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heber jumble queen

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Everything posted by heber jumble queen

  1. I'm afraid I'm another one who would oppose it quite strongly too.
  2. andanotherthing - as you say you don't have kids, you haven't had to go to the meetings or fill out the forms, so why I'm confused is why are you on a thread in a 'family room' following this at all. You may have followed this thread, but no, you haven't understood it. Please don't feel the need to google anything else. Your suggestion that some of us are in some way deliberating defending something (or even colluding) that was unjust is plain wrong and pretty offensive. I live and work in Southwark and hoped my kids would get into our closest non-faith mixed school, and now through reading something on an internet forum I've learned that the chances of that happening are lower than I'd hoped. What is so hard to understand about that? As many of us have said we're pleased if an unjustice has been put right, but it's not something we were previously aware of. Personally I am not an advocate of choice in schooling - unless you want to go private in my opinion all kids should be offered a place at the nearest mixed non-faith state school - look at the mess choice has got us into. ..and thank you to the people who have offered reassurance about getting a place eventually. I'm actually a very easygoing and optimistic person about these matters. Unfortunately my son with Aspergers - who is obsessed with routine and certainty will find that kind of limbo pretty hard to handle.
  3. James - I don't think either Dorothy, or myself, were suggesting that you shouldn't have posted this thread. However your jolly 'hoorah, what good news for everyone' tone didn't take into account that the reshifting of equity did mean that this will affect some people detrimentally - whether it was Champion Hill residents thinking that they should have put Charter down as they'd assumed they wouldn't get in - or those of us finding ourselves now just too east of LL now to get in after assuming we had a good chance. As a councillor representing all local residents perhaps you could have shown a little more appreciation that this would be unsettling news to some of us - especially as we now have no option to revisit applications.
  4. Absolutely Coach Beth - why getting into a state school - that we all effectively fund through our taxes - should become such a bun fight with wonky uneven rules is inexplicable... and don't even let me get started on the religious schools. BTW I didn't intend to 'share my story' because I fancied an Oprah moment, really I just wanted to illustrate how these kinds of policies and decisions actually affect real people and their options. I didn't appreciate the way that James presented this - as a simple victory that may not actually have any impact on real people, because that isn't the case. Thanks Carbonara - KD on list, but my sporty son would have gone for the sports scholarship nonsense if we decided to put it as our first choice - but he wants to go to the same school as his twin, so decided not to - again a decision that may have been different.
  5. Of course I want the best for my kids - but certainly not by any devious means - and if families living up Champion Hill way have been disadvantaged then I disagree that it's unfair and this is a victory for them. My concern is that I was totally unaware of this when I put Charter as my first choice, as kids living down my street and further along go to Charter, so why wouldn't I think that we're well within the usual catchment area (obviously taking into account slight differences as number of applications fluctuate). I'm not trying to keep my kids out of any particular school - but I do have a son with ASD (autism) who isn't statemented and really wouldn't thrive in a boys school so my priority was the nearest co-ed that my son - and indeed his twin brother - could walk to. Charter don't seem to take social / medical reasons into account despite having paediatric reports to support his application (the adjudication loosely references this) - now that I know that we may be out of the catchment for this year I may well have opted to go for the inexplicable Kingsdale 'random-lottery-cum-X-Factor audition' - but I didn't know, and I was advised historically people living where I do get into Charter (just off Lordship Lane, not in a leafy Dulwich mansion), and that the school's good at supporting ASD kids, so that's what I did. I'm very pleased that fairness has been adjudicated for those families - but I filled out the form based on reasonable assumptions at the time, and if I was doing it now I'd have to rethink it.
  6. Does this mean that the applications currently being considered for entry in Sept 2012 will be subject to these new guidelines? I have no reason to question whether this is a good or fair decision - but if effectively the likely catchment area of 'safe walking distance' have shifted since submitting applications in October, I may well have made some different choices.
  7. There is still a PCT (until 2013), and problems getting an appointment with a GP can be reported to the NHS Southwark PALS team based in the PCT, who can try to resolve the issue by contacting the practice on your behalf - and report back to the primary care contracting team (or advise about making a formal complaint if that's what you want to do). You should definately contact them and let them know about the problems you've had - it's certainly more likely to change things than commenting on NHS Choices - although you can do that too. http://www.southwarkpct.nhs.uk/patient_information/patient_advice
  8. I'm afraid I can't help Medusa, but I am asking the same question myself so would be interested in any answers... I also have a son in yr 6 with Aspergers (non disruptive, non statemented) and I'm not really sure where to start asking the right questions. If we don't get any other responses Medusa - let's at least keep in touch and swap experiences from open days!
