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Peckham Rye fountain will have no water


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I asked a woman whose name appeared on the Peckham Rye Park noticeboards why there was no water in the big, expensive-looking fountain near to the pond. She explained that it was put there as part of the Lottery Heritage fund, but that they are not planning to connect it to the water mains as they've had difficulties.

I've now asked her whether she thinks it was a bit odd not to check out the water supply before the fountain was placed where it was. (I asked her this fairly and politely, acknowledging that she was only a representative and did not make the decision, in all probability.)

I await her response, but I do feel really peeved that such an opportunity has been wasted.

One for the Southwark Bugle, if you're out there Mr Hack. Nero

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Of all the great things that have happened to Peckham Rye park, personally, I think that the huge pink onyx (marble or whatever) fountain looks incongruous and is, apparently, quite useless. It's as if the powers that be had money left over and couldn't think what to buy, flicked through a catalogue and decided on that. I appreciate that it may be a bit of Victoriana... and maybe it would weather in a bit if it were a fountain, but if that's not even going to happen - what's the point of it?
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The South London Press is going to run the waterless fountain story next week. I've just been on the blower to our local hack, Tom. There is another twist to this story, even more unbelievable than the original idea of a fountain with no water. (This is known as a tease, in the industry.) Nero
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Nero Wrote:


> The South London Press is going to run the

> waterless fountain story next week. I've just been

> on the blower to our local hack, Tom. There is

> another twist to this story, even more

> unbelievable than the original idea of a fountain

> with no water. (This is known as a tease, in the

> industry.) Nero

Something juicy like how the fountain enroute from China got stuck at US customs and caused a near political storm, (Well the political storm bit didn't happen)and as a result was delayed in being installed? or the fear of litigation if someone drank water from it and became ill?

The cost of the fountain was built into the HLF restoration bid, but the cost of extra underground repairs to the mains supply installing the mechanics and the maintenance, etc would've been too cost prohibitive. It's there as a monument to one that was there before. It would be great to see water in it, but that won't happen even with an SLP story. It's been there almost two years, old news really!

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Nero Wrote:


> It's there as a monument to one that was there

> before.

> Hmmm, why not have a photo of it as a monument? A

> fountain that looks like a fountain but isn't a

> fountain is a waste of money and time, IMHO.

> Nero

Couldn't agree more!

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It is in the Stabbing Times, page 3, no less. And in the Mirror, page 26, er, not no less. Someone called Nigel Doran is quoted in it. Not sure who he is. Now, if he were named Nero, then that would be a different matter. Nero
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If it's a monument to one that was there before, what was wrong with the one that was there before? Did it crumble? Suffer bomb damage? Have running water? Anyone able to source (pardon the pun!) a photo of the original?
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Hi - yes I have a postcard from the turn of the century (about 1906 I think) where there is the fountain of which the new one is a replica. There's no water shooting from the original either, in my picture at least. I got several postcards from ebay taken at Peckham Rye, some even with donkeys grazing on. I believe the law was never repealed that says you can't graze your sheep on the Rye either (same applies for Shepherds Bush Green apparently). Anyway, yes the water fountain replaces one that was there 100 years ago. Maybe the original is in someone's back garden. That happens a lot!

smith Wrote:


> If it's a monument to one that was there before,

> what was wrong with the one that was there before?

> Did it crumble? Suffer bomb damage? Have running

> water? Anyone able to source (pardon the pun!) a

> photo of the original?

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ladywotlunches Wrote:


> On the Rye, but slightly off topic (sorry) does

> anyone know when the cafe (if it is a cafe) will

> be opening???


> it looks like its getting tantilisingly close, but

> no 'grand opening' signs that I've seen..

Don't quote me on this, but I think October

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