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Everything posted by prm

  1. It didn't work for me and I found it so painful and awful (during the procedure & the following days) that I refused a second one and went on to have an induction... Personally I will never ever have one again!
  2. Kerry I highly recommend a Koo-di shade, good for protecting from the sun and also creates a cosier environment for napping, I got mine from Amazon: Koo-Di shade
  3. What is the difference between a Mclaren Quest and a Techno?
  4. Our thermometre in the baby monitor was flashing 29 yesterday but I don't think it was really that hot...we've had a couple of different thermometres and IMO they always show a few degrees higher than it actually is. We don't have a fan either, so my main "tricks" are to keep the window a bit open but the blackout blind and/or curtains drawn as it keeps the room cooler and wetting baby's hair, face & neck before putting her down for a nap (I actually went in and carefully squirted some water again on her hair half way through the nap..luckily I didn't wake her up)
  5. jenny, I also spent weeks in advance stressing about how everything would fit when we went swimming and trying to get our routine in place so it would "suit"...but once you go the first time you realise it's nothing to worry about, it was actually surprisingly easy
  6. Jenny, I think you may be signing up for the same swimming class we are doing at the moment..we started at 8 months old and have a fairly similar routine to yours so found 10am to be the best time. We do 7am milk, 8am solids, 9am I put her in the pram and walk to the pool (I wonder around a bit so she gets a chance to sleep a bit before the class),9.45 go in and get changed, 10-10.30 swim lesson. That gives you time to get changed and give her milk there at 11 before you head back home. Hope you enjoy your swimming, we love it!
  7. hi apenn, sorry your offer hasn't been accepted... I have been living not far from that spot for almost 4 years now and I am very happy I moved here. Although living on a hill has its downsides (i.e. sometimes I don't fancy pushing the pram up the hill!) it is a lovely lovely area, and for me the ups really make it worth it: big houses, great views, lots of greenery, outstanding schools, the horniman at your doorstep, great transport links with the train & the overground, great library and the new pools opening next year... Please don't be put off by malumbu, I have found all of my neighbours to be really friendly and very welcoming, and there is a nice mix of people who have lived in the area for a long time and young families that have moved here more recently.
  8. You can do both antenatal yoga and aqua aerobics at JAGS (or at least you could this time last year when I was pregnant) and I think you can do both as pay as you go so you can always try and see if you like them
  9. Apparently if you tuck the item down your bra/ take it to bed with you one night it will catch your Mum scent and the baby will love it...My 8 month old hasnt taken a liking to any particular toys so far but personally Im thinking it may be best that way. She already has the dummy to help her sleep / calm down and Im afraid we may regret "introducing" a bunny / blanket / fav toy if such a unique & irreplaceable item goes missing one day!
  10. I went to a Gymboree party in Wapping and it was great! They have just opened one in Herne Hill, may be worth checking it out.
  11. Like KateW I have also used the babywhisperer techniques and they helped / worked for us too so if you have a bit of energy left you could give that a try (if you want to do this order "The Baby Whisperer solves all your problems" you'll probably need a few days reading to get your head around the whole EASY / babywhisperer philosophy but I really don't think you need to implement the whole thing necessarily, you can go straight to the sleep section and read about the sush pat / pick up & put down methods & get a few useful tips in general) But having said that if you are too exhausted to try on your own I really would not hesitate to call a Night Nanny / Sleep Clinic expert..sorry I don't know the exact term but if you do a search here I have seen several threads on the subject and it sounds like they are not that expensive and well worth the money.
  12. Does he have a cold by any chance? My daughter is also 6 months and recently went throught a spell of waking up a lot at night, but has now gone back to sleeping all night (5am wake up unfortunately but still I can't complain). The bad spell coincided with when she was a bit bunged up so I am hoping it was just that.
