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Everything posted by henryb

  1. Yes woodland burials would be the most environmental friendly but unfortunately that isn't being proposed for either area.
  2. Urban Green infrastructure is an important aspect of global warming both as a preventative measure and in terms of minimising the consequences. That is well known and understood by most government agencies and political parties. http://www.forestry.gov.uk/pdf/urgp_benefits_of_green_infrastructure.pdf/$FILE/urgp_benefits_of_green_infrastructure.pdf If it was the case that LBS were doing a like for like habitat remediation then I might see that the urban greening argument was countered but there is no evidence that is actually the case. They don't know how many trees are actually coming down - they have changed the definition of "a tree" from being 7.5cm to 15cm dim simply for the sake of the plans and you just have to go around the sites with the plans to see most of the tree locations are made up and some significant trees are missing - and these are big 80 cm girth oaks that it will take 40 years to re-grow totally missing. Plus there is no point - we can save the scrubby wild bit of the cemetery, we can provide some in-borough burials and we can save millions of pounds. Regarding the point about the Groundwater Protection Zones. Both sites are the Ground Water Protection zone for the reservoir. http://maps.environment-agency.gov.uk/wiyby/wiybyController?x=531500.0&y=181500.0&topic=groundwater&ep=map&scale=5&location=London,%20City%20of%20London&lang=_e&layerGroups=default&distance=&textonly=off#x=535317&y=174491&lg=1,10,&scale=9 The environment agency has specific guidelines about cemeteries in SPZs. It is a reasonable question to ask whether the Environment Agencies guidelines have been met for the new burial areas. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/290462/scho0404bgla-e-e.pdf It is true that the deep clay means that the risk of ground water contamination is low but that just means the risk of surface water contamination is higher. Plus the artificials, incidents of groundwater flooding and potential for elevated groundwater in the surrounding area identified in LBS 2011 GWF assessment was not addressed by the planning officer. http://www.southwark.gov.uk/download/downloads/id/12398/appendix_c2_-_swmp_-_groundwater_assessment Regarding whether it is a wood or not - just go and look for yourself. Although it is interesting that it is always the people trying to protect it that say that.
  3. This sounded interesting. https://tfl.gov.uk/info-for/media/press-releases/2015/june/london-buses-to-trial-speed-safety-technology
  4. > Not read the docs. Somebody summarise please. Some > trees being removed because....? They are removing the trees (they don't actually know how many) to provide about 4 years worth of burial, they are going to spend about 2 million pounds on this part of the project. This is on top of the on average subsidy to the burial service of 200k a year from the tax payer. After the 4 years is up they are going to be back to square one and will have to look for somewhere else. My guess is they will be back on the Rec or maybe the allotments but who knows. They won't look further a field because that will involve the private sector and as this is a Labour council - the private sector is BAD. The fact that most of the money is going to private contractors is fine though for some reason.
  5. The main reason the cycling infrastructure is being improved is because people voted for it at both London and Borough elections - or at least voted for people who had it as part of their manifestos. Same goes for the 20mph limit. Specializing a few of the 60,000 odd London streets to prioritise cyclists isn't going to cause traffic chaos other than maybe some local differences but it seems a reasonable way to improve things and you have to remember this isn't the only transport policy being implemented. If you want a party that thinks the solution to London transport problems is more private car use and pandering to every whim of the car lobby - then I think UKIP is the only one.
  6. Taxi and Hire Cars are actually exempt from the car seat law so you don't need to have one by law. I guess it is up to your own risk assessment of the situation. https://www.gov.uk/child-car-seats-the-rules/when-a-child-can-travel-without-a-car-seat
  7. Provided they want a burial type provided by Southwark.. The fact it takes 2 hours to get 5 odd miles by public transport maybe the more of the issue there. I am not sure bad public transport is a reason to chop trees but I do get your point. If proximity is such priority for some it seems strange that LBS is subsidizing in-borough burials for people for whom it maybe isn't and who are prepared to travel. Certainly from the north of the borough it isn't much different.
  8. Yes I read your post about your allotment - yes you should weed it. It is not a wood. What do you want me to say? The area D1 in CNC is a 30/40 year old maybe older secondary self seeded native woodland. That does not make it ugly or have no social or environmental worth. In my view it is very beautiful thing in a very beautiful setting and I am not alone in that feeling. If you don't think so then - that's fine we disagree. Yes there are other beautiful woods around here some older than others. We are very lucky. That is not a reason to lose this one. However none of them are pristine ancient woodland and none haven't been influenced by man in some way in the past.
  9. Or what they could do is use the money purchase land in Kemnal Park for use by Southwark residents. They could actually give the plots away for free and they would still be saving money.
  10. I'll ask again have either of you two actually been to area D1 in Camberwell New Cemetery?
  11. Well I generally use the dictionary definition for those words. Wild: Occurring, growing, or living in a natural state; not domesticated, cultivated, or tamed: wild Wood: An area of land, smaller than a forest, that is covered with growing trees: You can use whatever definition if you like but that wont change what it is. So I say again go up to area in CNC and tell me it has no value as what it is. If you don't see the beauty in it, then sorry - I do not understand your value system at all - it is completely alien to me.
