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Posts posted by MissNoodlesHats

  1. "The whites have become black. A particular sort of violent destructive, nihilistic gangster culture has become the fashion and black and white boys and girls operate in this language together"

    Its odd really? When the Student riots started some months back, or when most of the UK's young farmers, as part of the country wide alliance tried to storm parliament, they were not suddenly labelled as having been taken by some profound cultural change?

    Why would David Starkey make these comments? Have they been fanned by the coalitions attempts through the media to ring fence these rioters as coming from a particular section of society, and therefore not representative of the wider voting public? This obviously suits the politicians and the sections of a press with a stake in the coalitions arguments.

    Is Starkey just reacting to the stupidity of the way that some sections of the UK's press went about reporting on these riots on behalf of this coalition of fools.

  2. Just an example of blogs/forums affecting change. Here is another rather simple example which in turn has just made me realise about the ED ward councillors thread to, did not really need to go all the way to China.

    "The residents group plus some users of the SouthEastforum, Nunhead section have raised this too. There have not been any suggestions to alter the current route from Nunhead Lane, by the Rye and up through Rye Lane."

    Change to a bus route!

  3. Great news!

    Nike has raced ahead of rival Adidas in our Detox challenge!The sportswear giant has officially committing to

    eliminate all hazardous chemicals across its entire supply chain and the entire life-cycle of its products by 2020. This is a major win to protect our planet?s water from pollution ?? so thank you for all your support.

    Read about our latest success and Nike?s commitment to a toxic-free future.Thanks to your thousands of emails, blogs, comments, shares and tweets, plus some globally synchronised streaking: everything we?ve packed into just six weeks has helped make this latest win possible.

    In less than two months,

    we?ve exposed the links between top clothing brands and toxic water pollution in China, challenging the world's top two to take the lead in fixing the problem, industry wide.

    Puma has moved, and now Nike. But the world needs more champions - so all eyes are now on Adidas. Help us celebrate this success by encouraging Adidas to also take the Detox challenge ? by

    forwarding this email, sharing on


    Twitter, Tumblr or your blog, and telling your mates over that post-work pint.

    .....GreenPeace.......probably a few guardian readers amongst that lot, dreaming of utopia and wasting there time on the internet ?!

  4. I have looked at the website 'liberal conspiracy' it does seem a bit far fetched to me. However I don't think there is any conspiracy to jumping into bed with the conservatives and splitting your own party in two for a seat at the table, that's pretty transparent.

    No one had any idea that Gold prices were headed where they are now, its such a silly comment , well worn and pointless.

  5. Thanks, its just a general point, it needs to be made though over and over on the blogosphere. The letter to Cameron's parents on the other thread totally exposes the brass neck of these people. If we are withdrawing benefits from rioters as a result of criminality then we should have removed all expense benefits from politicians for a period of 18months, and apply some kind of limit to the period of stay for all news international executives. Why not? An eye for eye and all that.
  6. Oh of course Loz, and if Gordon had not snookered osbourne on the interest rates most of the nation would be on the streets, with Nick Cleggs blessing no doubt . Party before the people of course, your cross, your riot, you take some responsibility it seems a word oft used.
  7. house rioters who think it is ok to deprive others of their homes, business, jobs and their basic human rights?

    You can see that the press has done its job on behalf of the coalition and turn everyone against each other and away from those who are also to blame, this coalition government.

  8. The vice-chair of the party's federal policy committee, Evan Harris, said he would table an amendment at the party conference asking members to vote to block Cameron's contemplation of barring individuals suspected of causing social unrest from Twitter and Facebook

    God we really are in a heap of trouble. How can you vote to block someone's contemplation of something ? Are they proposing to steal away his mind in the night, surely his close protection officers will have something to say about that ?

  9. The vice-chair of the party's federal policy committee, Evan Harris, said he would table an amendment at the party conference asking members to vote to block Cameron's contemplation of barring individuals suspected of causing social unrest from Twitter and Facebook

    God we really are in a heap of trouble. How can you vote to block someone's contemplation of something ? Are they proposing to steal away him mind in the night, surely his close protection officers will have something to say about that ?

  10. No community is rejoicing more in the return to relative peace following the riots than the residents of East Dulwich in south-east London. Like frightened citizens across the nation, they took to the internet at the height of the disturbances to exchange potentially lifesaving information. On the East Dulwich Forum website, one can still follow the frantic messages of last Tuesday evening. From user thebestnameshavegone at 6.18pm: "I'm expecting Ocado literally any minute ? does anyone know if they've been able to get through Rye Lane." Just over an hour later, Alex K posted. "This sort of thing just pushes further and further into the future any decision by Waitrose to open on Lordship Lane." Thank God it's over!

