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Everything posted by ClaireClaire

  1. Hi Becca, I have sent you a PM asking for some more info thanks Claire
  2. Just reading this through quickly so maybe will come back later with some more coherent thoughts I agree with what someone else has said about using humour to deflect the negative comments I have a couple of personal anecdotes I can pm to you if interested - let me know. I also agree with others who say that it would be better to not involve the school -- it is just my personal view but I think people should try to handle things themselves, and while it can be a bit daunting at first, it could give him a huge confidence boost to know that he had been able to deal with it himself. Good luck Claire
  3. Hello Just to add to this to say I had my daughter vaccinated against cp at 2.5y We had 1 jab at the Victoria MediCentre - cost around ?80 at the time, it was easy and effective. I chose to do it because I was pregnant at the time and had not had cp myself previously... I hoped that by vaccinating my toddler, I would be less likely to come down with cp myself. (Which unfortunately was not the case, it still got me!) Unfortunately I still have cp scars over 2 years later.... assuming my kids have the same type of skin as me, I would prefer for them to be vaccinated rather than develop cp and risk them having ugly scars for life! Just my personal preference. Claire
  4. There is an Oxfam furniture store in Streatham, if this helps. https://www.oxfam.org.uk/shops/content/furniture.html Another option is to ring Shelter (0344 515 1540 for South London office) and ask if they know of anywhere more local. (I also donated some furniture to what I thought was a local charity a couple of years ago, but they turned out to be bogus! Hmph. Can't remember the name otherwise I would post it here.) Claire
  5. Tommy - yes. Also, I think the distances published in the booklet are based only on the first round of offers of a school place. But then there is a lot of movement subsequent to that via people being on waiting lists. And as far as I know the effective catchment distances (aka furthest distance offered figures) are never recompiled. (Correct me if I'm wrong, anyone?) So for example, for Heber this year, the last child to be offered a place based on the distance to school criterion was 317m, but we went on the waiting list and got a place at Heber after 8 weeks and we live 325m away. As far as I'm aware, the booklet that will be published in September will say something like "furthest distance offered for a non-sibling place was 317m" You can also get last year's booklet if you want to get an idea of what the effective catchment distances were for the year prior to that. Claire
  6. Thanks very much Now I am worried about why I haven't got my letter! I got a place after being on waiting list Heber seemed a little confused about it, although I have confirmation from Southwark, and Southwark have also emailed Heber to confirm this, so it should all be clear, and yet we still don't know which class we will be in, and now haven't got this letter confirming start dates etc. Grr. I hope I don't have any awkward situations in September when we start. I assume the school office is closed now for holidays, so nothing I can do but wait until it reopens on the 5th. Anyways, see you all in September, all being well!
  7. Thank you! I too was expecting a letter, but haven't got it yet :-(
  8. We used this - floaties http://www.amazon.co.uk/Floaties-Baby-Swim-Seat-11Kgs/dp/B002P4RWY6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1312375935&sr=8-1 and were happy with it Baby was 5m at the time, but is supposed to be good up to 1 year I was trying to sell mine last year - can't remember if I managed it in the end or possibly still in loft in a box somewhere I can have a look if you would like to borrow/buy
  9. Hi, Any other parents who were at the introduction meeting on 14th July for new students joining Heber Primary this fall The teachers mentioned the start date for new students joining reception in September - but I didn't write it down! Anyone else who was there - could you remind me? Was it 7th September for kids who had not been at the nursery previously, and 14th September for kids who had been at nursery? Thanks v much Claire
  10. Use one of those green coils. Light it before you go to bed and it slowly burns through the night, is pretty effective. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Lifesystems-Mosquito-Smoke-Coils-Green/dp/B000LN7CSE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1312367977&sr=8-1 This is what we use in the tropics. Haven't seen them around here, but I'd try the independent corner shops or pound stores.
  11. I agree with the above That said, if you are concerned, I think there is nothing wrong with approaching them in a friendly way and asking if everything is ok. As a second step, you could say that the noise bothers you a bit and could they keep it down. If, after those actions, there is no change and you are still concerned, perhaps at that point it would be appropriate to tell them that you are not comfortable hearing the children cry so much and drop a hint at social services.