  12. > I agree with your point about global warming, the > loss of open wild space (of which this is not one) Sorry I really can't see how people can say they are not wild woods. Just go take a look! Walk up Underhill Rd near the junction with Hillcourt Rd and look over the fence. Or go to CNC, walk up the hill on the path by the side of the allotments. At the top, across the small public burial area, there is path leading into the woods, follow that up and around until you get to a clearing that has a view down the hill, over the cemetery and the city. It is stunning. That is the area they are going to clear. The glade is going to be 4 times bigger than it is currently. 24 semi mature tree are coming down there (I measured one, a native sessile oak, with a girth of 30 inches) not to mention an uncounted number of smaller ones. > they provide priceless > records of history, are evolving to be greener and > the ancient burial grounds being discovered and > excavated now provide insights into our history, > and are valuable for that in itself. I agree completely. Stage 2 of the plans is to start re-using the old private plots. That quite often means removing and disposing of the old grave stones and in some cases exhuming and removing any remains ? where is your history then? Someone said that old cemeteries are our history and culture written into the landscape. I do not see how these plans respect that.
  13. No I am saying the eastern slope of One Tree Hill in CNC is in fact on One Tree Hill not next to it. I didn't write it but I suppose "virgin" because it has never been used for graves before and "woodland" because it is covered in trees.
  14. edhistory Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > HopOne Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Not so. There are 2 cemeteries involved and > there > > is some historic woodland on One Tree Hill that > is > > under threat. > > Is this the "virgin woodland"? It is described thus in LBS conservation plan: "a wooded area of virgin ground in the south west of Camberwell New near One Tree Hill" http://www.southwark.gov.uk/download/downloads/id/11448/conservation_management_plan_for_camberwell_new_cemetery It is actually next to One Tree Hill nature reserve. If the hill itself is called "One Tree Hill" then it is on the One Tree Hill. Here is the area on google maps. It is not ancient woodland but it has 20/30 year old native oaks. There are some very old oaks near by on the boundary with the allotments.
  15. taper Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The woods in COC are very beautiful. Would be > terrible to see them destroyed. Quite and the area in CNC on One Tree Hill. Regardless of the terminology and history they are beautiful natural wooded areas that have a high amenity for a large number in the community not to mention the wildlife. Regarding the Muslim burials - it is my understanding that the burials in Nunhead are only suitable for burials for the Turkish community and not traditional Islamic burials. This was confirmed by the Imam of Peckham Mosque who also said that they generally use Kemnal Park. Regarding the costs: the 5.1m will not be recouped. The sales of plots and interment fees only covers the revenue costs of the burial service and not even that. This is 5.1m that could be spent on other projects. The terrible state and danger of area z has been exaggerated in my view with some minor landscaping and natural clay capping it could be got into a state where access was possible and at a fraction of the cost.
  16. My mistake. I can't find the Lewisham brochure for this year. However, this looks like distances as of April 15. http://www.lewisham.gov.uk/myservices/education/schools/school-admission/applying-to-start-primary-school/Documents/AppealsApplicationsTable201516.pdf
  17. I don't know if anyone has created a map yet. It is usually some publicly minded person on this forum. However, if you haven't seen them - the distance for Southwark are here: http://www.southwark.gov.uk/download/downloads/id/6403/starting_primary_school_in_southwark_201617 And Lewisham if you are near the border: https://www.lewisham.gov.uk/myservices/education/schools/school-admission/applying-to-start-primary-school/Documents/Starting_school_in_Lewisham_2015.pdf Doesn't look like much change from last year. NB religious schools and some academies are not there.
  18. Quite - a middle aged man makes slightly inappropriate leery comment at a young attractive female college and gets a verbal slap in the face for it. Hardly a new situation though is it? Simply because it happened on linkedin doesn?t make news worthy.
  19. Apparently you can you use other "non-cider" apples for cider as well. You can mix with crab apples to increase the tannin levels. http://www.howtomakecider.com/all-about-apples/ We generally have big Bramley windfall happy to share some.
  20. I don?t quite see how 15% of vehicles going 25% over the speed limit is not a significant amount of speeding. Regardless of the fact that the limit is 20mph not 25mph - would anyone use the argument that because only 15% of people were breaking the law it isn?t a problem, for any other type of illegal behaviour? Surely this is an issue for residents of Melbourne Grove ? not Black Cab drivers from Stanwell that the online petition is attracting.
  21. > A resident expects a right to affect the lives of others in secret from the shadows. Everyone has right to try to change their environment for the better. Campaigning and signing petitions to stop speeding rat runners on a residential street isn't "in secret from the shadows".
  22. What are the chances the van driver was going at 20mph? Will the police investigate?
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