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Posts posted by mashcov

  1. Huguenot Wrote:



    > That means that certain types of behaviour are

    > considered unacceptable, and it may be that your

    > previously liberal use of ALL CAPITALS and

    > aggressive use of the 'C' word means you haven't

    > worked out where those boundaries lie.


    > That may account for your deleted thread, any

    > 'investigations' you choose to indulge in will

    > teach you nothing more than that ;-)

    My deleted thread featured no capitals (except at the beginning of sentences or proper nouns) nor did it feature any words beginning with c that could be considered in anyway offensive.

  2. Penguin68 Wrote:


    > If there are any cheerleaders for paedophilia I

    > doubt they will be posting on the forum

    I wouldn't be so sure about that. This is exactly the sort of thread which would pique their interest. The relative anonymity of an internet forum is precisely the environment where they would feel relatively safe to (subtly and insidiously) defend their proclivities. They may not say it bluntly but there may well be people reading this thread that have such proclivities.

  3. StraferJack Wrote:


    > mashcov - you appear to have missed the many

    > threads on here over the years about strangers in

    > parks, taking photographs, attempted abductions

    > etc


    > For you to say people are staying silent is

    > bizaare.


    Yes I have missed these threads as I am fairly new to the area. All I have seen in the past few months is threads about poo and bottles of piss etc.

  4. Penguin68 Wrote:


    > On the forum we complain about poo and bottles of

    > strange stuff and parking because these are

    > trivial issues which no one else cares about, and

    > we alert each other to stories of (suspected)

    > child abduction (and burglary/ muggings) because

    > these are serious issues 'in progress' - but

    > getting too excited about a crime which didn't

    > happen on 'our' patch, which has been discovered

    > and the culprit tried and convicted would seem to

    > add neither value nor enjoyment to the forum.

    How can you say that the crime didn't happen on our patch? Paedophiles often seek out jobs where they can get access to children. This is often how they graduate from being voyeurs to abusers.

    If he was working at a local school then at least we can be thankful that he was apprehended before he graduated to becoming an abuser.

    That he had intentions to become an active abuser is clear from the details given in court. Harding claimed he wanted to 'groom a young kid and educate him in the best sex going and get him to recruit young kids too'.

    You might consider that it was a serious issue in progress halted by the intervention of the police.

  5. Particular areas can have problems with particular types of crimes.

    East Dulwich is an area with a very high percentage of children and a lot of families, probably the sort of area a paedophile could be attracted to. Does it make sense to just ignore this sort of crime and focus only on the burglaries and bike thefts?

    I agree with Lady Delilah 'child porn' involves watching the rape and abuse of children. These children are real people just like your children or nieces or nephews. I find it strange that people want to either stay silent or trivialise it.

  6. Chillaxed Wrote:


    > Weird post OP.


    > You'll find that people post about crimes that

    > directly affect them or that it is helpful to know

    > about e.g. burglaries and the burglars' modus

    > operandi.


    > Personally I think the fact that the EDF doesn't

    > rabidly obsess over these sorts of crimes to be in

    > its favour.

    That may be but I think it is a crime that parents might want to know about particularly if they had a child attending this school

  7. Shocking news of a Paedophile working at Dulwich College

    A man who was working at the canteen in Dulwich college has been convicted of child pornography offences. The judge let him walk free ( Judge was also a former student at the college )

    The judge Andrew Goymer commented: 'You have escaped prison by a gap so narrow that you could hardly see daylight through it'

    But the gap was large enough for him to walk free through it.

    Excuse the title which is in bad taste but I find it highly suspicious that the posters at this forum see fit to report the minutae of the tiniest real or imagined offences in this area but have nothing to say on this shocking subject.

  8. Posted by StraferJack February 20, 04:44PM

    " Sainsbury's were less than helpful " - why should they be? If you have your bike nicked from outside a shop on LL do you expect them to do anything? The council? Who?

    "Anyone recommend where to take this" - where do you want to take it? You were robbed. Could happen anywhere. It's galling and upsetting but apart from your insurance that's it really.

    "Sainsbury's don't give a toss about their cycling customers." - again, why should they? Do you honestly think when you park up in a supermarket car park you have entered some special crime-free zone?

    Sainsury's exist to sell you things - if they sell you something dodgy then you can complain about them. The car park is an add-on perk you use at your own risk

    But hey, you won't be the first to start your own special thread about you and Sainsbury's and you won't be the last


    StraferJack sounds like manager at sainsbury. well then i would like to ask the manager at sainsbury that if i come and shit right outside the door , then would he clean it or not ???????

    outside store or inside store the land is owned by the store, of course they should try to protect the property of the customer.

    If someone bike is stolen from outside a shop on LL then the footpath is not owned by the shopkeeper. it is the responsibility of the council and the police to protect the property of the public.

    and at last they have a security guard at the door to stop shoplifting, why they don't have guard to stop bike lifting.

  9. In the process of purchasing a frozen black forest gateau I was impaled by a piece of sharp glass at the self service checkout. This small piece of glass seemed to have fallen out of the box itself as I was trying to scan it. The coop employee was very unconcerned when it was brought to his attention. He did eventually provide me with tissue for my bleeding hands but I have a suspicion he took the box and put it back in the freezer.

    Just warning anyone who may have bought or are thinking about buying a black forest gateau from coop.

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