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Posts posted by dulwichdoll

  1. We should all use condoms.Donald Duck goes on a dirty weekend but forgets his durex, he calls down to reception, asks for a pack of three.

    Reception asks shall I put them on your bill?

    Donald replies "Don't be stupid I'll suffocate"

  2. *Bob* Wrote:


    > FelicityNormal Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > Is it such a good call to have sex with someone

    > > you're unsure about - condom or no condom?


    > Yes - but only in the ass.

    Now I know for sure who this is

  3. This was sent to me in reply. Thought I would share it with y'all on this cold morning. And thanks for all the replies and posts. DD

    Sorry, still a lot of old cobblers I'm afraid. Nobody moans like the self-employed when things get tough and they seem to think we should all get down on their knees and worship them for going into business on our behalf. In fact if, like me, you've lived in other countries like Italy most notably, you'll be aware that you'd have been subject to far more taxation and levels of bureaucracy than you are in the UK. Similarly, the levels of employee protection and related legislation that employers have to contend with in France and Germany dwarf anything we have in the UK. Here, ever since the dreaded Thatcher set about completely gutting the values we once had and replacing them with a one-dimensional charge towards a loads-a-money society based on greed and self-interest, that direction has remained entirely unchecked. The existing government, a labour government in name only, has championed policies which are unashamedly very right-wing whether they be economic or relating to Foreign Policy, (the latter most infamously). If we were a member of the EU, (no doubt representing the ultimate horror to all you plastic patriots out there), then you 'd have far more checks and balances to contend with. Here in the UK, our record of membership to that community has been one of repetitive opt-outs. As I say, you're freer from legislative restrictions here than any other country in Europe.

    As for having to pay Corporation Tax as well as Income Tax, well that's a benefit for owners of a private limited company, since Corporation Tax is charged at a lower rate than income tax. I know this, since I am self-employed myself and, therefore, pay very little income tax, but the bulk of my taxation in Corporation Tax, leaving me significantly better off as a consequence. Despite my having to contend with all of the massive trials and tribulations that the author of the original email in this thread spewed out, and again, speaking as someone who is self-employed myself, I find I'm doing OK thanks and benefit in many ways that an employee never can. For example, you might try being a recent graduate here in the UK and see what life's like then. Both my son and a close friend of his have left Uni 1-2 years ago having very successfully completed their studies, in one case with an academic record of 9 GCSEs at grade A, 3 A-Levels at Grade A, unpaid voluntary work in the Uni vacation time as a measure to enhancing his employability and a 1st class honours degree at the end of it all. That's quite a lot of very hard graft and no mean commitment believe me, (of course not as tear-jerking as the heroic struggle of the small-business entrepeneur, bravely going it alone for England and the Queen, but still, not bad for a young man trying to get a start in life post-education). Alas, neither of them have been able to find a graduate entry position up to now, with each job advertised receiving several hundred applications. No doubt you think they, unlike your noble selves are not trying hard enough and should get on their bikes. In fact, it's this latest generation of entrants into the job market who have the enviable opportunity to pay the bill for the almighty binge that their predecessors have enjoyed over the last decade or so, ramping up debt upon debt and culminating in the mother of all crises that we're beset with now, As I said before, this has been caused entirely by unchecked and unregulated, rampant g reed and not by government interference

    Finally, because I'm getting really bored now, the original author, the restauranteur, I think made the observation that the small business owner is the backbone of the country. Sorry again, but that's another LOOB. The overwhelmingly largest contributor to the UK GDP is the financial services industry and those who have been allowed to run that, free of government interference in the way that you'd no doubt champion, have fucked it for all of us big-time. That's why the situation looks so bleak from here. We don't make anything anymore, (again because of the consequences of the competition from "freed-up global capitalism" and not through government restrictions, and the only industry we have of real note is shot to pieces). This idea that Britain is still a nation of honest shopkeepers, pluckily providing the main bulwark of our economy for the benefit of the rest of us is just not on. Put your head out of the window and observe, the world's changed you see, and not because of a "Political Hurricane" besetting the country, (what the fuck did he mean by that please? The idea of this government being capable of launching a political hurricane is bizarre to say the least. Not unlike Denis Healey's remark that being attacked by Sir Geoffrey Howe was "like being savaged by a dead sheep").

