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knackered cow

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Posts posted by knackered cow

  1. Hi!

    I also worried about doing this too early then realised any change will take it's time to settle whenever I decided to do it!

    I say do it now and get it over and done with!

    As long as you think your son is safe and won't hurt himself if he falls out all you'll have to deal with is him getting out all the time which will happen at any age!

    Both my children loved getting into their 'big' bed (my son was 2.5, my daughter just 2) especially when I relented and got them some naff character bedding for them!!!

    If you're worried about sleep walking definitely try a stair gate at the top of the stairs. You could use one that doesn't need to be permanently fixed, even a travel gate would be good.

    Best of luck...x

  2. Hey!

    I feel for you, My baby had silent reflux (not throwing up feed but had alot of acid coming up) I was desperate for anything to work as she was always uncomfortable. I had to keep her upright constantly so had her in the baby bjorn all day then she slept on me all night! Hell!

    At 3 months she got better but it could of been because of 3 things...

    Her stomach muscles matured,

    The very expensive cranial osteopathy sessions we'd had previously (above Soup Dragon)


    That I put her on formula at this time- my daughter seemed to react to everything I ate. My health visitor urged me to continue breast feeding so I did but cut so many foods out of my diet, I was miserable! In my case MAYBE breast wasn't best!!

    If yours is a guzzler perhaps the control of a bottle might help?? You can always express breast and still use a bottle, there are some great bottles out there now.

    We tried Gaviscon which might really help your baby as it thickens the stomach contents but make sure you keep the fluids up as it can make them constipated!

    All I can say is hold on in there! It can really drag you down but keep trying different things and keep talking! That is why this forum is great because you can get support and not feel like you're boring the ones nearest and dearest because at the end of the day even though they are trying to help with their advice nobody really knows what you're going through unless they've experienced it themselves.

    My experience only lasted 3 months but it felt like a lifetime but guess what....it's all a faded memory now!

    Best of luck and keep us posted! :)

  3. Why? I hate the way people change things around on this Forum!!! If I had said white with dreadlocks or he was skinny and blonde would it get the same response?

    If people are worried about being burgled, which I am as it happened to us, then why isn't it useful to give a description of the person actually caught in the act??? There was absolutely no racial hatred intended just thought it would help as there has been such an increase of break-ins, especially violent ones!

    I am really sorry if it has offended anyone! :)

  4. As Red Devil said...DEADLOCKS GUYS DEADLOCKS!!! but I think I should add....AND DREADLOCKS!

    We were burgled a couple of weeks ago then I heard from a friend just round the corner that their neighbour disturbed a burgler who broke in through the front door while he was downstairs and had to run out of the house at the back and leave him inside. He didn't see his facial features too well but apparently said he was black with DREADLOCKS!

  5. Calling all of you that like to play computer games!

    My son discovered the below website and found a game he enjoyed but got stuck quite early on so I decided to give him a hand...I am now addicted!

    I'm not usually into these sort of things but I liked this game because I have to use my brain (a bit)! Anyway, I am finding level 20 impossible and want to know if it's just me, so if you have a few 100 hours to spare have a go!


  6. We also have the same problem on our street! I first contacted the council a year ago! I will copy and paste the reply below. Since I received that email I have contacted them again but was told that they had reviewed the situation but weren't taking any action at this time, great! The best thing you can do is keep on at them and get anyone else who is bothered by the problem to email them. I also emailed our local councillors and although I didn't hear back somebody from the council did come to the door asking about parking (not sure if that was connected). Anyway, if we keep on at them something might be done! Think I might do that right now!

    Thank you for your email, received 11 September 2007, regarding parking pressure and your support for a Controlled Parking Zone.

    Your street was last consulted on the option of a CPZ in 2002/3 and the result showed a lack of public support for the scheme.

    At present there are a considerable number of locations across the Borough that either have existing controls requiring statutory review or where there is pressure for consultation on the options of controlled parking and our resources for undertaking reviews are fully committed for 2007/8.

    We will of course consider your representations when bringing forward our programme for parking review in 2008/9. If the area were to be included in the programme and subject to a positive response to consultation, parking controls could be in place by the end of that period.

    You may be interested to read the process for CPZ implementation and some frequently asked questions about CPZs on the councils website www.southwark.gov.uk

    If you know others who are in favour of a CPZ in the area I would be grateful if they emailed the controlled parking team ([email protected]) or wrote to the controlled parking team at 151-153 Walworth Road, London, SE17 1RY to make such representations. You may also consider it appropriate to talk to your your local ward councillors.

    If I can be of any more assistance with regard to controlled parking, please do not hesitate to contact me.

    Yours sincerely

    Tim Walker

    Controlled Parking Team Leader

  7. I think this same man was in the Hern Tavern garden back in July! He was in his 50's I think and wore a black leather coat. I thought he was quite nice at first because he offered to smoke his cigarette well away from the children but my thought soon changed when I thought I saw him filming at waist level! I wasn't 100% of what I saw and he didn't stick around too long but I'll be looking out for him in the future!
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