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Posts posted by amyw

  1. When I was a kid the only thing I remember about parties was that you got given a balloon with a prize inside it to take home, normally sweets. You stuff it in the balloon before you blow it up.

    I remember that vividly.

    I don't remember bouncy castles, magicians etc although I know we had it sometimes as its in photos etc!

    So agree with everything Emily says! Maybe rope in a friend to run the drinks/food side of things so you can concentrate on the activities.

  2. I'll be the second to say i like starbucks on occasion. I don't like all of their coffees but i like their range of sweet coffees i.e. syrups etc.

    most coffees depend on the person making it rather than the cafe its coming from.

    i find the cafe in ED warehouse to be the most consistent, but i also really like Jacks.

  3. maybe it would be worth looking on 'which' for prams that might suit and then go and try them out?

    or, take a walk around the parks nearby and ask people about their prams if you like the look of them!

    but the best advice i had was to buy second hand. then if you find its not quite right for you, you can resell it and not lose too much money (if anything)

  4. yes thats fair reren, there is that element of always running after your toddler which wasn't such a problem in the back room esp as if i remember correctly you could shut the door!?

    I'm sure they would respond well to feedback though, as there may be some compromise. i can see the potential for a small play area in between the 2 couches for example although this would take away some table space.

    its such a lovely spacious cafe, you never feel stupid wheeling a pram in there.

  5. the salient point in my opinion is the original complaint of the post, that its no longer child friendly. i'd hate for this thread to put potential customers off, and i think these threads do put people off. although obviously not all of ED reads the forum.

    and looks like B.Belle has already flagged the potential planning issue on the james barber thread. and we don't know for sure that there has been any contravention of their planning permission, so why slag them off based on 'if' they have done something wrong?

    i'll butt out now but if you have an issue with a business your first point of call should be that business and give them a chance to rectify your issue. so many small businesses get slagged off on this forum for really subjective problems especially when the posters haven't actually raised it with the business.

    i really hope it doesn't stop anyone from trying it themselves.

    nb: i don't know why this annoys me so much, but it does!

  6. i was at the gardens cafe today and it was rammed with families - mostly mothers with babies or toddlers, an nct group, etc.

    i agree the loss of the back room is disappointing but the cafe itself is still there and still a good place to visit with kids and buggies.

    its not true to say they aren't child friendly - they absolutely are. e.g. - my niece wandered around the back of the till and when i got there to intercept her one of the staff was chatting to her while she waited for me to get her.

    no cafe in ED is perfect in all areas (e.g. i think the gardens can be hit and miss on the service) but i don't think its fair to slag them off if you haven't at least gone to make up your own mind about it.

  7. i second all of strawbs ideas.

    a water bottle that can be easily opened and closed with one hand

    a nice notebook in case she wants to record feed/sleep times

    reusable wipes from the nappy lady website, or the facecloths from mother care - these are both good for catching wee's while the baby is on the change mat

    one thing i think is a good idea but haven't bought is a mat for nappy free time which will catch any accidents:


    the nicest thing our work colleagues bought us was a sheepskin from john lewis.

  8. i go there quite regularly since having my baby. both with toddlers and with babies only.

    they are always very nice to me and very welcoming of the children even when crying etc.

    when they were closed on weds one of the guys came out to explain why and said he hoped we would come back again - they are definitely child friendly.

    it is a shame to lose the back room though.

  9. we use ocado and they are good, most importantly when they do make a mistake or deliver something broken they are pretty good at rectifying the bill.

    occasionally we get a product which expires sooner than we planned to eat it but for the most part they are no different to what i would have been able to get had i gone to a supermarket.

    we have only ever used them and haven't bothered trying anyone else.

    and their drivers are pleasant and offer to carry the bags in!

  10. i think they are both great prams and i doubt you would regret either. i had both on my list and chose the bee because os its size and weight.

    i did feel like i would have liked a carrycot option initially but am happy without it now. its more important for me that its light and can get on the bus. but it depends on what you think you will be doing (i.e. the muddy walks vs city pram as others say above)

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