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Everything posted by mako

  1. I wouldnt say that they might have tried some unnamed action 5 years ago, constitutes them definitely having form
  2. lee highlights the need for some controls that need enforcing by referring to a major incident. He then falls into the trap of talking about dogs being banned which there is still no evidence for whatsoever. No-one has yet given any indication as to why southwark environment officers are 'anti dog' or given any evidence yet that in fact they are, yet it is often quoted as if fact. Like many threads Lee's thread becomes one of having a go at another group of park users rather than offering anything on the current dog situation and improvements that could be made by that group of users and for that group of users. As for suggesting southwarks intentions are race related-i find that incredibly unlikely. Southwark are clearly right to start informed debate in this area as there clearly are issues. If everyone simply engaged in the debate rather than essentially defending the poor control of a number of dog owners by citing other park users failings, more progress would be likely.
  3. It is also time that they got rid of the tennis courts that block up areas of the park open to everyone, especially those with dogs.
  4. First mate just to clarify. 'Fair play for dogs' believe there should be dogs on leads areas and that those in place should be rigorously enforced, but these areas should not be extended?
  5. Friday evening 5.45 at dulwich prep and saturday morning 9.45 at Dulwich sports ground.
  6. Initially the main issue people had with the southwark survey was that they claimed that there already was an agenda and this reduced the chance for sensible and reasoned debate. Now that there is effectively a lobby group of dog owners with their own agenda, petitions etc, isnt that exactly the same case. They have already decided that they dont want dog on leads areas, despite many dog owners on here welcoming them and asking for those that do exist to be enforced e.g. Chunksmum. Does this now mean that for balanced debate we need a further lobby group representing other opinions etc? Those signing the petition so far have regularly commented that without dogs this and that, implying a complete dog ban that has never been suggested in any way. Could some clever forum user not produce an easy survey on here asking the key questions such as do you want on lead areas? And then everyone votes and gets a clearer view?
  7. If not then anyone watching please support Dulwich based Sporting Sharks in their quest to be world champs
  8. Come on first mate. You dont need a survey asking do you want litter. Whereas as the other thread shows views on the current state of dogs in our parks is one that has very different opinions.
  9. Any forumites playing in the World Champs cricket currently taking place across Dulwich?
  10. davidh Do you not think that the Sexby gardens should be a dogs on lead area?
  11. Surely childrens birthday parties are a good use of the park?
  12. Three more points, but think mondays match will be a lot tougher. Hope the rain didnt take too much out of them.
  13. My daughter started when 4 and she loves it but agree with DaveR that more getting them from non swimming to swimming independently than technique.
  14. Love the bee wall and echo Nickt's comments.
  15. Zombiemonkey. It is extremely unlikely that dog owners will be under represented in the number of surveys returned. Dog owners are obviously more likely to fill in this questionaire/reply to this thread etc as they have a vested interest to do so. People hardly bother to vote so unlikely they are going to spend time filling in the form unless they genuinely have an issue.If as many have said there are no issues then I would expect over 80% of forms to be filled in by dog owners.
  16. even if the conspiracy was to let schoolchildren use the park (and if they havent got anywhere then that actually seems like a good idea) why would they need to ban dogs?
  17. Haerton I think your post would have been better if you had missed out the moaning about children, cyclists, teenagers, motorists and those enjoying a drink, as it makes you sound a little less tolerant than you state you are. Oh and i'd like to point out that i think the fact you are a high tax payer is as relevant as the fact that your dog doesnt pay tax.
  18. Still no one has answered what the benefit to southwark council is for banning dogs? Those in denial that there are any dog related incidents only need to read the last couple of threads where chuff and zombiemonkey picked up four poos that werent theirs on the same day and haerton who has lost the number of times they has been spat and shouted at due to having a dog. These are dog related incidents in the park that the council suggest are increasing and many of the above threads offer evidence of that. They are looking to address these incidents hopefully reducing the confrontation the likes of haerton regularly experience. They are not proposing a ban.
  19. Davidh There are not normally more dogs in the park than people. In fact i expect there are never more dogs in the park than people.
  20. For those who cant be bothered to actually complete the survey from the council, there is no option to say that you want dogs banned from the park because they have zero intention of banning dogs from the park. If they do have an agenda as such i would suggest they are looking to try and tackle fouling through increased measures and perhaps reducing the number of dogs that one person can bring into the park to four. Seems perfectky reasonable to me and i would have thought reasonable to most park users, dog owners included.
  21. Also miacus, please stop asking for statistics because the type of incidents being referred to are not necessarily the type that would get recorded, and that is why no ban has been proposed. You yourself say that on sundays you keep your dog on the lead. The council agrees with you rhat there are times and places when this is necessary but as not all owners are as considerate as you they are proposing a policy to highlight what is acceptable. What is with the conspiracy theory that they are against dogs anyway? What benefit is there to the council if banning dogs?
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