  13. Absolutely ask for a seat! I sometimes used to refuse because I genuinely didn't feel like I needed it but got a bit scared once when the train suddenly braked and I hit my bump...so I say without hesitation do it for your baby's safety x
  14. Ohhh I really really hope that it works out as you say...I too am being woken up at 5am at the moment and I'm really counting on those clocks going forward! Silly question but presumably it will still only work if we put them to bed an hour later?
  15. I was also wondering the same and found a safe cotbumper option. They sell it in Jojo Maman, if you look in their website it's called Airwrap - may have it in stock at the ED branch but otherwise it's free delivery on the website and at ?26 for the 4 sided option, it's the cheapest I have found it.
  16. Hi, im by the Horniman too, may join you for Busy Bees with my 6 month old if anyone is going again? How waw it last time? How did you get the tickets in the end? I think it was me who told someone about the queing as this is what they told me at the front desk but have never been before myself.
  17. In my experience (and same with friends of babies of a similar age) 4 month olds don't need to feed through the night so I would guess your baby is waking out of habit. There is a number of things you could do to try and change that pattern. First if you dont do it already is a bed time routine (eg bath,winding down,feed) so he distinguishes clearly he's going into "nightime mode". I think you are right about the key being in daytime feeding / routine, I would try increasing his daytime feeding - my daughter is exactly the same, she doesnt normally take more than 50 ml on the bottle so the trick I have been using is giving her the bottle first when she is really hungry then "topping her up" with the boob. Bear in mind the big developmental change others mentioned above, at 3.5 - 4 months they start feeding much more efficiently so they may only feed for literally 3 mins and have enough with that (if they are still putting weight on it's ok). Definitively top up with a dreamfeed without waking him up (hard at first but it works if you persevere) at 10.30 - 11pm but no later, and try not to feed during night wakings. Hope that helps & good luck! Edited to add I typed the above in a hurry from ny phone so tried to pack in as much advice as possible - but I don't want to sound like I have the perfect baby! Mine is 6 months and although I consider she "sleeps through the night" she often wakes once or twice, not to feed but wakes nonetheless and wish I knew how to fix that too!
  18. Congratulations! the babycentre.co.uk website is brilliant - you can register for weekly emails and they keep coming after the birth too. I always find them so interesting and relevant.
  19. P&J I also contacted TM nurseries recently and got the same reply. Totally agree I am not going to pay anything until I can visit the place and see if I like it. Although I have to say it sounds like at least the ?50 gets you a place reserved, whilst all the other nurseries I have spoken to expect you to pay ?40 just to put your name on their waiting list...so you are quite possibly paying ?40 just to be told you cannot have a place in the end. It's outrageous!!! Sorry to hijack the thread, but is this common practice in everyone else's experience?
  20. The wall stickers are definitively a good idea as you shouldn't hang anything heavy on the wall over the cot, in case it falls down over the baby (which in a Victorian house could always happen I guess) My advice is get a really comfy breastfeeding chair....I got a beautiful distressed leather armchair that sure looks great but is not the most practical for breastfeeding...now I wish I had bought one of those really soft wide armchairs from Ikea!
  21. Sillywoman, thanks for describing my point about the "awful" midwife a lot better than I did! That is exactly what I meant. I agree that an epidural (or a c-section or "what you want") is not always the best for you. Most of us are not medical professionals so we need to take advice really, but that is what the "awful" midwife was not providing for her patient in a very sympathetic or caring way. Buggie don't compare yourself to the "awful" midwife in any way please..you are a wonderful caring person and anyone who has to go to A&E with their child will be lucky if they come across you.
  22. We live in a civilised country, even if it costs money to the NHS I think we should have the choice of having an epidural if we want one (unless there is a good medical reason why we shouldn't) But what I meant about the awful midwife is that she didn't seem to give a monkeys about her poor patient..she was there having a cuppa tea with her mates and telling them how her patient really wanted an epidural but she was not gonna give her one. I must say I asked for an epidural at 4cm dilated at Kings and they gave it to me swiftly and without trying to dissuade me, thank god!
  23. yes why did they not give that poor woman an epidural??? that was so cruel, that midwife with the curly blonde hair was awful!
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