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Posts posted by dulwichdoll

  1. I voiced an opinion I did not gang up with anyone and most didnt agree with me anyway on most of the treads including this one. That doesnt warrant the sexual innuendo, intimadation and insults. Or does it ? And once again anyone who dissents is called an imposter or worst of all,,,,,,,,,,, Felicity .
  2. Is that the same Mockney, as saying that bullies get picked on because they are self-fulfilling a need ? Absolute tosh I am afraid. Posters as in real life get picked on here and called trolls and imposters if a small group of long term forumites think they can get away with it, think its a laugh and think they are the only ones who have the right to an opinion. I have been told to go away and be quiet more than once on here. And now I am called hysterical for standing up for myself !
  3. Moos I had more than one PM about people feeling uncomfortable at the drinks on Friday. One posted about it himself on the board but the others did not want to be named on the thread. Ask your self why. One said 'I am know round here'. All the usual suspects have come out against my saying there was a clique on here and shown absolutely that there is. You however have been polite and helpful and I thank you for it.
  4. The friendly forumites have PM me and I have replied. Why they didnt want to post their coments on here is for you to work out. The first post I made was indeed to complain about the bullying clique on here. But it was to compare my experience to the thread which I was posting on which was the vilification of Poppy. I obviously hit a raw nerve. Methinks the FORUMITES ( ok Brendan is this correct ?) protesteth too much. And this whole thread has shown it. Nice touch when Will, after the sexual comment, asked if they had the internet in the Maudsley. If you can get a person to agree with you then just diss them eh ?
  5. Weakness = disagreeing with the group who think thay have the right to belittle others on here ? I started off defending Poppys right to post. Look how I have been vilified. For what. You have all made my opint better than I ever could. and when all else fails just offer her a good shagging. That normally shuts them up doesnt it boys ? Do you always hunt in packs on here ? and normally target those you perceive weak and therefore 'asking for it ' ? And yes I should have said whilst forumites look on.

    edited to correct forum for Brendan and because I called Poppy Poopy..............

  6. Why Im I not allowed to post with out being subject to sexual innuendo from at least^3 forumites. I find those sexual references to me being pent up and needing something they can provide as threatening offensive purile and an attempt to degrade me and any point I have made. If I wasa guy making those suggestions to another guy it would be seen as sexual agression. This is no different and I see those teeth as bared and ready to bite while the forum looks on.
  7. Mick Mac Wrote:


    > I personally don't like PMs - If you have

    > something to say to the forum you should state it

    > on the thread or on an issue like this start a new

    > thread and we can all discuss it openly.

    Is that your rule or the forum rules ? Many forumites prefer to PM and for various reason. One being that some people are scared to post support of a poster for fear of being outcast or ridiculed on here And I have received 27 PM messages telling me different versions of just that.

  8. Brendan Wrote:


    > dulwichdoll Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > And I was also had a PM from someone

    > > who went who said they was called a c***

    > amongst

    > > other things and wished the ground could

    > swallowed

    > > them up they felt so uncomfortable.


    > Seriously? By the people who regularly attend the

    > forum drinks? I find that hard to believe.

    This Brendan is part of the PM sent to me. And people say that I should come and would enjoy myself........no thanks !

  9. Jeremy Wrote:


    > DulwichDoll, you have got a nerve to accuse people

    > of bullying. Just take a look at the excessive

    > number of negative posts you've written about a

    > certain establishment on Bellenden Road. Then look

    > at the way you treated a guy who had different

    > ideas about what establishments he'd like to see

    > on that road (I didn't agree with him either, but

    > that's not the point).


    > You get very personal with your posts, use

    > confrontational language, and pursue disagreements

    > relentlessly - even spilling over onto unrelated

    > threads. You should take a serious look about how

    > you treat other people, if you want to gain the

    > respect of others.

    My first post was when I asked if a shop was open on not on Bellenden Road that I and others had found closed. I was insulted and mocked because of that by several regular forumites.

    I disagreed with a guy who said that an African restaurant should be on an African Street like..... Peckham High St !! and Xena I only quoted one of your posts because I thought the dog out the back quip was not very nice either but thought I only needed to post ONE of your comments to make my point. Jeremy I dont want respect I just defend my right to post without being intimidated . And Spartacus and Sean what gave you the right to make those comments when I had never had any forum contact with you before ? Not to mention being accused of being Poppy, who cares, and anyone else who had the guts to agreed with me about the behaviour of some on this forum.

  10. But Moos I was PM by other posters who said they would NEVER go because they felt intimidated by a couple of regular forumrites with whom they had disagreed. And I was also had a PM from someone who went who said they was called a c*** amongst other things and wished the ground could swallowed them up they felt so uncomfortable. Thanks but that is not what I call an interesting evening by anyones standards.
  11. I know Mike and I know what happened last Friday , you are certainly a braver man than I !! All I have done is disagree with people on here who think they have a special right to air their opinions and god help anyone who disagrees with them. That pack mentality in a pub on a Friday night is not my idea of fun........
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