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  1. We're going to come along as well!! Bumped into Ginny and Amber today, would be good to catch up with everyone after so long!! Michelle and Xander Xxx
  2. Phobic3000 You haven't answered my question about whether you actually saw the stag do this. If you had seen it, I think you would have said, and as you didn't see this, you can't possibly know it was him. I do know him, and he wouldn't do such a thing, drunk or not. I agree this thread should be taken down, but I wish you were able to apologise for making these claims without any proof.
  3. I sent the message below to Phobic3000, after he started this thread yesterday. To date, there has been no reply... There has been no positive identification of the person who took a dump on the floor of the gents by anyone on here, and there has has been no identification of the stag because he didn't do it. Hi phobic3000 Did you actually see, I mean actually, physically witness the guy in question take a sh*t on the floor of the gents? I know the guy in question, and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that he is one of the kindest, most gentle and thoughtful people I know and I am absolutely sure that he did not do this. I can see from your other posts that you're not taken to wildly abusive and slanderous messages, so it can only be that you either saw this with your own eyes or you just assumed it was him. I am absolutely sure the former is not the case, and therefore if it is the latter, I do hope you can consider whether you have been fair in your assumption. It's disgusting behaviour, yes, but there is absolutely nothing to justify your assumption of blame and resultant comments.
  4. Hello, I am coming along tomorrow too. Hope it's still nice and sunny! X
  5. Hello ladies, sorry I haven't been in touch for a while, but out little baby made an appearance last Saturday and we have had our hands full ever since!! Once we figure out what we're doing perhaps we can meet up? Maybe a meet with some of the June bumps that are now babies?! Hope you're all well otherwise. Michelle X
  6. Hi all Congrats to jules and sally for the first sets of twins to arrive! I couldnt make the meet up last tues as one of my nct classes got rearranged for that night but i'd be up for meeting on the 31st depending on time? Or, if some junies have already started mat leave, perhaps one morning next week? Michelle X
  7. Hello, I'm def up for a Junies meet. The 12th works best for me if that suits others? Michelle
  8. Yes, i'm planning on coming along too. Will be nice to see you all again and this time i'll try not to leave all my belongings on the table when i leave!! Michelle X
  9. Hello ladies, My friend told me about the summer babies group on the Forum and i'm delighted to have found you all! I am expecting my first on 17th June and would love to meet you all. If it's ok, i'd like to try and come along to the EDT on Tuesday? If work gets in the way, then perhaps I can join the June babies group, but i am away the weekend of the 23/24th which i think was the date suggested. Hope you're all well and looking forward to meeting you soon!!!!
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