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Everything posted by alfie

  1. Just thought of another one: The Elephant and the Bad Baby. ...and they went rumpeta, rumpeta, rumpeta all down the road. Lovely.
  2. Snowboarder - Dear Zoo has only been mentioned once and it's great for the 12-18mths stage - it was one of the first books that both of mine loved. Also the same author's (Rod something?) Buster books (even if Buster does look a little old to be wearing a babygro all day long). Other favourites of ours: The Tiger Who Came To Tea Lots of Julia Donaldson, particularly Squash and a Squeeze and the Gruffalo Duck in the Truck Wibbly Pig, particularly Is It Bedtime? Pants That Rabbit belongs to Emily Brown
  3. A friend of mine moved out to Discovery Bay about 15 months ago with her two small kids (a baby and a 3 year old) and found it VERY easy to settle in. Loads of families with little ones and nice pace of life from what she's told me. Good luck!
  4. If you don't have any luck in Peckham, you can get them directly from Maclaren. There's a phone number on their website if you hunt around.
  5. 2 eggs, 125g flour, 125g butter, 125g sugar, 1tsp baking powder. Cream butter and sugar together. Mix in eggs. Fold in flour & baking powder (don't beat too hard). Add a splash of milk so the batter is a bit easier to drop into the cake cases. Cook for about 15 mins at 180 degrees C. Voila! Can you tell I've made a LOT of fairy cakes...? I also add a teaspoon of vanilla essence with the eggs but that can easily be omitted.
  6. Hi - I've got the Millpond book mentioned above and did find it useful. Plus they do act as sleep advisors if you decide to go that route. It costs between ?150-200 for a consultation and they then support you (mainly via phone consultations, I think) while you implement changes to your child's bedtime routine etc. Lots of other useful advice on here, which I won't add to, but I've got friends who've used Millpond successfully when they became exhausted by a poorly sleeping child.
  7. I'll second this! We've been twice and it's great... not a lot of room but fab ice cream. Well worth a wander up that way.
  8. Dagmar - I got a call back from the school reception today about tours next week so won't need to badger you. Thanks for the info though.
  9. Great, thanks. Look forward to hearing details of the open session. I was very clear with the person I spoke to that my daughter was due to start reception next year and that was why I wanted to view the school, however, they only had a single date available for this and no further sessions determined. If it's ok, I've PM'd you with some other questions about the school. Hope that's ok...
  10. I would like to attend an open morning - will it be advertised when you decide on a date? I called the school to arrange a look around last week but the could only offer one date which I was unable to make. Quite disappointing considering every other local primary I spoke to was able to offer me a range of opportunities to visit the school...
  11. I've PM'd you with the name of the woman I used in a similar situation... A
  12. James - I'm a bit confused... 'purdah' refers to the period between a GENERAL election being called and the actual event. 1) why on earth would the timing of LOCAL elections impact the announcement of primary school places? 2) it this has been taken into account by Southwark, why have other local boroughs (Lambeth included according to the article) stuck to the usual April announcement?
  13. Just wanted to add that when I first moved to ED all I heard were horror stories about Kings and I was very reluctant to go there. Now, with the benefit of four years of meeting local mums I've heard overwhelmingly positive things, particularly re the community midwives. Both of mine were born at Thomas' - the first one because I got pregnant in Lambeth and the second because I wanted to use the home-from-home unit for a VBAC (too scared to try it at home and didn't want to be monitored continuously etc in a consultant-led unit). But if I decided to have a third I'd go for Kings.
  14. I've used PAYE for nannies for a couple of years - very friendly and responsive. They were the cheapest agency I could find as I didn't feel the need to pay for legal advice etc. Haven't had any problems and neither have the handful of friends who also use them.
  15. If it might be yours PM me with details of make and the key ring attached! A
  16. Brilliant! Thanks. Tho' sounds a bit dangerous having trains shunting each other... At least I can now order a takeaway!
  17. My husband's stuck too and his phone has just died! Will have to watch this for updates...
  18. I seem to remember our Aquadraw mat (one of the large non-character themed ones!) got used a lot at this age - can be used inside or out and painting with water is so much less hassle for the adults involved!
  19. Gosh, just glanced at page 2 of this thread... very glad it's back on topic... Just wanted to say that my first born was a CS for breech. I was incredibly sad at the time (spent most of my pre-op meeting sobbing at the theatre midwife) but I ended up with a very calm, celebratory CS with a remarkably smooth recovery period - it does happen! Fast forward a couple of years and my second was born at the midwife-led unit at Tommy's with only gas and air. This time round I felt much more battered and the recovery took as least as long as after my section but I was very pleased to have had a VBAC. Heidi - hope everything goes well whatever you choose!
  20. What about Henley? There's a Hotel du Vin, plenty of opportunity for riverside strolls (or picnicking), lots of pretty villages, not too far from London.
  21. Alex Kingston... she used to live on East Dulwich Road. Well before she upped sticks to LA.
  22. It's owned by an association called Carr-Gomm who initiated formal eviction procedings a while ago. As far as I understand, there was a court hearing last week at which they got approval to evict the squatters but I don't know when this will happen. I think they're planning to redevelop the house in the next few months so hopefully it will be back to its former glory soon.
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