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Everything posted by Fidgetsmum

  1. I did it for both births - first birth not much use if I'm honest. But I had it specifically tailored to my own mental hangups for my second birth and it worked a treat. I'd always recommend it.
  2. AliM - you're right about the price of the food. We took a packed lunch and just had the pizza for tea to keep the costs down. I think one of the ways we got to see more (and perhaps I should mention Fidget is only 3.5yrs) is I followed Lollibop on Facebook and Twitter leading up to the festival and looked up all the comments from people who'd been the day before us, so I guess we were pre-warned a bit as to what was likely to be possible and where we should limit out expectations. Still, one shouldn't have to do that to have a nice time somewhere if you're paying ?20 a ticket - I agree.
  3. That's excellent! Better add all this to another list then....
  4. Fidget goes to the Grafton Centre with Dulwich Ballet School and loves it. Her teacher Miss Jo seems very good (and nice) and my daughter has never not wanted to go so I take that as a good sign.
  5. We enjoyed it a lot even though we didn't get to see CHarlie and Lola, for the same reasons as above - they hadn't got the capacity right - and we disappointed with that. We got Fidget's face painted in a stall selling fairy things (tutus, wings etc) - no queue and looked better than most of the face paints we saw there. We saw Rastamouse, Zingzillas and Cerrie from CBeebies on the stage, as well as Peppa Pig and my daughter was overcome with excitement. The food (we had the pizza from a proper stone pizza oven) was absolutely delicious. The tent you could change your baby's nappy in had a separate tent for breastfeeding with comfy bean bags and fantastic service by the lady manning it - she helped a mum who had a two week old baby with her bags, got her some hand sanitizer, got her a bottle of water and found a pillow for her without her even asking. All the nappies, wipes etc were free. And I really liked the random 'acts' you saw wandering around (massive inflatable lobster, the mechanical horse and the blokes on those springy stilt things jumping around dressed vaguely convincingly as kangaroos). We're looking forward to the story tents next year (Fidget a bit too young this year) as when we looked in, the kids were totally engrossed in the storyteller. To be honest, I think it'll get better and better year on year. It wasn't perfect (a shame not to get into Charlie and Lola etc) but we liked the smaller outfits doing their thing rather than the big name stuff and felt it was just worth the money. I wouldn't have wanted to pay more. We will be going next year. Hope that helps get another side to the story.
  6. Yes - it IS possible. VERY happy to discuss in more detail with you via PM (I've posted more info in the past on the forum too) but basics of my situation are thus: First baby - 9lb 2, (I'm 5'2"). Laboured at home for 20hrs - decided to transfer to Kings as baby just not moving (wasn't in distress, but I got to 9cm and no further). Episiotomy, and eventual failed ventouse so subsequent forceps delivery with messy 3rd degree tear. Infected stitches, residual pain on walking, sitting down, lying down, bending over for 12 months, PND. Second baby - delivered by Brierley. 9lb 14 - delivered with hand up by his head. At home Christmas Eve, labour 3 hours total from first contraction to him landing on the bedroom floor. NO damage. No PND. Back in bed with cup of tea and a bowl of porridge straight after. I credit my lovely second birth to the following in no particular order: 1) Use of Epi-No - I think it was the main cause of my physical relaxation in labour and birthing 2) Three sessions with Christine Neillands who gave me recordings to listen to - she was EXCELLENT at tailoring hypnobirthing techniques to my specific personality type (I'm not a hippy by any stretch of the imagination (although I probably wish I was!!)) 3) the fantastic Brierley midwives who just 'understood' my paralysing fears of childbirth and guided me through. 4) Notes for ALL people due to be present at the birth about what they should and shouldn't precisely say so that it fitted in with my hypnobirthing language (I know that makes me sound like a controlling old hag - but it REALLY made a difference and helped me refocus when I lost my way in transition) 5) Acceptance that I couldn't be 100% sure that it would be ok - but that as long as I did everything possible to make it so, I would be happy accepting whatever was given to me in birthing. And, I thought I would be VERY unlucky to have such a sh*t time again! Hope that helps - VERY happy to discuss any aspects with you on PM. Particularly the Epi-no which I think is essential both physically and psychologically if you've torn badly before. (Sorry for use of SHOUTING capital letters - just very passionate that good births can happen after bad) x
  7. Ok. Thanks Polly D, I'll be packing as many as I can fit in then.
  8. What they eat can have a huge impact on size, consistency and colour of their poo. First time my son had any spinach (and it wasn't much at all) his poos a couple of days later were reeeeaaalllly dark. But. Check the ingredients of the pasta sauce and then to put your mind at rest, perhaps book an appointment with the GP. If there's mucous, that implies irritation maybe. Might be worth just getting checked out.
