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Everything posted by Audrey

  1. Hello, Very dissapointed I missed The Gowlett. Sounds like I missed a good evening. I would love to meet up next week - park if the weather is good, though from experience pinpointing a very specific meeting place in the park is a must... How about next Monday/Tuesday? Brockwell/East Dulwich/Peckham Rye all same distance away for me so relaxed about where, but dont know them particularly well, so can't pinpoint a spot I'm afraid. Yes Claudine has good news, but won't say any more as I don't want to steal her thunder! Axx
  2. Ruth, I think you might live close to me, not far fron Recreation Ground pub - I seem to recall you saying it was close when we were doing a summer baby meet up. Theres a planning appliication in for a new nursery at 82-84 Camberwell Church Street. I don't know who the operator will be, or when it might open (assuming it gets planning), but I hope it does as there really isn't anything close by, and I will be needing a nursery spot next year all going well..! If anyone knows anything more about it I would be interested to hear, all the info I have is from a letter from the council that comes in the post as part of their notification process.
  3. Count me in too, I can make weds. As the rest of you will be now figuring out I can usually make it to the opening of an envelope!! And fingers crossed Audrey placenta will have lifted by then ..... Everything crossed. I hope the moods are better!
  4. Thanks for your comments, and apologies for the hijack Strawbs! Just goes to prove its highly personal and greatly depends on how you live. Its an expensive trial and error game though!
  5. Can anyone let me know why they felt the need to buy a new buggy after 12 mths? I have just bought a BB Cameleon, which I had intended (afetr shelling out a small fortune) that the little person would be in it for as long as possible. Having both a seat and carry cot, both of which face both ways I thought it was really versatile, and would therefore have staying power. I certainly hadn't anticipated needing another one next summer!
  6. Fab, will see you all later either in the park or pub. I may be a bit late, but will be there!
  7. Sounds FAB! Am up for involving the menfolk, but easy if people have strong views either way. Anyone else feel like they've been pregnant for about a gazillion years?? BORED already! And still 8 weeks to go...... I know its nothing, feels like an eternity.
  8. Hello everyone, I'm afraid I cant make the 7th either as my friends are planning something for me - in my house AND they'll probably get hammered knowing them! Am free on the 8th. Good choice of location tho - lets face it we are going to need toilet facilities! I'd love to get involved in any pre/post natal yoga and pilates if anything is being organised. I have a fair size spare room (although with a far size bed in it) that could be used maybe? And also a walking group now that the weather is better and evenings lighter. Starting mat leave 20th May although I might bring that forward a week (tho my boss has said he is not letting me leave on Friday 13th as HE is superstitious!). Had a mini faint this morning it felt properly horrible, tho didn't call MAU in case they called me in as I was just too knackered to move! Baby has been moving all afternoon so he's ok, just think I was overtired after travelling yesterday. Plus have this random 'awake hour' around 5am?!? Darren reckons its getting ready for interrupted sleep, but enough already, let me sleep while I can! I know Kapaxiana & Reneet, I am back at work tomorrow after a week off and a) god only knows whats going to fit, and b) I can hear the sharp intakes of breath over my size as they haven't seen me in a week and a half.
  9. QM - I'm at the midwives at the Camberwell Green practice. They are all lovely, but I have seen 1 person twice, and have all been different apart form that. Thanks Ruth, great to have a name - thanks for that! I actually had a sensible conversation today as they finally acknowledged that I was measuring big for my dates. MW talked about a trial labour at 40 weeks (rather than let me run over), so need to find out about more about whats involved with that. Thankfully I have another scan at 34 weeks so hopefully won't have to rely on MW 'best guess'. Ruth - did they give you that nugget of 6lb info by scan or by 'feel'? I dont see what was the point of scaring you like that. And another piece of info I thought I should share (this may be obvious but never crossed my mind), all your notes that you have been faithfully lugging around for the past 5/6 months wont be given back to you after delivery so if you can, photocopy them before you go into hospital. You have to pay to have them retrieved and we have all heard about 'lost notes'. May help if your planning to do this again..... How fab is the weather??? PLEASE, summer, don't peak too soon!!! We need you in July and August when we're out and about again!
