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I want one of these....!

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Me too - I got vouchers (M&S) which is the only way I'm allowed to spend money (OH saw the Xmas joint account statement! :-$).

Am so glad the kids aren't newborns - I'm trying to get rid of stuff in the house, but I might have to wait until they go to Uni for this.

Only 15 more years......

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I just wanted to say that I have this! And I love it. Baby sits in it at every meal we eat. My 2 year old has a tripp trapp and we were planning on getting baby one as well. So after 4 days of eating and holding new baby, I ordered one. My husband has agreed (after initially thinking it was a BIG wast of money) that it has been a good splurge. She is 6 weeks now and I feel like at least it is something I use a few times a day, every day.
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snowboarder Wrote:


> Here!


> A ridiculous extravagance or must have for new

> baby snowboarder???


> What other baby consumerism have-to-haves are on

> the 2011 list?


I thought you were talking about the man until I read the nexts posts!! I will settle for the man:)

> ps - in case of doubt...this thread is mostly just

> for fun....:)

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Where do I start?? - internet swoonage is pretty much my occupation.

For the sprogs - http://www.pinksandgreen.co.uk/products-page/perfect-playtime/

For me (based on my husband's rather bizarre reckoning) http://www.onepiece.co.uk/onepiece-split-pink-kelly-p-2517.html?osCsid=4faaa6800659c16b17c78a3d1e00c669 I don't really know what to say about these babygrows for adults. The two tone aspect of this one reminds me of a tracksuit my mother made me in the 80s (one leg purple, one leg yellow)...

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He he bizarre one piece clothing - love it.

I'm in full on new baby accessories mode. Got the moses basket down from the loft recently and it looks like its been flattened - cue NEED for new bedside crib type thing. And maybe a new sling, for newbie when chasing errant toddler around park and shops, and obv a whole host of weird and wonderful b/f pillows, vests and bras. My christmas present was a storksac change bag. I am officially SAD.

Now. How to persuade husband re the stokke chair. It's v expensive and I've spent my HIP grant 4 times over already...I do think it looks FAB though.

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Snowboarder, if you are getting a Phil & Ted's then the cocoon thing works pretty well as a moses basket I think for the first few weeks....maybe not what you want to hear, but I've heard a few people say that they used it that way, so easy to move baby around the house with them etc.

You can get a newborn insert for the Ergo....think that's what I'd go for if I were you, tried pouch type slings but didn't get on with them so well.

This leaves you more money to spend on breastfeeding tops, which are for the new baby, but for YOU TOO (Hurrah)!!, and the Stokke Chair, which I think you just HAVE to have, think how much use it is going to get.......

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Before I had children I thought the idea of a babywipe warmer was just silly. Now as i crouch in the semidarkness above a sleepy baby who is blinking at me suspiciously wondering if I am about to assualt his nether regions with something cold and wet, i can suddenly understand their purpose...

Ergo newborn insert is good btw, plus you can hoik the baby out and leave it under a chair if you're in a busy place with other children and don't want it crushed into your cleavage

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littleedfamily - my sis in law who's skinny, trendy and in her 20's got one of those all in one thingys from my even trendier bro in law for xmas and absolutely loves it. it's apparently the new "in thing" - so, if i lose 4 stone and become about 100x more trendy who knows you might see me walking down lordship lane wearing an all in one rather than tracky bums and a fleece!!!
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