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Posts posted by MissNoodlesHats

  1. "you know sod all about the vetting process. They don't report back on each stage, you know. Or, as it turns out, you don't know."

    Fall of your horse dear, your clueless.

    Not only do I know he was undergoing developed vetting, Cameron also stated it in response to a journalist direct question on big ole live TV.

    Ok so climb back on then fall off again.

  2. But Cameron didn't care, cos he lives far enough away that rioting plebs would be unlikely to affect him.

    I suspect it is going to effect him and in a big way, this generation adapt quick, a surprisingly unseen effect of the online generation. Next time round they will go for the judiciary in their own way, you watch. 1400 locked up, 65% on remand, they have made a whopping mistake again, this is not the 80's, its a challenge to this generation.......do they really think we are soooo much more advanced than the " little backward muslim countries of the middle east". ..... Again big mistake , arab spring time has been driven by the youth. Lock your doors and keep your kids indoors....if you can.

  3. Hi MM thanks but having negotiated about 100+ VCT's I'm well aware of the specifics of the things ! Your right about due diligence though.

    What you must surely find odd , H included, is that when he signed his contract with the coalition , which surely must have included healthcare, he failed to say "oh actually new international are still paying for my healthcare " - he obvioulsy did not because he knew they would then rumble his 10 phonecalls a day to red haired rebecca, not very communicative on this point was he !

    So boys get real, who needs 2 health insurance policy, what is it kidney on bupa , testicles on AXA !

    Now you no why rupert practically licked brookes to death when he landed, she could seriously *uc* news international and Murdoch and his sons.

    Conspiracy...I think not. X

  4. Er ? Another dead end from you eh loz?

    in regard to security as I understand it Coulson was / had undertaken developed vetting which is the highest evel of security clearance. Unsurprisingly this involves detailed financial checks and not logging into to Experian. Previous to this he should have undergone an (SC)) and again this would have covered a financial sweep. The last director of comm's underwent both of these where as Coulson seemed to have been able to avoid the Developed vetting for some time.

    It may seem odd to you loz that someone's bank details would be checked but I am afraid to tell you that sometimes people get paid by other foreign powers to spy ! I know shocking but it happens. So financial checks would enable them to ask " excuse me I know you work for the British Government but who is paying the other 200grand? Is that your x employer the Media and business Empire headed by the Murdoch Family? Oh hang on what stories are you putting out to the media about the BSKYB deal, there is no conflict of interest there is there?"

    Hang on....corruption at the highest levels ! All that wasted parliamentary time we could have saved had we known that News International had a mole sitting next to our prime minister.

  5. So the director of communications for the prime minister of the united kingdom was receiving ?200000+ into his bank account from News International and nobody seemed to wonder or knew where that money was coming from.

    So security checks were non existent.

    So someone that close to our PM does not have to declare their income

    So he was basically in the pay of a commercial company whilst feeding the country information about the direction for our polit


    The coalition had 24 meetings with Rebecca Brooks and News International and they did not know that effectively News International had a man on the inside?

    Basically the last election was from a media standpoint almost completely rigged.

    The murdoch's need to be arrested, surely the NOTW would have exposed that had it been this great newspaper keeping the politicians in check?

    What a joke, if anything this is ludicrously under blown! Who gave this thread this title ?

  6. Yes good point SJ, of course the polls and therefore the media decide, at least then Gordon tried to the right thing and tell Murdoch to stick it, he should have gone further and ripped them to pieces in parliament when he was PM. Just like the old days when they resisted the Monarchy. Maybe in a few hundred years black rods rod will be a rolled up copy of the SUN !
  7. I don't think you can "invent" language.

    Are we saying that there is a distinct difference between language and slang. I think we are but at some point is does not really make a difference, especially to those using slang to communicate.

    Its just another thing that disconnects, and with attitudes like "young people should shut up, do what their told and for minimal pay" who can blame them.

    "And we gotta keep a strap in da house cause we the niggas flagging black gang in da south"

  8. "In the last couple of weeks, not enough people of note have said anything like as sensible" SJ... that's spot on and also in itself the thing that's keeping me awake and wondering who the hell do with have in parliament and why?

    "It never fails to amaze me that we spend so much time focusing on exam results and yet we let even a single child leave school unable to read, cook basic food, or feel that no one gives a damn about them."

    That's inspired too.

  9. "What teenagers learn how to do for the first time is how to shut up and do what they're told for minimal return"

    How nice? How bloody outdated ? Its one foot in the grave , it really is.

    I see now how Starkey can have such ridiculous views, a dash of intelligence with some masked prejudices then give em enough rope and snap they forget themselves and give it all away. Its just pompous really and rather dull.

  10. I seem to have missed half this conversation somewhere? Anyway I think the writer above the above appears out of touch somewhere. I think they are confusing a political act with politics, as if only engaging in some kind of pre ordained and sanctioned party political mechanism is all that defines acting politically?

    Moving past the rest of it , saviours, activists internet I have no clue where they are coming from? The internet is creating change, tick. Water is wet, tick.

    Basically ladyD calls it correctly.

  11. I am not sure that your monitoring of the 'airwaves' as you put it counts as any kind of serious evidence that's worth discussing. Obviously your outlook is that a bunch of delinquent people across the UK went on to smash stuff up with no purpose other than to 'get free stuff innit"

    That kind of reminds me of the not the nine o'clock news sketch

    'Arrested for possession of a loud shirt in a built up area after the hours of darkness' or however it went. Anyway clearly there was more to it world view or not.

  12. Senor the only stat of Frankito's that is of concern to me is that they feel it appropriate to broadcast the fact that they

    " only do DP at the weekends "

    And not in the sexby gardens I hope, especially not if I have just had my ball chewed and am wondering around with a forlorn plastic bat.

  13. I think Starkey was 'trying' to paint a picture of a style, a look, an attitude and a way of talking, sections of UK youth has long since dispensed with Jamaican patios and moved on, making it their own. Dancehall is as old hat ballroom dancing and the socialist worker.

    Point is though was it really the thought of grabbing some free Nike's ( that you could actually nick on any given day) that torpedoed Cameron's Tuscan knee's up?

    I also doubt that they did it as a reaction to Nick Clegg's tenure in charge of the country, now that would have been bloody inspired irony!

    Starkey just shows how hopelessly out of touch generations of people have become.

  14. Is that a serious comment or irony, obviously sections of the press have a stake in the direction that a government take and the government have a vested interest in trying to as much as possible control that message. 24 meetings in 12months between News International and the Coalition Government, how many under Labour too? Its blogs like these that allow for a free and open discussion on things like the comments David Starkey has made without fear of censorship or political gerrymandering.

    I think Starkey's comments are bourne out of a reaction to the Sun's shop a yob campaign, campaigns designed to play on the fears of the electorate. Outside of that his comments are clearly racist or idiotic. "Close your eyes and David Lammy sounds like a white man " ! ....Er?

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