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Everything posted by grabot

  1. I agree with Bob and I am afraid my colleagues, many of whom have previously worked in fraud prevention. Responding appropriately is tricky though. Unfortunately, many of modern life's financial conveniences also represent vulnerabilities. The best advice seems to be to use a credit card, rather than a debit card where possible; apparently the burden is on the credit card company to prove blame rather than the cardholder.
  2. I appreciate that for trivialities the search function is great. But, postings often ramble off into "witticism" or political commentary. My general rule is that as postings grow they become less relevant. In this case I would say that a fresh posting is justified to provide emphasis. In fact, I have just hit this posting with a big fat non-sequitur myself. Sorry about that guys. I am in a bad mood because of the attempted fraud on my card. My colleagues advise me not to use debit cards, not to have internet banking and to always use cash; what use is that?
  3. I had the same experience today. What is the relevance of the search function? This is a serious matter and if it is brought to individual's attention multiple times, I would consider that to be a very good thing. My transactions on the account in question have been quite limited in recent weeks. I generally use my card in supermarkets, cash for smaller transactions in independent shops.
  4. I concur on the pushchair front. Otherwise, the Clockhouse or Herne are not necesarily bad options, depending on the time; we have taken our baby daughter to both places. The Clockhouse does good coffee and the Herne markets itself as a family friendly establishment. And, on a happy note, it will soon be summer and picnics on the Rye will be the order of the day :-)
  5. Is it just me, or does the Peckham Rye Cafe create a kind of dissonance? Lots of tables crammed into a strange, curved space, jostling for position. Perhaps the environment rather than the individual is the problem in this case; it seems to stress people out.
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