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Everything posted by K4ti

  1. Hi, We are shorty moving to Athenlay Rd and I am looking for a nursery for my 1 yr old. I know there will be a waiting list which is fine as we don't need it yet. Can anyone recommend any in the local area? I have been to Puddleduck which but haven't heard of any others and would like to compare? Thanks
  2. Anyone know of any classes running today at all in or around ED? Thanks
  3. This is an odd request but hopefully someone will have some pearls of wisdom. I want to buy my partner a decent bag suitable for cycling to work for his birthday next week. It needs to be attractive, visible, not too bulky yet have enough space for change of clothes, lock etc. Anyone know of a good brand to look at??? Willing to spend up to ?100.
  4. Hi Smiler, Any idea where you can find a list of the registry offices in central London? Would definitely consider that as an option.
  5. Hello, My partner and I are getting married next Autumn. Our plan is to have a very intimate ceremony close to home in London during the week (non church) and then to have a celebration of our marriage at the weekend in the peak district (where we are both from). I'm hoping this will keep costs down. Despite this I'd like somewhere prettier than some of the local registry offices to actually get married. It will be a family only service of approx 15 people and we will not require anything other than the ceremony itself. Any thoughts on a local and reasonably priced venue for this? Thanks
  6. Hello, I am new to this but looking to meet other self-employed parents in the ED area. Does this meet up still happen? If so hopefully i can join? x
  7. Hi, Does anyone know of any activities on for babies (5.5months) on Friday lunchtimes/afternoons? Ideally in East Dulwich area. Thanks
  8. Hi all, Congrats on all the wonderful winter baby arrivals! I have been completely inactive on this thread and just getting used to being a first time mum for the last four weeks!! Hermione was born at 6lb 6oz on the 30th Jan and is so far proving to be quite a good baby. Unfortunately we were both rather poorly for a week with a tummy bug so she's still only just 7lb! I am now definitely up for meeting up with other mums (particularly first timers) if there's anything happening over the next couple of weeks? Cathy
  9. Hi, I know most places are child friendly in ED but am wondering if any pubs/restaurants are into the early evening? We have a 5wk old with no routine in place as yet who sleeps very well so I'd like to get out for an early dinner/drink with the other half and take her with us. Any reccomendations? Thanks
  10. Thanks for the tips ladies! I will certainly try to follow them, the thought of a few hours sleep is quite a motivation to start expressing!
  11. Thanks ladies, Yes midwife seemed to be concerned re nipple confusion but i am of the mindset that the sooner the better...i know my mother did this with us and breastfed for a year with each with no problems and a lot of sleep!!I will definitely give my supply a few days to get set up and then see where i'm at and if i can start expressing a bit extra. OH is really keen to be involved in feeding so fingers crossed we will be able to make it work that way!
  12. Hi Anna, Can I ask when you started the expressing for partner to do night feed from? I am so keen to do that (depending on supply!) but midwife keeps telling me will need to wait a month!! I'm due next tues so will give this meet up a miss but would love to join again once the arrival is here! Have fun! X PS congrats to all this WB and WB mums! So many lovely stories!
  13. Hi, Does anyone know of any carol services on this week before Christmas eve? Thanks
  14. Sounds lovely for Thursday Hannah but it's my last day at work and also the Christmas party so i am going to make it my leaving do too! Can't believe maternity leave has finally arrived. Is anyone in the group looking to sell a birth pool post birth at all? I am due 17 Jan and am just about to buy a birth pool in a box but thought i'd check to see if anyone is clearing out / wants to go halves and use afterwards (new liner of course!!!) or anything as they come in around ?130 for all the kit new. x
  15. Congratulations Mothercourage! Fab news and a happy story for us all to aspire too. Toll on Winter Baby #2! Cathy x
  16. Hi Mooncake, Do you know how many people in total they can run it for? I was at my NCT class last night and a few of the women were saying they were keen? Looking forward to meeting you all tomo night. Cathy
  17. Mooncake, can i ask where the breastfeeding workshop is at? Thanks
  18. Glad to hear there are some other home-birthers on here as we are having one too. Is anyone else with the Brierly? I will come along next Thursday to meet you all, looking forward to it! Cathy
  19. Hi guys, I have just moved to East Dulwich and am due to have my first January 17th. Can I still join this group? Seems like a great way to meet others. Are there any meet ups organised at all? I've just seen the hypnobirthing thing, i am already booked in to do this but am interested in the sleep seminar thing if someone is organising another? Cathy
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