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Everything posted by Fidgetsmum

  1. The last sunny holiday we took was our honeymoon nearly 6 years ago. Since then, we've had two kids (nearly 4yrs and 7 mths) So we want to make sure we get it right when we go to Corsica - nothing booked yet but planning to go 'last minute' at the end of August or end of September. Can anyone recommend travel companies? Or just general info of good beaches, family friendly (cheapish) villas etc?
  2. Dog Kennel? OR St Johns and St Clements? They're the ones left for us that we're closest to if they haven't...
  3. Thanks for all the advice everyone. Mrs.Lotte - how would I find out which schools are in the market for a bulge class potentially? Would the school just tell me if I asked? And also, they can't have more than one every three years? If so, it does seem that this year there were quite a few who took bulge classes so next year might be thin on the ground. Lordie. I'm not liking all this already - but trying to stay positive!
  4. When is Southwark likely to release their 2011 admissions information? I understand that this will include catchment areas... I know they will change next year (when we'll be applying) but I think we're in a black hole. Thanks
  5. I stopped going to GM's - two times in a row they didn't listen to what I wanted (I don't have complicated hair either). I felt I was on a production line. One time I gave them the chance to fix it (they did, but begrudgingly) and the second time I didn't bother asking. And they didn't do a great job with my daughters hair either. So I now use hairyjayne (see above post) who is FANTASTIC. I get her to come to my home as I now have a 3yr old and 7month old. She does my daughters hair too now and my daughter loves her. She's lovely to have around too. Strongly recommend her.
  6. Hi Fabian's Ma - no problem at all. No need to respond, unless you have more questions or just want to allergy-chat!
  7. Just booked our tickets - it looks fantastic!
  8. We got one and unlike most, we hardly used it - literally it's been out twice! Not because the bike we got wasn't good (it came highly recommended) but just that our daughter preferred her scooter so much and I wasn't prepared to make her use the bike if she didn't want to. Learning to ride should be fun, but she just wasn't interested at the time. Now she's much bigger she's going on a normal bike with stabilisers. Ours cost ?70. If you decide you do want one, then let me know. I'm selling ours and happy to consider offers!
  9. You can buy extra sheets etc. At least you could when I bought it all. It is expensive, but I knew I was aiming for another child so I would get a reasonable amount of use out of it. We'd tried the tucking the duvet under etc but our daughter always wriggled enough to untuck it from the mattress. Hence the grobaby purchases.
  10. I completely loved the system. We had a cotbed so as soon as the sides came off, the grobag zip up duvet went on and we didn't look back for ages. My daughter loved it - obviously she never fell out of bed but she also loved tucking her favourite toys in next to her and them still being there in the morning (i.e. they don't fall out either!). I now have a son and he'll be going through the same system without fail. Also, when we did finally put her in her big girls single bed, we didn't get the grobag zip ups for that, but just a normal duvet and pillow. We assumed she'd fall out loads having come to rely on the zip ups to keep her in, but in fact she hasn't fallen out once. So I think she's learned the positioning without the pain of falling out due to the zip ups. It's not cheap, but is one of those things that I'm really happy we spent the money on.
  11. Birthday party this weekend stipulates 'superhero' fancy dress theme. Lots for boys out there, but not so much for girls. This is the first 'fancy dress' party my daughter's gone to so NO idea what to do. Have been checking out ebay but there's not much choice (Batgirl or Wonder woman - neither of which I particularly like for a 4yr old). Any genius not-expensive ideas out there? Peeerleeeaaassseeeeee!
  12. I travelled to Florida to see my mum last year for three weeks - returning just before I hit 27 weeks. I'd had a miscarriage earlier in the year so was extra keen for specific situations to be covered should anything go wrong whilst I was out there. So, I was advised by friends in the industry to directly ring the ABI (Association of British Insurers) who will put you through to a qualified broker. You then discuss your requirements clearly, and they then find the most suitable cover. I ended up spending more than you would with a standard insurance policy, but I was also covered for extra eventualities, which a standard policy just will not cover you for. Have a nice holiday (and don't forget to read the teeeny tiiiny small print- it's that that you'll rely on if anything goes wrong - which I'm SURE it won't!!!)
  13. Thanks very much A. Curtain - No idea what joists are where... will get husband to take a look tonight. Thanks for the link too.
  14. There's not enough space. The frame literally ties into the ceiling with no spare space. Not to mention the fact that the window sill and radiator stick out sufficiently that the curtain needs to hang further 'in'.
  15. I'm getting some curtains made and they will be interlined so relatively heavy. I've got a square bay to cover so the pole that the curtains will sit on will be attached to the ceiling of the bay - not the wall. Can anyone recommend what I can do as I keep seeing poles I like but have heard I have to be careful that they won't break with the weight of the curtains.
  16. Agreed Sophiechristophy - the only thing it is doing for a short while is extending his wake up time from 5am to 6.30 or 7am. Frankly, right now, that's a Godsend as the 5ams were starting to wear me down. He's had pear, apple and tomorrow he'll be having some of the butternut squash that's just finished roasting in the oven. Thanks for everyone's information - as a Formula novice, it's been good to see two opinions.
  17. Of course, it's contamination risk from the factory, not the water. I geddit now.
  18. Okey dokes. Think I've got the hang of it. I got a few cartons as emergency measures in case I completely messed up making it from scratch and young boyfidget got upset - but all was well. Thanks everyone. Again!
  19. The box definitely says boil kettle, let it cool for 30 mins, then make it up with the powder. The water is still very hot but obviously not just boiled... should I be ignoring the instructions on the box - am I missing something?
  20. Oooooh I didn't know about this porridge stuff... shall look into it as yes, it is a faff. I made it as per instructions (boil kettle, let it cool for 30 mins, mix powder into water etcetcetc...). Reminded me why I prefer breastfeeding - am too lazy for all the faff!
  21. Poor Marvellous Mavis! All she wanted to know was some simple information and look where we are now?! I don't normally join in on threads like this, but perhaps the home birth vs hospital (I've had both) debate could be left to another thread, and we can all just wish Marvellous Mavis a wonderful birth whatever and wherever she chooses - I'm sure she's capable of checking out specific research and home birth vs hospital birth anecdotes on here herself. And I agree, that if someone posts something 'strongly opinionated' in one direction, it's right for the balance to be re-set, I just don't think it's helpful to the OP for it to be on her thread. Go on - someone shoot me down and remind me why I NEVER get involved in threads like this!!! LOL!
  22. Hi. So, further to my recent post, I've bought some formula and the boy had it in his baby rice and fruit puree this morning and it all went well. I made up a beaker full as that was easiest this morning but we didn't use it all in his breakfast. It's been in the fridge, in the beaker, ever since. Can I use it in his tea tonight? I would presume I can't keep it any longer, but the instructions imply use it immediately, or else! But I know that people make up bottles and take them on days out? Or did I dream that? He's still being bf so this is just for his baby rice. Thanks!
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