  9. I totally agree that it's fantastic the pool has opened and is vastly improved etc - and apologize for kicking off with a whinge - but as a Fusion member for many years and a regular at the centre - I have been really looking forward to going swimming with my kids there - and they've been talking it about for weeks now - so that was a real disappointment to see so few opportunities for a family swim throughout the week. It would be great news if the number of general sessions could be extended - even if that does mean only having access to half the pool to accomodate classes. Thanks James.
  10. Sorry Ratty, but need to disagree on this one. Given our looming obesity crisis, encouraging children to keep fit in a fun way is crucial and a local priority for our health and social services (and where else can kids go to run around and let off steam after 4pm on winter evenings? I am always looking for answers to that problem). You can't expect little ones to be swimming past 7pm on a school night - nothing wrong with having dedicated adult lane swimming times but it dominates the timetable. Very few windows for kids to swim here. and just after school is ideal. Why does swim school need to take over whole pool every weekday?
  11. I'm pretty disappointed to see that everyday after school is swim school - no general swim (except Friday - the one day I can't take them swimming). Does that mean the whole pool is used by swim school at the only time that primary aged children can regularly swim apart from weekends? (ie between 4 - 6.30) I've been taking my kids to peckham pulse every Weds at 4pm for some after school fun and exercise - especially important in the dark winter months when parks close early. I was really looking forward to being able to walk down the road instead. Looks like I'll still be going to Peckham every week.
  12. SJK, I'm assuming you don't have the misfortune to live as near to the hot tub gang as I do... as I have been disturbed by this crowd ALL SUMMER and not just at weekends: shouting, watching films outdoors at 3am very loudly... now I'm all for having a good time but this lot are just plain inconsiderate. Luckily things have been quieter recently, so if any hot tubbers read this - please keep it down!
  13. The last time this mob knocked on my door (which has happened many many times over past 15 years) I politely said 'no thanks' and also received a tirade of abuse - the guy tried to stop me closing my door and then continued to shout abuse and threats through my letter box for several minutes, which terrified my 2 kids. They are definately not a charity, nothing like, and for whoever claimed they were young men down on their luck trying to earn an honest crust - NO they're not - I have no idea whether they're also stealing, but I would second calling the police or community wardens as I've experienced intimidating behaviour from them several times.
  14. Earlier I had been weighing up whether to attend her body pump at Dulwich tonight, and I feel so saddened and shocked to read this. Meryem was a great tutor and a lovely woman - she also taught at the Turkish Womens Group that I had worked with. Even though she wasn't a close friend it's really heartbreaking to hear - obviously all thoughts go to her daughters and family. Not sure how to go about it, but would be happy to contribute to any memorial fund for her daughters. As someone who also regularly cycles past the Elephant (on the safer cycle routes, the roundabout is too terrifying)it's a very sobering thought - and a reminder to all of us who cycle AND drive to be aware, safe and considerate.
  15. If you were in Southwark I'd probably be able to tell you more - but as you're in lewisham I would suggest getting in touch with the public health team in Lewisham PCT, who should have information about services and activities for families to keep well and active such as exercise and diet advice. The things you've mentioned aren't cheap and might exclude some families at the school - and they should be able to tell you about options that are more accessible to all. http://www.lewishampct.nhs.uk/public_health/health_improvement_team
  16. Not just Lakeland. The whole 'Astonish' range are sold in most 99p and pound shops.
  17. All the GP practices in Southwark have just completed a patient survey (known as the GPAQ) which is a requirement of their contract with Southwark PCT, and the results go directly back to the PCT for analysis. GP practices then need to feedback the results of this survey to their patients - either on a noticeboard or newsletter. If they do not do this satisfactorily they will lose 'points' (money). I don't think MG would be carrying out their own survey so soon after doing the mandatory GPAQ survey, so the survey you're referring to is administered independently.
  18. I've also had my card cloned (with pin apparently) in the last 2 weeks and had money taken out wildly in some foreign location - although I'm the sort of slapdash person who uses their card anywhere and everywhere, so not pointing any fingers. However the allegation against Somerfield in particular was made in a local paper this week (SLP? not sure someone at work had cut out to show me)and the store manager had made a statement, so it is something they are aware of.
  19. My recycling has just been collected today (Weds)when collection day is Tues, so hopefully you'll find some empty bags and boxes when you get home today.
  20. Just had first order from BBC. Very disappointing. The complementary wine didn't arrive although I'd requested a bottle of red and our starter was missing the dip. And we had to reheat in oven as it wasn't hot enough. Honestly, not a big competition to other local excellent Indian / Bangladeshi take-aways. Infact they just phoned us to ask if food arrived, and when we said that certain things hadn't arrived just said we'd 'get them free next time' I don't want a missing dip next time when I needed it this evening, and would not bother ordering from them again.
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