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Everything posted by EatLessBread

  1. Thank you for your response to this thread. Unfortunately the post has been abused and has had to be pulled down.
  2. ...before I resort to buying on Amazon for an amount we can't afford. We actually only need it for 6 weeks only until we move.... Please can anyone help? Please, please? X 07760181419 but phonecalls only as my text service is completely broken.
  3. Hello! Me too....did the same move and defo haven't found my feet here. I'd love to meet some like minded mums. I have an 8 month old little girl....... Anyone? Xx
  4. Hi there, Apparently my other half is seemingly always too busy to do ANY D.I.Y around the house whatsoever....it seems FIFA, online forums and Series 1 of 24 is more important. He keeps telling me I am an idiot for getting someone in to do day to day stuff, but I am clueless with DIY and have a 5 month old firstborn clamped to my hip/boob/shoulder all day. Ha! It has now been 6 months since we moved in and since I've been asking for some help putting pictures up, drilling some coat hooks up, etc, etc. Nada. So, I am looking for a good, trusted and fair priced helping hand. Some paintings hang high so I guess a little ladder may be needed? It's general DIY but I reckon it's a good days' work. Can anyone here recommend a decent person, you know, one who cares about his work and doesn't charge ridiculous amounts? I could so desperately do with a good handyman's number..... Thank you, thank you, Xx
  5. This Summer we are hoping to brave a trip abroad....3 little ones who will be 8, 4 and a half and a 9 month old. We have to book this holiday way in advance for various reasons and we really don't have a big budget at all. We have always holidayed in the UK, but this year the 2 older kids really want to be on a sandy beach abroad. We are not particularly fussed where we go but we would really like all inclusive as we're all knackered. Short of Club Med and Mark Warner, I'm not really sure where to start looking, lol! We had a quick look this a.m at Thomson and we were both shocked by the prices. Does anyone out there know of any secrets or have any advice as to where we could be looking for one week's all inclusive or even bed and breakfast somewhere......? This is all very new to me and I have no idea how a family of 5 begins to embark on a holiday abroad on a budget in school holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way, I'd like to add....if it was up to me, I'd be all up for Cornwall for a week but with the useless British weather, we want somewhere sunny with a pool for the kids, just for a week. Thank you in advance for any replies and also, my apologies in advance ifnI don't reply for a while as I am pretty hands full right now.... Lol, ELB x
  6. And I second all of these comments. Thanks to the original posting here, little baby C and I found Chee's Baby Sensory class in F.Hill which we attended for the first time when little C was just 9 weeks old. We now attend Chee's Tueaday classes in Brockley and we LOVE them. Chee just captivates all of the little ones and her classes are always full of enthusiasm and fun. We just love it....cannot recommend her classes enough. Xx
  7. The Ponds products are fantastic............can't beat them. X
  8. wow, super helpful. thanks tons peeps. xx
  9. Does anyone out there know of a great (online ) service for printing Instagram photos? Thank you! X
  10. Looking for 1 x spare ticket for this years Schools Choir event at the O2 this coming Wednesday. Please PM me if you happen to have a spare. Thank you Viv
  11. I urgently need Physio on my severely sprained foot....does anyone know a Physio open or working on weekends? If so, pls reply or call me on 07760181419. THANK YOU from bed where I'm holed up and can't walk...... X
  12. Delighted with all of this feedback and ideas. Thank you, as ever EDF. I shall look into this now. ELB x
  13. I am looking for recommendations for a photographer to capture our 8 week old. Ideally I would want the photos to be taken in a studio as our home doesn't have anywhere great to snap in...it's all a bit cluttered at the moment after moving house. I'd like some shots of the little one and some shots of the three of us. Can anyone recommend anyone in the s-e London area and preferably someone who has a space for such shoots? Thanks.xx
  14. Does anyone know of any ballet classes for a 4 year old girl, preferably on a weekend day or a weekday afternoon after 1pm? We live in SE20 so ideally looking closer to Penge, Forest Hill, Crystal palace, but ED or HOP also good.... Would appreciate recommendations... Thanks! X