  9. Brilliant - thanks Molly. And thanks for the PM. About to respond.
  10. BB100 - that's exactly what we're looking for. A proper Spanish restaurant where the Spaniards go. Have asked on the forum if anyone has the Michel Thomas Learn Spanish course on CD that I could borrow - that'd help those supermarket conversations!
  11. Yet again. The ladies of EDF have come up trumps. Thanks very much indeed for all the advice. Have started to relax already! Molly, I'll be in touch by PM if that's ok as weirdly, we're going to be staying just outside Pollenca! Just looking for restaurant recommendations I guess.
  12. BB100. That's exactly the sort of advice I was hoping for. Thanks very much. Funnily enough, I just mentioned that perhaps we just get another cheap buggy (we already have a McLaren (basic model) and each push separately. We also saw these pop up cabana things for the beach, which apparently people have used as an impromptu place for a nap for their kids.
  13. Brilliant - thanks. I'll check it out. I think we might be ok till Monday now as I've found a friend who can certify/witness the forms on Monday evening. It's just cutting it all a bit fine!
  14. Off in 3 weeks. Double buggy would be MASSIVELY helpful out there as both children can nap. But has anyone taken there chunky old double buggies abroad? I keep hearing stories of buggies getting knackered by the baggage people. I could take a McLaren but it's just one seat, hardly reclines so really, not ideal. Also, eating in restaurants - I'm guessing as they're family friendly, they'd have highchairs etc. I know, I know. It's only Majorca. But it's been a Looooooooong time since I left the house and engaged with normal society/went abroad since having kids and I just want my precious week away to NOT be filled with worries. Any other advice on travelling to Majorca with my two little fidgets?
  15. Got an appointment for fast track passport on Tuesday morning - but haven't got the photos taken yet and the only witness we can find who isn't on holiday at the moment can only sign tomorrow evening! ARGH. Will travel far to get photos if anyone knows anywhere that'll do them tomorrow?
  16. So. I made a chicken, lentil and tomato stew last night. Whizzed some up for baby just now, reheated it and fed it to him. But I made too much. Please tell me that if I stick it in the fridge then fully reheat it tonight, it'll be ok? I can't bare wasting food!
  17. Thanks everyone. Feeling much more positive about it now - good to hear it hasn't always ended up with one or other child in the bed with you!
  18. Brilliant idea Pickle. She's often found upstairs with a book when playing so yes, I could definitely explain that to her and I think she'd be fine with it. Genius. I just had visions of her lying there trying to be quiet - forgot about books. Think I've got myself in more of a panic than I need to.
  19. I could put the baby down earlier but the reason he's not in with us ideally is that he's not a heavy sleeper. He's likely to wake when we take the older one in anyway, hence thinking I'll just see if my daughter can put up with it (feel bad about that though - it's her holiday too!)
  20. Currently, 3.5yr old and 7mth old have separate bedrooms at home. Trying to find a holiday in self catering villa and the cost of a 3 bedroom versus a 2 bedroom is making the difference between us being able to go, or not. So. Am I completely bonkers to be thinking of putting the children in together? The baby sometimes shouts for about 10 minutes before going to sleep. My daughter sleeps like an absolute log though so I'm hoping that if we prepare her for it, she would soon drop off with the noise. They both sleep 7 to 7 (unless baby is teething). Could it work? Or would we end up with one of them in with us? (Please say NOooo! It'll be fiiiiine!)
  21. Ours is per family, not per child, or per child's time with nanny.
  22. Thank you everyone. Wonderful help. Online now trying to find that last minute deal. Fingers crossed.
  23. Belle - glad to hear your feeling more positive about your choices! Cff9 - I'm about to pm you the exact message I sent Belle when she was asking the same thing. So if she forwards her msgs on, I'm afraid you'll see me twice. x
  24. I'm going to pm you when the kids are in bed tonight.
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