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Freedom of Speech Rights - Freedom of speech and expression are recognised under the European Convention of Human Rights as fundamental human rights. In Britain these rights can be found as early as 1215 in the Magna Carter.

Everyone has the right to freedom of speech and expression, and has the right to voice their opinions and to freely receive and give out information. Prior to the Human Rights Act, the freedom of expression was permitted as long as the law did not prevent it. But the Human Rights Act now guarantees under the law the rights to freedom of speech and expression.

The Fundamental Right - Freedom of speech and expression are extremely important rights; in Britain we have the right to express ourselves without persecution from others. The right to freedom of speech and expression is the BUILDING BLOCK OF OUR SOCIETY. Anyone has the right to express themselves freely without fear of punishment from the government of from other individuals.

The UK is NOT nor has it ever been a dictatorship. Dictatorship's include North Korea and China.

Freedom of Speech is not an absolute right under the Convention & UK law, it is a qualified right which is why it is drafted in the way it is. Hate speech is not protected, for example. For further info and clarification Liberty does a briefing sheet:


The Council of Europe also has published very good guides on Art 10.

IlonaM Wrote:


> Freedom of Speech is not an absolute right under

> the Convention & UK law, it is a qualified right

> which is why it is drafted in the way it is. Hate

> speech is not protected, for example. For further

> info and clarification Liberty does a briefing

> sheet:


> https://www.liberty-human-rights.org.uk/human-righ

> ts/what-are-human-rights/human-rights-act/article-

> 10-freedom-expression


> The Council of Europe also has published very good

> guides on Art 10.

Measures can be taken to limit freedom of expression in the

interests of the following:


(3) The protection of health and morals;


This is based on what 'ordinary decent-minded people' would think.

it seems, so what happens if public opinion becomes radicalised (by

posters on the side of buses for instance).

red devil Wrote:


> Interesting how 'liberal' has become a catch-all put down. Back in the day it would be 'Commie' or

> 'Trot', then in more recent times 'Lefty'. Even our very own Louisa is using 'social democrat' as

> a put down :) ...

I blame the Americans - they've been so very confused about the difference between 'left' and 'liberal' for decades.

Loz Wrote:


> red devil Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Interesting how 'liberal' has become a catch-all

> put down. Back in the day it would be 'Commie' or

> > 'Trot', then in more recent times 'Lefty'. Even

> our very own Louisa is using 'social democrat' as

> > a put down :) ...


> I blame the Americans - they've been so very

> confused about the difference between 'left' and

> 'liberal' for decades.

I hate Libtard

But someone of that name now follows me on twitter so the liberals are 'taking it back' :)

red devil Wrote:


> Interesting how 'liberal' has become a catch-all

> put down. Back in the day it would be 'Commie' or

> 'Trot', then in more recent times 'Lefty'. Even

> our very own Louisa is using 'social democrat' as

> a put down :) ...

Yes, it's terrible to believe in liberty.

uncleglen Wrote:


> JohnL libturd is THE word now

That's the danger of inhabiting chat forums/comments pages of the 'alt-right', you're likely to be reading the 'witticisms' of a bloke still living at home with his parents whilst waiting for his balls to drop...

red devil Wrote:


> Interesting how 'liberal' has become a catch-all

> put down. Back in the day it would be 'Commie' or

> 'Trot', then in more recent times 'Lefty'. Even

> our very own Louisa is using 'social democrat' as

> a put down :) ...

It's the internet isn't it becuase in the US liberal means something else to here and not lefty. It's a bit laughable that the left over here think themselves as liberal when on many things many of them are not. I'm proudly a liberal BTW its 'the liberals' i can't stand :)

In biblical times the Romans wanted to stop Jesus being able to have freedom of speech and expression, he was tried, crucified and on the third day rose from the dead to sit on the right hand of God.

In the second world war 3+M Jews were slaughtered because the state did not wish them to be free or have freedom of expression or speech

John F Kennedy was assassinated as was Martin Luther King because people objected to what they said and wanted to stop them.

The Westminster attack tried to disrupt our freedom, people died as a result of badness (may they rest in peace), but freedom of speech and expression continues in the House of Commons as does it at Speakers Corner.

Darcus Howe stood for many things, but I'd say Freedom of speech and expression was one.

Remember that freedom of speech and expression are the building blocks upon which society is built as is our democracy, without these we do not have a society.

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