  15. Forgive me if this posting reads as frantic but 7.5 week old baby is asleep so I have a window to fit 101 things into a miraculously short time. Here's the long and the short of it: Baby born via elective, took a while for milk to come in so she was topped up in hospital with teeny bits of Aptamil formula but I did feed colustrum and am went on to bf as exclusively as poss but again, I was topping up some feeds with small formula amounts until milk came in. Stopped topping up at about 3-4 weeks. Growth spurt. Had to top up. Top up turned into more than just 40mls. Breastfeeding all going well other than feeds were v v v long. Coupled with a dose of PND and a fear of going out due to not wanting to bf in public (very nervous), I spiralled into a very bad, nervous and anxious state. At the advise of a wonderful mat. nanny, I dropped the 10am and 2pm bf and bottle fed those feeds with Aptamil, last week my baby girl taking up to 150ml at one point. I felt so much better AND got out of the house and I was happy so baby was much happier. I still bf most other feeds though I topped up with formula just before her half 7pm sleep and her father did the 10pm feed with approx 120ml's of expressed breast milk (EBM).....that in itself took forever to collect each day! Anyway, a few days ago, my baby's milk spots became much worse as did a bit of dry skin on her face; this has now turned into severely dry, cracked and flakey skin on her face (her forehead, ears, behind the ears and her temples and into her scalp). I am lathering her with Diprobase at the advise of the GP. She looks terrible but doesn't seem to be in discomfort. On Tuesday, she looked so awful as the dry skin was chronic and the milk spots were getting redder and redder, especially during a feed so I took her to A+E where (cut a long story short) a seemingly 17 year old SHO diagnosed her with a type of excema that is reflective of an allergy to the protein in cow's milk. WTF?! I'm not sure that I buy that, especially a diagnoses after 30mins in A+E pediatrics at Hospital. Surely if she was allergic to the Aptamil, wouldn't there be other symptoms too? Such as runny nose, loose poo, dry skin not just on the face? How come it manifested itself overnight almost when she's been on formula since day 1? I was sent home with a pot of Nutramagen formula, told to cut out dairy in my diet as I'm still bf'ing and told that weaning next year would have to be dairy free for the start..... Nightmare. I saw this as a reason to go back to breastfeeding full time but baby is feeding constantly now that I've come off the formula and just doesn't ever seem satisfied, especially during the day. My question to you parents out there is really, has anyone been through this? Is she just suffering from dry skin that babies can get at around 6-8 wks? Also, i clocked Hipp Organic formula in the supermarket the other day and noticed, a) that it's organic (obviously!) and b) that it contains probiotics which, I had heard, can help with skin conditions. When I went to my GP yesterday , a GP who im v fond of and whom I rate, he said that it was just severe dry skin and said that he wasn't going to use "the E word." He totally poo-poo'd the idea of it being an allergy to cow's milk. I was told to use Diprobase over the dry areas and to watch out for cracking due to the risk of infection. Can anyone help me or advise me if they changed to a more successful formula or if the severe dry skin is just very, bad cradle cap that nothing but Diprobase, some sweet almond oil and time will help. Thank you loads. xx
  16. Newborn who's 4 weeks. Can any mums out there recommend a safe baby wash that doesn't contain these lethal chemicals? Thank u!
  17. Thank yo so very much for ALL of your informative and helpful answers. What a sensational response. Am superbly grateful....thank you Xx
  18. Kathleen Beegan Was extremely gentle, wonderful and attentive http://doula.org.uk/content/kathleen-beegan-doula-profile xx
  19. Could anyone advise, please? I have heard people say that Huggies aren't as good as Pampers, especially for a girl. Any tips, pointers or opinions would be greatly received. Thanks.
  20. I sadly can't answer this question however, I'd be interested to follow the thread and see if you obtain any replies. x
  21. Congrats to my sister in law who's just had a baby boy. Now for the pressie .... She's asked for a sheepskin liner for her newborn Maxi Cosi (pebble?? I, sure she used the word Pebble!) car seat. There seem to be a ton of sheepskins out there but I have no idea what fits what and , as someone who's a bit of a perfectionist, I don't want one that "sort of" fits...would really like one that I know will do the job! Has anyone got any experience of this and therefore some advice and helpful pointers? Thanks tons! X
  22. Just means a shed load of family politics, another year of convincing the inlaws to NOT spend a fortune on presents that are never used, breaking the news to my folks that it's my turn to be with my hubbie and his lot rather than the other way round, wtf to buy an 11 year old and ........agh, no, definately not excited for Xmas!!!! Won't say no to a mince pie, though......
  23. Specifically looking for these tights. 3-6 months for the baby model. Need to be in good condition. But 0-3 would be accepted too. Anyone have them per chance? If you have the dress too, we would be interested as we may need two models on the shoot. Thank you. Please PM me if you have them and I'll get back to you asap. :-)
  24. I love the softness of their products, especially the bamboo items. But they are completely out of my budget. A) miraculously, no one has any that they're selling on do they? B) can anyone recommend equally soft but cheaper brands? Anyone know any fantastic soft organic clothing for bubs? Thank you for your help, X
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