    There you go, now people will change the way they thought of south london, no more hardened Richardsons and Frasiers. And also if that you sending me the somewhat bizarre and slightly off putting PM's do you mind stopping?

  11. Er ? What an earth, where an earth have you gone here, I think you fighting with a figment or your imagination or maybe fantasy who knows ?

    I only mentioned that blogs , a part of the information super highway effect change. To deny that is rather like saying I don't need air to breathe? Its so obvious it does not warrant this discussion.

    Arab spring ? Libya ? Paris hilton !!


  12. Er ? What an earth, where an earth have you gone here, I think you fighting with a figment or your imagination ?

    I only said that blogs , a part of the information super highway effect change. To deny that is rather like saying I don't need air to breath? Its so obvious it does not warrant this discussion.

    Arab spring ? Libya ? Paris hilton !!

  13. Loz , seriously do you not think you need your own thread - loz's of the beaten track dead end discussion thread.

    Can I ask why you think that China, who are pretty advanced in terms of strategic thought as well as technology have built what can only be described as a pretty large wall around itself with regard to incoming and outgoing information traffic? Why don't you do the work and engage some thought then maybe your quotes will be less Pacman and more Paxman.


    Back to the letter at hand, its bloody good but sadly the truth of it is somewhat lost in the irony. Personally I would have liked to have seen the audience of Question time slow hand clap them off the stage.

  14. You may have noticed that rioting and public disorder broke out across the UK last week, that the coalition are now talking about water cannons , rubber bullets and mass Curfews. The judiciary and handing down two 4 year sentences to two 20 year old's who set up a couple of facebook pages. The judge in his arrogance stated that they were involved in the 'UK's collective madness"? and news corps press has done a great job in helping the coalition turn it into 'shop a wally' festival.

    The unspun reality is , one minute and without a seeming care in the world they were sunning themselves in Tuscany, Florida and who knows where else and next thing the UK relatively exploded. They have lost control, they have not got the resources to control it, everyone has seen it.

    I suspect alienation is one of the things that contributes to eroded communities.

  15. Yes Blogs can be full of hot air of course it depends on which contributors are doing most of the blowing.

    "Blogs are hot air - any actual proof of this emerging utopia, MissNoodleHats?"

    You have made a leap from the word Change to Utopia and then gone of the track with comments about the Guardian newspaper and left wing politics? .....this EDF ballon is definitely rising with that post !

  16. Its a bloody great letter, shame the discussion got dragged into the EDF ministry of silly walks.

    We can see from the government guided response for the SUN " shop a wally' that they have spun the argument away from themselves and the society they have created. Nathaniel nails it by highlighting what an amoral bunch of thieving individuals we have managing this country. They have been metaphorically looting us for years. Whanging on about fast track justice when they have kicked the whole of Murdoch's and News Internationals criminality into the long grass.

    Maybe its blogs like these and the 10's of thousands that now exist that will circumnavigate the information put out by central government. This is where things will really get out of step and they won't see it coming before its to late.

    Its interesting that the coalition put out the story about restricting people communicating by social media. Its as ridiculous as it is impossible, its panic stricken censorship but gives a clear indication about how nervous they are getting.

  17. This thread seems to be struggling with 2 things; If there is no god does it matter? and if I die should I leave some legacy or will I be of any significance?

    In the present some kind of morality (hopefully) should guide you as to why all the things you do, little decisions you make , matter. They are all cause and effect.

    The 2nd question is an internal one , its one of ego and best left for you to battle with. I would suggest its linked to the first question and in order to be at peace with that one you need to get through the 2nd question.....I suspect.

  18. i would have written 3 white youths if they were white" karter..

    Yes but why, strawberries was not putting out a description to catch them so why mention their colour. Maybe you need to reach in a little deeper and have a think, how does your attitude really portray you. " I'm johnny big balls and if they were white I would say they were white"....point being so what, what's it matter other than to your embarrassment over someone's skin colour. Not about prejudice maybe, just white fright.

  19. "The YOS is currently located on the Aylesbury estate which is about as central to Southwark in population terms as you can get. "

    Well that's convenient , slap bang in the middle of a pretty rough estate. As for the C02 argument that's just desperate. It's just about keeping your electorate happy and in that sense politicians are completely amoral. That's what makes them so insidious. East Dulwich is part of the wider community and shoulder the burden along with the rest of society. And it seems to me that DJKQ is pretty much mostly 'right' in what she says, intelligence clearly helps her in this regard.

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