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Voting to remain

Bob Buzzard

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Jeremy Wrote:


> Morgan Stanley just announced 2,000 jobs are

> moving from London to Dublin and Frankfurt. Banks

> (and other multinationals) are going to need more

> people in the EU and less in London.


> But as long as we get to keep Britain British...

> it's all good..


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TheArtfulDogger Wrote:


> I am pleased to see that the voice of the British

> public, of which 72% voted, has been listened to

> but I am saddened that the man who took us to the

> brink of s nee future has decided to step down

> when he should be steering the ship through the

> choppy waters whilst we negotiate a post EU

> Britain as the PM was the one who gave us the

> referendum so surely he should stand up and guide

> us through the exit process by remaining PM ?

And I suppose whilst voting 'out' you considered all this did you

Or is this 'new' to your thoughts?

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uncleglen Wrote:


> I hope when you say 'banker' your index

> fingers are pulling you mouth sideways

When did I say "banker"?

The vast majority of people working for banks are normal people on (fairly) normal salaries.

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From an economic point of view, the EU have wanted to put most financial service into Frankfurt for many years, it's not exactly a secret. If anything, the Germans will now be appalled that this particular venture could be undercut by Brexit, a move which will independently allow us in the UK to create a far more competitive environment for multinationals- something the Germans will no doubt be held back by the EU institutions it so cherishes.


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The EU will potentially be getting all financial services business related to Europe that is currently carried out in London. I'm not sure I follow the idea you are stating. Are you saying the UK might lose financial services but will get other types of business?

Louisa Wrote:


> From an economic point of view, the EU have wanted

> to put most financial service into Frankfurt for

> many years, it's not exactly a secret. If

> anything, the Germans will now be appalled that

> this particular venture could be undercut by

> Brexit, a move which will independently allow us

> in the UK to create a far more competitive

> environment for multinationals- something the

> Germans will no doubt be held back by the EU

> institutions it so cherishes.


> Louisa.

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Louisa Wrote:


> From an economic point of view, the EU have wanted

> to put most financial service into Frankfurt for

> many years, it's not exactly a secret. If

> anything, the Germans will now be appalled that

> this particular venture could be undercut by

> Brexit, a move which will independently allow us

> in the UK to create a far more competitive

> environment for multinationals- something the

> Germans will no doubt be held back by the EU

> institutions it so cherishes.


> Louisa.

Let the nay saying, excuses and denial begin.

Anyway England, good bye. So long and thanks for all the fish.

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France, Italy and Holland are all in the Euro, putting a whole degree of potential risk and potential f*ckuppery for Frexit etc even beyond the one 'we' voted for yesterday - not gonna happen I think.

We are just going to have to play tough leveriging with our big trade defecit partners we have in Europe - mainly France & Germany; plus the smaller ones for whom we are a vitally important trading partner (Ireland & Holland); we need some tough negotiators as soon as possible ...Cameron's attempts at nefgotition were useless as the EU didn't think we'd ever leave..

We are going to be worse off for a few years now, and that's a rosy scenario...there's a more catastrophic one which I'm parking for now...

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The E.U. have confirmed they won't even start trade deal negotiations until after the UK is outside the EU having completed the two year divorce under article 50. Getting them to even discuss trade simultaneously at this point would be a win.
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