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Everything posted by julesonline

  1. Hi - sorry we haven't been along recently either. It's been a month of coughs, colds and tummy bugs! Hopefully recovered enough next week. Enjoy your tea and cakes!! J x
  2. Hi - we have a twin lunch so can't make today sorry. Wish us luck.. 12 twin mums equals 24 babies and 12 enormous buggies.. happy Halloween! J x
  3. Hi, we all have colds so will give lunch a miss this week. See you next time! J x
  4. Hi Ginny, difficult with all the buggies! A bigger meet up would be great; I've only been to a Monday one once but would love to see people I met with babies. Forecast for next week looks fine so why not a park meet while we still can sit outdoors? Dulwich or PR? Otherwise a pub with space or - crazy thought - what about Starbucks at Sainsbury's? Not glamourous but they do have plenty of space for buggies!! Hi to all. Jules x
  5. Hi - can't make it this week but lovely to see you all last week and will definitely come again soon. Jules, Annabel & Imogen xxx
  6. Maybe.. I turned up in cafe Nero one day and met Sara and a couple of other ladies whose names I've now forgotten! See you later. :)
  7. Hi - we haven't made it to any meet ups yet but would like to join you today. Will aim for 1230. Jules & twins
  8. Congrats to all new parents and arrivals! I'd love to meet up but go to mum and baby Pilates on Mondays at 12:00-13:00. Friday morning would be a good day for us. J. X
  9. Heat is a nightmare isn't it?! We don't get out much either as too hot in buggy. Found that cafe in Dulwich park has nice thru breeze and open fairly early. Also went to Co-op today, really cool inside, so much so that babies woke up protesting!!
  10. Congratulations Claire, great to hear. Look forward to seeing you both. Jules x
  11. Congrats to new arrivals. Look forward to seeing some of you soon with babies!! Jules x
  12. Sorry didn't make it, feeding time went on longer than planned. Around next week - hope to make it.
  13. Hi Gemma - I'm hoping to come along - navy out n about buggy. Is it Peckham rye park cafe today at twelve? Jules x
  14. Hope you're feeling better Sofia and congratulations. I can't make thurs eve but will come along to next day time meet if poss. Girls are five weeks today and getting more like full term babies every day. Also, I have a slimline dishwasher for sale, standalone white, beko brand. Excellent condition just changed it for an integrated one. PM me if anyone is interested. See you soon! J x
  15. Just to say hi, am following thread but too much work to come out and meet you with twins yet. Hoping to in a couple of weeks. Jules x
  16. Congrats Gemma! I'm also hoping to socialise in another couple of weeks. Our twins are two weeks old today and keep us busy on a three hourly feeding/changing schedule. Jules x
  17. Congratulations Sally, glad to hear your babies arrived safely and are well looked after. Hope the feeding and kangaroo cuddles are going well. Jules xx
  18. On waking at 4am... I found listening to radio 4 or 3 would trick me back to sleep for an hour or two at 4am. And if really uncomfortable I'd get up and sleep reclining on sofa or arm chair - travel cushion around neck handy. Whatever works!!
  19. Hi, just a quick note to say our twin girls arrived last Weds and are home with us. All doing well. (Louise, thank goodness for tiny clothes you brought round, although still too big for our littlest one!). All the best and look forward to a summer babies meet up next month or so. Jules x
  20. Hi, just a quick message to say our twin girls arrived on Weds 15th and are home with us getting used to life! Look forward to a meet up next month. Jules
  21. Just wanted to say hi and congratulations to the new parents! We're still expecting our girls on Tues. Look forward to meeting up at some point over the next month. J x
  22. Hi - good to meet you today. See you again soon! Jules
  23. Yup, exhausted and uncomfortable.. and at the same time relaxed and excited.. a bundle of all sorts. :)
  24. Hi - this coming Sunday morning would be lovely, 10am at The Gardens cafe. Doesn't have to be just 'June' babies.. anyone from the wider group who fancies a coffee/tea morning also welcome. Just easier to chat in a smaller group and without the background noise of a pub! Jules x
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