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Everything posted by millie42

  1. I would recommend Attractions hair salon on Brockley Rise (Honor Oak). Both of my children have their hair cuts there and they are a really child friendly salon. Both of mine (boys!) totally love having their hair cut so must be good. If you google them you will find their details.
  2. Loulouabelle - Why dont you try Tippeetoes (see above) on Monday am. I cant go to the next one but are planning to go next week. Gussy mentioned she may be there! Michelle
  3. Hi Gussy - We can't make it this Monday but are planning to go next week. Do say hello if you are there as it would be great to put a name to a EDF login! I have long red hair and my son Felix has curly blonde hair. Princess - Shame I am unable to make Thursday as 3pm is a bit too late as I need to collect my other son from school at 3:15. Hopefully bext time! Have a great day everyone. Michelle
  4. Also has anyone tried Tippeetoes at All Fired Up Ceramics Cafe? They have drop-in music sessions for babies and toddlers on Monday at 10am and 11am (45 minutes sessions). I thinks ita about ?2.50 a session. Maybe a few of us culd try it out if it one Monday. Michelle and Felix (24mths)
  5. I would recommend Ackroyd Nursery and Baby Unit in Ackroyd Road (Honor Oak). There is a waiting list but it does move fast so suggest you contact them. Both of my children have been there and I cant recommend it highly enough. M
  6. If you do need to think about others, I would recommend the Ackroyd Nursery in Honor Oak. Both of my children have been there and my youngest is in the baby unit. Its a really great nursery. As with all good nurseries, there is a list but i understand that many people change their minds so in reality they are usually not as bad as they initially seem. Worth a try. Good luck
  7. If you are near Honor Oak there is also a very good toddler group at the Ackroyd Childrens Centre who also run a baby gym on the first Monday of each month. There is also a good club at the Church Centre on Malham Road (again HOP). I have a 2 year old and would keen to do some morning play dates when the weather is bad if anyone has similar aged children. M
  8. Hello there, Im starting to look for ideas for my sons birthday in the new year. Do you happen to know what her rates were and does she cover Honor Oak. Thanks in advance M
  9. That's what I do with my 2 year old - I use a cosy fleece and he seems able to kick it off if he gets hot without waking up. He hates being too hot so this works well for us. I will probably wait until he is a proper bed before upgrading to a winter duvet. Good luck M
  10. I have a 2 door golf and have two boys in car seats at the back. I am determined not to get a larger car as love my golf and have never really experienced a problem in clipping them in. It seems car seat are tricky to use what ever the car so I just decided to have what I liked rather than being disctated by something that I sepnd about two minutes a day doing. Good luck!
  11. What about Wikipedia - the explanation on that seems pretty comprehensive and straightforward.
  12. I would recommend Toddler World at Crystal Palace Sports Centre - 10 to 12noon. Think on most mornings and def Mon and Tuesday Really excelent and great for boisterous boys! Also parking outside so really convenient.
  13. I was thinking of popping along on Monday if anyone fancied it. CurlyKaren - have sent you a pm.
  14. What a mare - I am hoping to delay this for as long as possible in hope that they can just be kids for a while. Many thanks for all the responses! M
  15. All sounds very complicated. Pam - What ages do children usually start having them? Any ideas? Millie
  16. Having watched the programme last night on the secondary school application system in Birmingham, was wondering whether the system is so competitive here. I am sure it is. Do people really get their primary school children tutored and if so from what ages? As mum of two boys who I suspect may be more interested in climbing trees than school work this feels me with horror! Any info welcome. Millie
  17. Hello there. I have a 22 month old and are free on Monday mornings - afternoons are tricky as need to get back for the school run. Would be great to meet up with other toddlers if anyone is free.
  18. Hello everyone - I keeep meaning to get there but my little ones have started sleeping in the afternoons until about 4 so unable to get there on time. This is great for getting the house work done (and having a crafty nap myself) but useless for actually getting out and meeting people! Is there any chance that anyone would be keen to meet up on Mon or Tuesday mornings some time? I have two boys - 4 year old and one neatly 2 - both are good with little ones and it would be great to have some adult company to keep me sane through the school hols! M
  19. Yes please. I have two boys (4 year old and one that is nearly two) and it would be great to have some adult conversation. What time did you have in mind - mornings are usually better for us if possible! Michelle
  20. Hello there. I keep meaning to try and meet up but it tends to clash with my little ones' naps. What time do you usually stay in the park until? If its a while we will try and meet up later. Michelle
  21. Are you talking about baptism as a catholic or as part of the CofE? At our church (we are RCs by the way) the rule is that at least one god parent must be baptised a catholic and a practising catholic. Its all very random so good luck.
  22. I am sure you can get these from mothercare - thats where we always got ours from
  23. Can we join you? I have a 21 month boy and 4 year old who is usually pretty well behaved. We are usually in the park around that time so it would be great to have some adult conversation for a change! Michelle
  24. Oh bless. Why don't you ask the nursery who her "best friends" are and invite them over for a weekend play date. I am sure most mums would love having the opportunity for their children to play with friends for an hour at the weekend. Similarily - presume she will be in pre-school soon and are sure there will be loads of playdate and party invites then! Good luck! Before you know she will have loads of friends so try not to worry. M
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