    Any difficulties faced by the small-business owner today have been building inexorably for a long time now. They have been caused by the continual move towards to multi-national conglomerates snaffling up everything and elbowing the small operator completely out of the equation. Take a look at your own high street. It doesn't matter which one, since they all look the same. The logical endpoint of "free-enterprise" capitalism is not a healthy competition for honest business from a collection of noble small operators. Rather it's the gobbling up of all of them by the big boys. Utilising their enormous economies of scale with which the small operator simply cannot compete, the corporations end up owning everything. Even in my own sordid ex-business, management consultancy, the lessons are plain to see. When I started with Ernst & Young in that business around 20 years ago, people spoke of a big 10, (it had previously been a big 12). It soon became a big 8, then 6 and currently we're down to 4 as successive mergers and aquisitions have taken their toll. We nearly got to a big 3 a few years back when EY flirted boldly with KMPG but that fell through. I think they had trouble getting all of the letters into a new snappy acronym, although many of my colleagues tried to get MONKEY out of it but failed gallantly in the attempt. Take a look at any other industry you like, the story is the same. If you do the research and look to see exactly who owns things beneath the bewildering layers of holding companies and offshore registrations, then you'll be surprised by how few people own things. One day we'll all wake up and find that we now all work for just 1 enterprise. No doubt then, there will be street parties, or even comparable events in the Grapes held by Barbara and those who agree with her views, celebrating the fact we defeated the spectre of socialism and red tape!

    Blaming the difficulties of life for the small business operator on restrictive government red tape in the UK today is a complete blind alley. You've not had it better in my lifetime. This government is just not a left-wing government in any way. I only wish it was!! It's unreservedly kissed the arse of free market capitalism since day 1. The real cause of your difficulties is the unrelenting march of globalised capitalism itself. Free from interference in exactly the way you say you want.

    Well, you know what they say, be careful you don't end up with what you wished for!


  4. Mikecg Wrote:


    > Snob.................


    > How can you describe an iner citi multi faceted

    > culture rich environment like Peckham as Vile...


    > You should be sentenced to 50 lashes for your

    > inability to adapt to the modern world.


    > I hope you have zero influence in political

    > matters.

    Judging by Dulwichmums reply to my thread in the lounge about how the credit crunch is affecting business I dont think anyone needs to worry about her thinking Peckham is 'vile' or her political savvy !

  5. I'm quite aware that the global banking system has let us all down dramatically, my interpretation is that it seems very similar to what I appear to be going through with MY staff at the moment, and their expectations of me.

    Most of my staff have been with me for quite a considerable length of time and under normal circumstances everything would be "hunky-dory"; however, these are extraordinary circumstances in which most small businesses find themselves, mine included. Over the last few years we have been inundated with red tape, Mr. Brown's "stealth" taxes and Mr. Darling's obvious hatred of the licensed trade and the ongoing taxes inflicted by him; changes in the law; changes in all aspects of the taxation structure; increases in employers' National Insurance contributions and corporation tax; increases in rent, business rates, council tax, gas, electricity, water rates, telephone charges, credit card commission, refuse collection, waste oil collection, laundry for chefs' whites; disposal of light bulbs, fluorescent strip lights and batteries and anything considered toxic! (When I say increases, I mean, for example, my electricity has gone up by over 25%...!). Legal requirements to change all existing fire extinguishers to RED ONES (nothing wrong with the others, just the colour needed to be changed!), install grease-traps, and gas safety interlocking devices, (the latter over ?2,000), the alternative fines would put us out of business - Health & Safety has truly gone mad - I can be sued for virtually anything. Insurance policies (compulsory ones) gone bananas. I spend one day a week, every week, going round the entire building with a clip-board ticking boxes! Brown's & Darling's next trick after the smoking ban? To make it compulsory for pubs to lower the measures of spirits and wine, which means that I've now got to fork out for new optics at ?6 a go and new, extra, wine glasses at about ?1 a hit............plusssssss V.A.T. not forgetting that the duty on alcohol will go up ...... again .....by 4% in the not too distant future and all of this, under this government has got f*** all to do with banking...!!

