Thursday and you book on the sitaram website. PM me if you're interested, or we could meet up at some point anyway. There are a few of us with babies around 5 months who are finding various activities to keep them occupied now!
  17. I'm very disappointed with clinic. No confidence whatsoever in anything the HVs say and yes, you really do feel rushed out the door before you can even ask a question. It's awful...my baby was so fed up yesterday when, despite getting there at 12.30 (it starts at 12.30) we waited almost and hour and a half for a quick weigh. Waste of time. Yes, the most helpful advice is from mums on this forum!
  18. you would't believe how many different teats and bottles we've tried...I have drawers full of them...perhaps we need to go back to them and try again now he's a few weeks older!
  19. Unfortunately refused Nuk bottles too but I will try the avent cup and toy/blanket soother idea. Thanks for your help!
  20. ...by the end of the year at least...I'd love to keep breastfeeding longer but can't for personal reasons
  21. He's only 5 months now but I want to ideally get him off breastfeeding by around 8 months, later this year
  22. Talk about the guilt....I am being made to feel dreadful for not wanting to be breastfeeding for a whole two years. Any advice on weaning a baby off the breast when they absolutely will not take a bottle, and never have? We are trying for more success with the cup but I worry that as a cup isn't exactly soothing,so when it comes to weaning him off breastfeeding, how can I get my little one off the boob properly without completely traumatising him!?!
  23. and Bob, in response to your message, lose the weight and it will look bigger!!! Isn't there a saying about 'size doesn't matter, it's what you can do with it' anyway?
  24. As a nutritional therapist, I find this sort of post both disappointing and alarming to come accross. There are numerous reasons for people's weight problems, including emotional issues, hormonal imbalances, prescribed drugs, and most often, poor diet and lack of exercise! All of these can be dealt with in a number of different ways, but please do not be fooled by ads for quick magic slimming pills/patches/lotions and potions. There are some fantastic natural supplements that can indeed aid weight loss (mostly due to ingredients which reduce appetite or control the way the body absorbs the fats and sugars) but even they will only help when used to complement a healthy diet and exercise program. The old fashioned way of calories in versus calories out is still the only way proven to work.........short of drastic cosmetic surgery of course!?! Good luck to everyone out there who is struggling to shift a few pounds, but please please PLEASE beware of handing your hard earned cash over to any sheme which promises quick results with no effort. It simply will not work!
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