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I wanted to ask if I could have a replacement refuse bin but the Southwark link ,although entitled "replacement bin and waste bags " only allows you to ask for more waste bags.


Have S'wark stopped providing replacement bins ? If so does anyone know cost and mechanism to obtain a replacement ?

Yep, I am only being offered waste bags on the form too...trying to order a recycling bin after the bin men broke the lid off....Have tried several times changing my answers to see if they will offer me a blue bin depending on my answer but no luck...will try ringing...
I ordered a replacement green bin online in the evening about a week ago. The form didn't give me the exact option I wanted (which was to have my large green bin taken away and replaced with the smaller one) but I submitted it anyway thinking I would call them the next day to clarify. But I didn't need to call - they sent me an email in the meantime, asking me to explain exactly what I wanted, so I just replied to that email. The bin was replaced this week, even though it was actually blue bin collection day for us. I was quite impressed!

Yes ,thanks tomskip and big thanks to Southwark who did the same for me - emailed me back for clarification .

Thank you also Renata - I was actually asking about the possibilty of having two 240 l bins being replaced by one 360 bin ....

It would be lovely to reduce the number of bins at the front of the house ,divided into flats ,where I live . To share a slightly larger capacity bin ( more or less same footprint _ as opposed to having one each .

But of course I imagine this would be a v costly exercise if carried out on a large scale .Although I would pay if not tooo hugely expensive .

kibris - have you tried phoning about this type of thing ?

I've currently spent 45 mins so far ....,phone eventually answered but greeted with a totally flat voice saying " just hold the line a minute" and I'm now being treated to an ongoing beep . Which after 10 mins has been disconnected .

I'm emailing again .

Some time back my green bin had a wheel come off after the bin had been emptied.

I hurriedly replaced the wheel only to find the axel was not through its mounting and I could not remove the wheel

to put it right.

I called Southwark and a replcement was delivered a couple of days later..

On an other occassion I called to request a Blue bin to replace my Blue box.

I was asked what size I wanted (there are 3 different sizes.)

Again one was delivered withing a couple of days.. The smallest one that I requested.

Always best to talk to someone..


Perhaps one of the councilors who (helpfully) use this forum could ascertain what is the current Southwark policy on manning (personning?) phones and answering calls. To rely only on IT based solutions is to disadvantage many who live in Southwark, who may not have easy access (or know how to use) emails and internet.

"On an other occassion I called to request a Blue bin to replace my Blue box.

I was asked what size I wanted (there are 3 different sizes.) "

that's interesting DF . I've had

a voice mail from Veolia ( who were forwarded my request by Southwark ) telling me " no problem at all " to provide a 360 to replace two 240's

an email from Southwark telling me that they only offer 2 sizes ( I'm after the larger 360 to replace 2 240s )

a conversation with Veolia who said various things like ," we've recently engaged with people on Barry Rd " and as a result our supply of 360 bins is depleted . Going to be months before any back in stock . Can't log my interest ,I'll need to reapply through Southwark .

I'm guessing the earlier voice mail was perhaps over enthusiastic ,a mistake . Certainly the 360 bins exist ,I've seen one or two .No more . Not lining Barry Rd ,that's for sure .But I'm guessing they're not routinely supplied /a secret .

But if someone told me in a rush of blood to the head ,fine no problem yes you can have a 360 bin and it was a mistake ,well ,just say so . I'd understand . We all make mistakes . I don't want to be told a load of old toffee about having none left after recent engagement......

But one 360 bin would save time and money on the collection side I imagine - one movement instead of two .

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