    Increases on all janitorial supplies - that's toilet rolls, hand-soap, washing up liquid, lavatory cleaner, floor cleaner, soap powder, sanitiser etc., etc., etc. And when some scroat up-chucks in the urinal and it gets blocked or when some daft bint uses half of a toilet roll to dry her hands instead of an electric dryer and then tries to flush it down the toilet and blocks that as well and I have to call out a plumber - and of course this always goes wrong on the weekend when the rates are doubled, plus, guess what, their rates have gone up too.....! And when some lazy little shit can't be bothered to clean out the glass washer properly and it gets scaled up with our wonderful (hard) London water and I need to call out the engineer @ sixty-five effin' quid a pop, excluding parts & labour after 30 minutes and excluding V.A.T.; Oh! - wait a minute - this wonderful government of ours, (Labour or Conservative, don't give a big rat's arse which at the moment) has just given us a two & a half percent reduction on that haven't they? What you and everyone else don't reafuckinlise is that this is only for 12 months! The 4% hike in the duty on alcohol is permafuckinent....! So next year or the year after, they'll increase the V.A.T. to 20% and some, then they'll get it back - from poor a****holes like me! Not forgetting how much it cost everybody to change their tills, accounting procedures, paper goods etc., etc., to accommodate this V.A.T. change in the first place and then we're all going to have to change back...!

    I have to pay out for off-site training, e.g. all food handlers to go on a training course @ ?120 a hit plus V.A.T. ( I could train them myself but they must receive a recognised certificate!), and when you consider that the average life span of a waiter or K.P. (that's kitchen porter to the uninitiated) is about six months, if you're lucky, that's a lot of dough to pay out.

    When there are increases on every conceivable cost line, like food and beverages; increases in the minimum wage (not a bad thing, but along with all the other increases, I have had to cut recruitment and lose staff to "natural wastage") this means that I have to work more hours, work harder and try and be in two even three places at once. It means that my staff aren't getting a pay rise this year and they didn't get one last year either, and when they start bitching and griping about not getting a pay rise or "why can't they eat me out of house and home, while they are on duty", claiming it is their right to do so, and when one guy in particular said his paternity leave didn't pay enough so he would tack it on to the end of his holiday allowance, and when I say "well, actually, I can't afford to give you a pay rise and I can't afford to feed you three meals a day when you're on duty and I can't afford any more staff at the moment because I'm paying long term sick pay to someone who is undergoing a fourth bout of chemotherapy", over a period of three years (and believe you me this person would be the last one on God's Earth to whinge about anything) and when I say, "so, if you don't like it, you know where the door is."........ they take me to a trifuckinbunal and do me for "constructive dismissal"... and because I've used those exact words... the bastards win and clean me out to the tune of ?10,000 or more and it's easier to not fight it and settle out of court and pay them off because the lawyers cost you three times that amount.....!!!! Add on to that the amount of stress, anxiety, and downright misery, not to say how much it costs you in drink....!

    To add insult to injury, the majority of my customers come from the "Square Mile - The City" and "Canary Wharf" the other City, so consequently my turnover, at present, has dropped by between 17% - 20%, I can't "lay-off" any of my full time staff and I can't afford to make anyone redundant, so, I cut my own wages.... I'm on ?500 per month with no hope of a dividend for the forseeable future!

    Regardless of what has happened in "the banking world", the publicity surrounding its situation has only succeeded in alerting the "run-of-the-mill-workforce" to the fact that their jobs may just be under threat; that's when they look at me and say "you're supposed to look after meeeee....!" Unfortunately, because of the global banking cock-up, I can't find anyone who would pay me the right price for this place, so I'll just hang on in here like I've always done, like the bloke in the bedsit with the beat-up old car - hoping that things will improve and that I'll be able to get my own snout in the trough before the whole world goes tits-up.

    That's just a little bit of my "back story" and if that makes me guilty of "being a wally who craves a bit of free-market excess" - then I put my hands up.

    Anybody want to buy a pub?

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