  12. Hi, I recommend: A Case of Exploding Mangoes by Mohammed Hanif - a Sydenham author who was shortlisted for the Booker 2008 Also, some older ones in case you missed them when they came out - all easy reads but still engaging We Need to talk about Kevin, Lionel Shriver What was Lost, Catherine O'Flynn The Tenderness of Wolves, Stef Penney Notes from a Scandal, Zoe Heller If you like Harry Potter type fantasy, don't forget the Bartimaeus books by Jonathon Stroud Quite a girly book but by no means chick-lit is I Capture the Castle, Dodie Smith Enjoy your holiday! Claire
  13. I agree!! Well, that's what I did... I went in, though I left the door open And then the lady came along and said, "Excuse me, our clothes are in here...!" Anyway, we had a tense discussion during which I said it wasn't on and she said I was "rather unkind". I suggested we share the cubicle, which she did, very unwillingly. She had twins actually, and she seemed to think that this gave her a right to the large cubicle?! IMO, if she had 2 baby twins, I wouldn't have minded - it's a tough situation, and you do what you have to do to survive, right? But her children were around 3yo. I pointed out to her that I also have two children, and one of them takes up both of my hands as I have to hold him all the time unless I can contain him in a safe place. I said I realised it was inconvenient for her, but actually all of us with 2 children are in a similar situation. I did speak to the people on reception and they said they would see about possibly putting a notice up. Anyway, thanks for your opinion. I know it is a silly little issue really, but got me quite annoyed! C
  14. Hi, what do people think about the practice of reserving changing cubicles in the pool changing areas by putting your kids' clothes in them? I take my 4yo swimming at Beckenham Spa and it gets very busy at class changeover times. Most of the cubicles are tiny and it's hard to fit parent + child in there, far less parent + 2 children. There are also 4 large cubicles which are perfectly set up for parent(s) + child + toddler, with a changing table and a sort of high-chair thing which helps immobilise the baby/toddler while you are helping the other one get dressed. Of course, the large cubicles are very much in demand. And so the solution some people use is to put their kids' stuff in there ahead of time, in order to reserve it for themselves to use at their leisure. I find it a rather unfair, and wondered if I was alone in this? I struggle to get my daughter changed, while also trying to keep an eye on my 2yo who of course is in perpetual motion. But I would never dream of trying to "reserve" the large cubicles as other people do. I just expect to take what is available when my daughter comes out and is ready to get changed. I had a minor altercation with another mum over this, and it has left me wondering whether I am being unreasonable? Not really a serious problem, of course, but just thought I would get opinions from others!! Claire
  15. Seems to be available on Amazon.co.uk in French or English http://www.amazon.co.uk/Petit-Prince-aquarelles-lauteur-Junior/dp/2070612759/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1309523365&sr=8-1
  16. Clare, your situation sounds similar to mine. I was also a regular runner and gym-goer pre-baby, and also had 2 c-sections. After 2nd baby, I dutifully waited my 6 weeks and then promptly started running again. I did a 10K when baby was 3 months and a marathon when he was 10 months. I ran evenings and weekends, and for the marathon training I allowed myself the luxury of a babysitter for a couple of hours a week so I could fit in some daytime runs. I know it's not for everyone, but running/fitness is like a drug for me: absolutely keeps me sane and I go loopy without it. So my suggestion would be, if you like running: (a) sign up for a challenging but doable race and (b) plan childcare around your runs/exercise as a priority. It really is not easy juggling it all, especially with bf and irregular sleep schedules/deprivation. And if you make exercise a priority, other things might have to suffer. In my case, my husband had to make his own dinner every evening after work and I didn't see the hairdresser (cringe!) for about 8 months, but there you go! Good luck! Claire
  17. Snowboarder, we were told by Southwark that we are 325m from Heber. CitizenED, I will send you a PM. Claire
  18. Hi, just thought I would post the conclusion to our story for anyone who is interested re. this or next year. We were originally (4 April) offered Goodrich, our 2nd choice. We started off at 1st place on the waiting list for Heber, moved down to third, and in the last few days have been offered and accepted a place there (thereby freeing up a place at Goodrich). I hope others also get their desired school place before September.... Claire
  19. Oh dear. It is very depressing to have to be going over this basic stuff in the year 2011 in a supposedly modern and progressive country. It reminds me of discussions I used to overhear 20 years ago when people used to discuss in very heated terms whether women should be allowed to have jobs, or whether they belonged in the kitchens.
