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Everything posted by ericyork

  1. I have been a dog walker in dulwich for ten years and the only time i ever have problems with fleas is in August, every single year i am bitten. Some owners are not on top of it and of course it affects everyone else.
  2. i have looked into the subject of protection against dog attacks on the internet, there is a vast amount of evidence, that suggests that the only effective way, is to use a canine pepper spray, widely avaliable around the world, but, not legel in the UK - It gives you time to get away from the situation. Sticks etc are very difficult to use and the attacking dog would prob turn on the human. The spray is called Muzzle and I would suggest looking it up - just out of interest, of course.
  3. just a few last thoughts and feelings on this issue. I realise fully that the vast majority of this breed, are friendly and well adjusted. however the fact still remains that they all have the potential to cause real damage, most dogs can be stopped before serious injury is incurred. I tried everything to get this dog off and it all failed. Also it has been sugested that a stick in, in the right place, might do the trick, but this would run the risk of the dog attacking the human. I have read up on dog attacks on the internet and the it seems that the most effective way to halt an attack, is to use a canine pepper spray, called Muzzle, widely avaliable around the world, but alas not legal in the UK - In fact there is nothing on the market in this country, to protect our dogs and ourselves. Calling the police etc does not stop these awful attacks and injuries, it is too late. There are far too many simple minded people keeping these dogs and I don't blame the dogs, it is the owners. but it still leaves us unprotected and living in London, we can't always avoid them. As for myself, I intend to protect myself in future and bugger the law in the UK
  4. Hi everyone, I would just like to warn you dog walkers that use dulwich park and other local parks. I work as a dog walker and I use the park everyday, indeed i have known dulwich Park for over 30 years and this is the first time that I have had a problem. I was walking my own two dogs on tuesday the 17th of February around 10 a.m. - When a balck Staffordshire terrier, charged accross towards me and took hold of one of my dogs and attacked her, leaving her with serious injuries and me with a vet bill for ?400.00 this attack was unprovoked and very sudden. The owners then told me that the previous owners had got rid of the dog because it attacked people! and other dogs. This dog , not content with attacking my dog, then went for another, even though it was back on the lead. My parntner runs the petstore in northcross road and we have received another report of an attack, this time outside sainsburys in dog Kennel Hill and it sounds like the same dog, this time it attacked a german Shepered, so size does not stop this animal. from what I have pieced together, this dog is doing the rounds in Dulwich, being passed from one owner to the next. I have a feeling that it is now living on the Lordship Lane estate, which borders the park. The police have been informed, at Lordship Lane police station. This dog obviously must be stopped, so if you have any encounters with it, please report it. The dog looks young and slim, is black and wears a fancy harness, the owners were, one white female, I would say in her fifties and a young half caste lad in his teens.
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