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207 Upland Road - Is it still there?


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Hi all,

Hope this is the right place to post this.

Throughout many generations, most of my father's side of the family has lived in Dulwich. My grandfather was born on Upland Road, East Dulwich in 1926. When I found the address where he was born I tried locating it on Google StreetView but I couldn't find the right house. I notice there is a gap in the houses near a junction and I fear it might have been bombed in the war. Could anybody tell me if 207 Upland Road is in fact there or if it has since been knocked down for whatever reason.

Many thanks


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Number 207 Upland Road was demollished it faced onto Upland Road it was on the corner of Crebor Street, when a new terrace of houses were built they faced onto Crebor Street so I think about four houses were lost in Upland Road.

I dont remember any damage in this area during the War, all I do recall was a small sweet shop near the end on the right facing Dunstans Road. Your Grandfather would have been four years older than me.

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