  20. Hi, I assume you are just being provocative now for a laugh... right?
  21. Maybe this will help http://finallyfeminism101.wordpress.com/2007/03/15/faq-what?s-wrong-with-suggesting-that-women-take-precautions-to-prevent-being-raped/
  22. Hello all The Royal Society is looking for young people aged up to 14 to judge the winner of the Royal Society Young People's Book Prize. http://royalsociety.org/sciencebooks/young-people/judges/ The idea is for young people from local schools or communities around the UK to get together and form mini judging panels, led by an adult who can help them co-ordinate the process. The group would have to read the six books shortlisted for the prize and then submit its choice to the Royal Society. The results from all the groups around the UK will be collated by the RS to determine the winner. This sounds like such a fun little project! I am trying to get a group of around 6 young people together to take part. I have 2 people signed up so far, so there's space for 4 more. The Royal Society is a fabulous institution to be associated with. It was founded in 1660 and is the oldest scientific academy in continuous existence. All young people who take part in the project will receive a certificate from the Royal Society and of course we'll get to read and discuss six great books about science along the way! I anticipate that we'll meet 3 or 4 times between now and the end of October, when the judging panels' recommendations have to be sent in. I will try to get a meeting space at Dulwich Library for this. I am local ED resident, I have two kids aged 4 and 2 and I work part-time as a tutor for GCSE Maths and Science for a local authority. I have an ScB in Physics with Neuroscience from an ivy league college in the USA. Participation in this project is absolutely FREE and books will be provided. If your child might like to be involved, please do get in touch.... and soon! Groups need to declare themselves to the Royal Society by next Wednesday 1 June. Thanks, Claire PS: Admin, hope I am in the right section here.
  23. Hello, I would like to just step in quickly and defend Pocket, because I am in a similar situation to her and I have to admit that I agree with her point of view. I also think she expressed it quite gently and diplomatically, and I don't understand why there has been such a negative backlash against her comment. Ruth did ask for insight, and she was offered an opinion that was different from her own. With all respect and goodwill (truly not meaning to stir things up here), if you really only want certain kinds of comments or feedback, maybe you would have been better off asking this question to a personal group of friends, rather than an open public forum? Claire
  24. Sorry to add evidence that you probably don't want to hear... but I also tried everything. Eventually I went in to St Thomas's for an induction at 42+1. After it had gotten started with pessaries etc, I went out walking for 3 hours all around the embankments, going up and down every set of stairs I could find, on a last-ditch effort to get things moving. My husband still talks about how far we walked that day and how sore his legs were. But I have no recollection of fatigue, only desperation. Like someone else said above, I too was like a woman possessed. Unfortunately it was to no avail and it all ended in an emergency cs the following day. I had a similar situation with my second child, and my conclusion is the same as others' above, which is that babies come when they're ready! I hope this doesn't seem negative, and I do wish you the very best and that you go into labour naturally. In an ideal world, we would all be tranquil and serene and ready to deal with whatever unpredictable circumstances arise, but I know only too well how agonising it is to sit there waiting as the days tick by. I will have my fingers crossed for you for a peaceful birth and healthy baby. xx
  25. If you see suspicious activity, call the ED Safer Neighbourhoods Team. They come in plain clothes with no flashing sirens. I also saw suspicious activity on my street several months ago. The details don't matter -- my instinct told me that the loitering people were up to no good. However, I told myself to mind my own business and I tried to ignore it. Lo and behold, that afternoon, my neighbour was burgled. When the police came later to take a statement from me, they encouraged me to call the police even for situations exactly like this, where you suspect something dodgy but feel a little awkward about calling 999. East Dulwich Safer Neighbourhoods Team [email protected] 0208 721 2447
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