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Posts posted by sophiechristophy

  1. Is it the nipple that hurts, of the main part of the breast? I was talking to another mum today who had recurring pain like you described, but located in the nipple, and she ended up getting referred to the top guy at Kings, and he prescribed a topical antibiotic cream, which cleared it up within 3 days (she had been suffering for weeks). Like Pickle said, worth seeing you GP for sure, and push push push for referral.
  2. This has been in the press the last couple of days, and I thought it was relevant to share as this is such a popular topic on the forum. Sorry for the Daily Mail link, couldn't find the Times article on-line on the same topic:


    this is a link to the study abstract:


  3. Al&Em - when did the eczema start? Is it a recent thing? I'm asking because I was wondering if it might coincide with the introduction of solids? In Patrick Holford's Optimum Nutrition for your Child, he says that eczema can be caused by a wheat or dairy allergy, combined with a lack of essential fatty acids (found in oily fish and seeds). Might be worth asking the dermatologist for food allergy testing to see about wheat and dairy.

    The other thing is a friend was told her little boy had eczema by her GP, but when she saw the dermatologist (she really had to bully her GP to get a referral so be ready to get bossy!!), it turned out that all the creams she had been using were pointless because he actually didn't have eczema, but had a zinc deficiency, which can have symptoms that appear like eczema. As soon as he was given a zinc supplement, it cleared right up.

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