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Posts posted by Muley

  1. Well! I've just been cautioned for driving without due care and attention. Utter nonsense of course, that disabled pensioner was standing mere inches from the kerb, and wasn't even looking in my direction. It's hardly my fault if she didn't see me reversing and her toes were run over.

    I'm with DM- I think it's shocking that the police should harass innocent tax payers. They should find better things to do with their time.

  2. Is it unreasonable to assume that it was the adult rather than the small child cycling on the pavement that caused the police to intervene? As you say, they were coming out of the school gates at the time so perhaps the police were just trying to 'protect the vulnerable of Southwark'- in this instance young children who may be put at risk by an adult cycling on the pavement.

    If only the au pair had just got off her bike until she reached the road, and then ridden alongside the nipper on the pavement... well, all this unpleasantness could have been avoided.

    *Sigh* good help is sooo hard to find...

  3. Too right. Woolley mammal abuse whilst in in malodourous footwear should be confined only to the festive season.

    Otherwise we'll all end up inserting easter eggs in badgers in July, or some such, and that way madness lies.

  4. Mmm, good point. I hear that examination of his lapels will reveal his diet for the previous week. Though, to be fair, that merely calls into question his personal hygiene rather than the quality of his clothing.
  5. Have you still got the Hog 'flu PGC? It can'e be caught over t'interweb, can it? I've heard of these computer viruses...

    *backs away from the computer, dons a surgical mask and gulps half a bottle of single malt (through a straw) as a preventative measure*

  6. Began digging up our garden at the weekend to get rid of a previous owner's half cocked DIY attempt at a rockery and patio, which dates back to the 80's. I recall, ages ago, Ray from next door telling me (with a twinkle in his eye) that the previous guy's alsation had died during the construction, and so had been buried under the patio- clearly Ray's just winding me up!

    Then yesterday I noticed some tiny writing scratched into the cement between paving slabs- 'Our friend Dylan'.

    So, looks like it's probably down there after all. But is it OK to just dig it up and hoy the bones in the skip along with the rubble? What do you do with a dead dog?

    PS. Any builders need some rubble for hardcore? Free to a good home!

  7. Well, how rude. I for one count myself among the 'Josephines.' Not that you'd ever say that to my face- I have a black belt.

    It's hand stitched leather and coordinates rather nicely with my new Italian loafers.

    Now, if you will excuse me, some of us must moisturise.

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