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Everything posted by carrieon23

  1. Hi all, after a horrible xmas and new year due to family illness and bereavement, Im feeling lonely and in need of new activities to occupy our time. Were all out of routine as been away so much and feel a bit lost now we're back in ED. I am just about to start back at work (boo!!) p/t on mondays and some fridays. My son is a year old. Anyone any suggestions of any good groups/ activities. Also does anyone know about surestart activities in ED? Ta x
  2. HI we had a week of both ends being a problem shall we say! The HV advised to take off all dairy, which I did but not for long enough and it was really noticable when I reintroduced it too soon, so took him off it again and he was fine after 2 days. But it did take him about a week to get back to eating and drinking milk properly. It doesn't feel quite right not giving milk but it certainly helped my little one. I think there is a nasty sick bug doing the rounds at the moment. Hope you are feeling better soon. xx
  3. Hi, it was melbourne cars. But when I booked with them stating that I needed a car seat for my then 6 month old, they turned up with a forward facing car seat and tried to tell me the law had changed and they were allowed to use it!! I did try and explain to him just how dangerous it was to put a small 6 month old in a forward facing seat but not sure it made any diference. So I wouldn't recommend using them.
  4. Hi, My sons had his BCG two months ago and the scar was initially fine, but in the last week has gone really hard and looks like a little bruise, its also bigger than it was. I thought if it was going to go manky it did it within a couple of weeks so thought we had got lucky and avoided that. Anyone else had any problems later on with the BCG injection? Should I get someone to look at it? Ta. x
  5. What a good idea, am off to sainsburys as soon as the gale stops!
  6. At 10 days I hadn't had more than an hour and half sleep at one time and felt and looked like i'd been run over by a truck! I went outside the next day -completely in denial of what had happened to me. Got halfway down lordship lane, and nearly passed out! If nothing else, the fact that I couldn't sit without a haemmoroid ring for 2 weeks would have probably stopped me from going 'out' Not the most attractive accessory on an evening out! I didn't want to go out out for months, didn't really want to burst our little family bubble. When we finally got encouraged to go out for dinner we were away for a maximum of two hours, I checked my phone about 100 times and all we talked about was the baby! I mean good on her but it does seem like such an effort so early on. She must have help and can't be breatfeeding or she would have exploded!!
  7. Definately recomend DMC and the midwives were absolutely fantastic. They delivered me in hospital with my named midwife staying with us for 15 hours. We also had daily visits (apart from xmas day which they said they would come if we needed them)for at least 3 weeks afterwards, they were fantastic throughout. I felt quite lost whn they signed us off!!
  8. Can I come too? Any night works for me. x
  9. Can I come too? Any night works for me. x
  10. I think piriton has just been relicenced for over 2's only, so they won't sell it to you for babies. (shame cos it makes them sleep well too!!!)
  11. Hi, You have my sympathies, J is permanently streaming snot it seems. candj is right about counting their breathing, (30-60 per minute is about normal in infants,) and looking at the work of breathing. If they start flaring their nostrils or pulling in their abdomen under the diaphragm, or sound wheezy, then def go to the doctor. (If excessive then obviously go to A&E) I took J to the doctor (mostly because I couldn't stand the comments from grandma's anymore) as he has had a cough for about 3 months (with several colds in between) that just wouldn't shift. She listened to his chest, said I think it sounds fine and we were on our way having wasted both our time! Its not very pleasant sitting in the waiting room with everyone sniveling around you, we probably came out with more than we went in with!! I find those karvol drops quite useful when J's bunged up. Hope you are both feeling better soon. If you fancy a cuppa when your feeling better pm me. xx carrie
  12. Have you read this story? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/8279274.stm Totally mad. There's a petition asking for the law to be changed on the No. 10 website if you're interested in adding your signature.. http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/reciprocalcc/
  13. Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful boy. Im so sorry you had such a horrendous time of it. xx ps. Its probably an obvious suggestion, but a haemorroid ring is a marvelous invention! I was very firmly attached to one for about two weeks and it made it so much more comfortable to sit down especially for those early b/f that take forever.
  14. When they're old enough to take you to the pub!! My son dribbled constantly from the age of about 5 months and we have only just seen a tooth at 8.5 months. Had alot of ear rubbing and poking, so much so we went to the doctors to be told they couldn't see the ear drum but it was prob just teething. Good job it was. As said above, the actual cutting of the tooth wasn't bad I didn't even notice until there it was poking out. I think its the moving about that causes them the most pain, or it certainly seemed that way in our vast one toothed experience! We must grab a coffee soon. We are recovered from the last cold although I can't quite believe it, I think little one has started with the snot again. Is that never ending? This will be his 4th really snotty cold in about 10 weeks and its the summer- oh roll on winter! The joys of parenting!
  15. HI all, Our son was meant to be starting at bojangles in January, and we only found out about what was going on because of this thread on edf. Thankyou for sharing, and all the work that has gone into keeping us all informed. Im still so irritated by it all that i have to vent slightly!! I still can't believe that a. the management could change the business name and think it was ok not to be completely transparent with parents and the church. After all we put our absolute trust in these people and something still doesn't sit right about the whole situation. b. why they were surprised that the church gave them notice as liquidising the company is not only slightly morally iffy but surely would breach the terms of their contract. AND c. how very unchristian of the church to kick all those children out with TWO weeks notice. I feel a little better!! I feel so sorry for all those who have had to find childcare in two weeks, and hope everyone has found suitable arrangements. I can't be the only one to have had this thought - Anyone want to set up a nursery run by parents??
  16. My 8 month old has over the last week or so just comlpetely refused to eat almost anything that I cook. He will take the really runny ellas kitchen stage one stuff at a push,and ive been offering him finger food but apart from licking the odd bit of cucumber nothing. He previously had such a good appetite and Im starting to really worry, surely he must be hungry as Im not sure the decrease in food has corresponded with an increase in milk drinking. I feed him myself morning and night and offer him 3 bottles during the day as not sure how much he gets from me, he never takes more than 400-450mls. There is alot of dribble, teeth sucking and chewing going on so am wondering if this is a teething thing and will pass. Im more worried because im going on holiday on monday to france and am panicking about what to do for the week. Im really hoping this is just a teething thing as he had been doing so well with food. Any experience out there of similar??
  17. Hiya, i switched to latchmere rd leisure centre with waterbabies because of ridiculous early start at balham. You could see if any spots if not too far. x
  18. Hi, I think my 6 month old son may have had swine flu about 4 weeks ago. Story very similar to above- temp for 4 days, sore throat, not eating and very clingy and unsettled, fortunately he wanted milk but no solids so at least I knew he was getting fluids. He was coughing himself awake at night, and the cough lasted for about 3 weeks. We have only just really got back to pre ill sleep patterns. I also didn't feel 'worried' about him in fact it didn't even occur to me at the time that might be what it was! It was just awful to see him so ill and unusually unsettled. He also had a streaming cold and was very red eyed and virally looking. I guess it could have just been a bad cold, but in a way im hoping he had it and then its done with. Grandma's had to come to my rescue too as it was really quite draining being up all night again and then unsettled all day. I never got anything but dad and both grandmas got it, and all felt absolutely awful for two or three days. Its a bit crap really (as im a childrens nurse!) of me not to think about it being swine flu at the time but i don't think it would have made any difference taking tamiflu, in fact im quite glad he didn't have it. xx
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