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Posts posted by littleEDfamily

  1. Incidents like this are both sad and sinister. My sense about the source of at least some of such violence (and yes I do lead a 'parallel life' as one poster put it, so my understanding is somewhat superficial) is the much bandied about 'breakdown of values' and lack of positive males role models (especially direct family members).

    It may sound snobby and middle aged, but the feeling I get about a lot of London teenagers (not all - and I really empathise with the nice kids growing up in this city) is that they just don't seem to have been brought up with the kind of consideration for others that prevailed in previous generations and the resultant behaviour in public ranges from just anti-social (eg playing loud music on bus) to downright terrifying and deliberately intimidating. I realise that the factors leading to that sort of mentality are complex, but I cannot believe that the kind of permissive and fragmented society we seem to have drifted into will bring anything other than an increasing frequency of indidents like these. Interesting point aicardo raised about whether there will be a 'tipping point' - I'm not overly optimistic. Unfortunately, I can see London 'underclasses' continuing to grow - and by that I mean socially disadvantaged individuals who are not able to integrate effectively with minstream society - and the associated problems with crime continuing for quite some time. Those who have the means to remove themselves from what they perceive to be a threatening environment will move out of London (as may already do when their kids become teenagers) or emigrate.

    By the way, I am not making any assumptions about this particular incident, and the profiles or backgrounds of those involved - just commenting more generally.

    And for the record, I have no issue with widespread stop and search techniques. Those who are likely to be provoked by being searched most likely already have a very negative attitude towards law enforcement, so I cannot see it exaccerbating what is likely to already be a profound issue those indivuals have with conformity and authority. What it does do is provide some degree of consequence for those who choose to carry weapons, and remove, even if only only temporarily, the means by which they could take a life - innocent or otherwise.

  2. I love this thread, as I am always drawing blanks regarding what to make for dinner.

    I recently stumbled upon a meal (if you can call it a meal) that my daughter loves - pasta with grated parmasan! I thought it would be too boring and dry, but no, loves it!

    Another favourite for us is a massive tomato and bean stew. It's not really a recipe - you just throw loads of veg (onions, a few potatoes, courgette, peppers, garlic) plus tinned tomatoes, chickpeas/ lentils/ beans and some stock. Cheap as chips and yum! We serve with rice or couscous and put cheese on top for extra fun!

    PS I know how you feel, Goodliz.... we may as well join the WI!

  3. Sorry about the break-in. I spent an interesting few moments trying to think through what physically distinguishes an Afro-Caribbean from a Mozambiquan. Seriously I did. And, from experience I know how hard it is to give an accurate description of someone (which obviously the coppers need to have any hope of catching these fiends) without feeling like you're about to offend someone or show yourself up as some sort of ignorant idiot. These sound like a couple of 'smooth criminals' and I for one will be keeping my eyes peeled.

    As an aside, my family came from Mozambique. We have pale complexions, but tan well in summer.....:)

  4. We do a combo of nanny and nursery close to work. It gives a nice balance of the child being in own home (and us not having the hassle of drop off and pick up), and the socialising and facilities of nursery. If you're anything like us, you may find that you never find the perfect solution, and just when you think you have circumstances change and it's all change.
  5. He approached me last week outside ED station and asked for money for the phone (usual blag). I wanted to point out that if he hadn't bought the chips he was eating, he would have enough cash for his call, but thought better of it. Despite being bigger than him, I figured if he wasn't impressed with my quip and the situation went a little pear shaped, a blemish on my record was not worth it.

    I must say his approach was quite confrontational and very much invaded my personal space.

  6. This is the funniest thread I have read for quite some time.

    I would just like to add that I was on the P13 today with these individuals of character. They exited said bus just near their dwelling on Whateley and as the good folk of the P13 pulled away, we were treated to the spectacle of Sister No. 1 flashing her fun-bags at us.

    They may be bonkers, but they seemed to be having a bl**dy good time.

  7. I especially don't like those houses on Whately that are built so that it's impossible to keep their wheelie bins inside their property.

    But far more interestingly, who knows the goss about that place on Whateley that looks likes it used to be a fish & chip shop, but is now abandoned and filled with all sorts of incongruous junk?

    Prey tell....

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