  10. Hello all, Great to meet all of you as well, Ruth - we live in blissful ignorance!!! Love the idea for a picnic next time, and lots of long weekends coming up as well to make the most of. I had a scan this morning and they told me bub is already over 4 lbs with 10 weeks to go - I am not waiting until 11 June to have this baby! Midwife better start taking me seiously now - had a feeling this was the case all along and was fobbed off at the last appt. Need to know my options!
  11. Hello all, My apologies I start organising something then fall off the face of the earth! Why do such dull things like work get in the way when all you want to do is sit at home at think about buying cute tiny clothes?!? (While secretly trying not to panic....!) Anyway, The Recreation Ground (QueenM you do make me smile!) is easy to find - follow the link above. Its always empty so I don't think we need to book. They should be glad we're making the place look lively, even if it is OJ and fizzy water all round!! 2pm sounds great. Look forward to seeing you all then. Audrey xx
  12. Reneet - I'm pretty sure you can buy a 'taster' for sitaram, before you sign up to the 8 classes for ?88 (or similar). Try their website, I think you have to register. I dont know of any other exercise classes other than the ones posted about previously, but it shouldn't be too hard to start a 'waddling gang' can it??!! Now that the evenings are lighter, helps those of us still working. Really pleased theres lots of us around to meet on 2nd. Again, all welcome, and I'll have a think about a suitable venue and post details nearer the time. Maybe the Recreation Ground in Camberwell as its usually very empty and I think we have over 10 people interested which is fab. Axx
  13. Brilliant! Just to be clear Yak (Hello!) is organising the "Teas" and I'll stay on the case for summer mother newbies. I am thinking of Saturday 2nd April at the moment, and absolutely all welcome. Certainly my partner is keen to meet other dads to be and to get as involved as he needs to but what do people think - maybe make the first one a girls event?? And it seems like most of us have already met which is fab, and I am having a huge attack of pregnancy brain today for some reason, it was a struggle! I'm actually on study leave tomorrow if anyone wants to meed for a quick coffee?
  14. Mirabelle - I was (back row on the right) - didnt "get" the chanting tho! All well meaning I know. But yes you are close. Ruth - it doesnt seem as well frequented as ED Forum. I registered last night and haven't had access bestowed on me yet, but I fear there may not be too much exposure. I'll give it a go anyway, and I was also thinking maybe a poster in the leisure centre now that its open? (I haven't been in yet bit am SO dissapointed they are serving Starbucks coffee which I hate with a passion). QueenMab - (a spin on Queen Meabh? If so happy St Patricks day!)My friends are scattered too, and not many have children. I'm impressd you work from home. I would spend the day with my face in the fridge if I didn't have colleagues to maintain some kind of dicorum around! I like the salmon analogy. I'm never leaving Zone 2. I'm really excited theres a gaggle of us! I am still at work so a Saturday lunch in a few weeks would be good for me. Maybe a couple of weeks so we can gather more troops. I'll be at yoga next week (prob Weds Mirabelle, although I think I prefer Thursady's classes) and will spread the word!
  15. Hello, I realise this thread has been quiet for a while, but hope all local mums-to-be are doing well! I am 27 weeks, so knocking on Trimester Three, and getting very excited. I've wrangled with whether I want to do NCT, and because there isn't a local Camberwell branch, its really expensive, and all I wanted to get out of it were the social benefits, I've decided to can it and try and meet local people to share the summer of the bewilderment that will be first (or second) time parenting through this, SE5 Forum and yoga. Yoga is going great, I'm up at Kings Weds or Thurs nights. MY EDD is 11 June. So how is everyone getting on? Counting down to last day at work (AGES away) but looking forward to the many short weeks ahead. Let me know if there is anything going on I can get involved in, or more than happy to start organising something if there is any interest out there? I will also post on SE5 Forum when I get my registration through for local Camberwellians. I've just moved in since November and LOVING it.
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