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Blue Traveller's Van parked in our street

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I'd suggest TCVM did NOT "fulfill the negative expectations of his newfound neighbours" because they didn't expect him to hold a party, their comments/expectations were all about his avoidance of taxes, not being entitled to have a nice car while living in a van and fear of him using their bins (FFS!).

Anyway TCVM, I still got a nice curry if you want it mate. It'll take a day to defrost and you'll need some rice.


Ruby Shoes = ED's very own Alf Garnett !

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Don't mean to piss on anyones chicken kiev, but it is so SO comical to watch all the so called "daily mail" types who laughed at the so called "liberal antagonists" who were back-tracking (even though they weren't) now start to soften their stance now they've realised that these 'travellers' (can't say human beings on this forum without setting off a lynch mob) aren't quite the tax dodging, sponging, engine revving types they were thought to be....

"Oooh just go round a take them an organic bulgarwheat cupcake and casually enquire about their tax status" No one suggested that. People (myself included) suggested going round to talk to them direct. Looks like if more common sense and less curtain twitching and moaning on here had been applied, this highly amusing, little Englander farce would have been exposed as the storm in a tea cup it's alsways been.

Agree with KK too.

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Well jheez if you are all so bloody personal about it, why don't you personally invite TCVM to come at stay at yours? Then you can feel as satisfied in your righteousness as all your posts suggest, and there will be no more van. Problem solved for everyone.... Oh no wait, you are only concerned about fighting bigotry on a messaging forum but, when it comes to it, you don't really practise the samaritanism you preach! So excuse me if I don't take your flogging all too seriously...

And Willard, thank you so much for your amusing parody of my words (Chicken Kiev, eh? How presumptuous of you!) but you are lowering yourself to the 'depths' of those you are criticising.... Chastising inconsistency with inconsistency?! Anyone would think you're trolling, sir.

Let's just agree to disagree, shall we? And be thankful for the anonymity of this forum... Heaven knows it wouldn't be quite the communal bliss if we all spoke of our differing POVs to each others faces over our mochalocachinos.

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For someone finding this thread to be 'extraordinarily tedious' missus certainly can't stay away from it. In fact, she's made some of the longest posts on here.

Please keep it up though, missus, this is an early contender for Thread Of The Year.

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Having read this thread and deciding that the folk in the camper van were decent people I decided to give them a knock and offer them a bottle of Prosecco. When the door opened the music of the Light House Family swelled and I was invited in for a cracking spaghetti carbonara. The people in there were friendly enough. But as the night drew on and the bottle of prosecco diminished. The disco ball and lighting system descended and the sound of Enya could be heard pumping for miles round. Sadly the lights bouncing off the disco ball caused me to have an epileptic fit and when I came to I'd urinated myself ruining my chinos. GET THESE MENTALISTS OUT OF HERE NOW!
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I wonder if TCVM hires out the van ?

One could have great fun parking in areas that are 'up their own bottoms' and waiting a day before logging onto local forums to see who's freaked-out. Possibly could get by on a few dinner offers before having a blow-out party and leaving / being run out of town for the next postcode.

One could hold 'open day at hippie travelling van' evenings; "Come see a genuine van dweller couple in their original surroundings, watch them eat food made in the van and even hold a van party, complete with pounding boom-box and illegal substances'.

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I've posted 5 times out of 105 posts.... So please don't chat such horse'box'. Funny how everyone jumps on the band wagon and ignores the questions posed....

Anyway, at risk of using myself as bait for an argument that I never started, I'll resign myself to cowering away with all my other bigot friends in our 'campervan' hating club. Happy?

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missus Wrote:


> I've posted 5 times out of 105 posts....

Yes, yes you have. Well done, you.

That's not a bad percentage of the total.

And like I said, they're some of the longest posts on the thread. Can you work out your contribution by word count as well?

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Just drop it Horsebox, you're probably double my age and I'm pretty certain thats where your superiority ends. At least my posts expressed an opinion, that RS had a right to be annoyed; you just joined in when you found somebody to hound.

Please go away now. KK called time on this tittle tattle 4 posts ago - keep up.

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For the sake of clarity, could everybody please state their age - and whether or not they've ever ordered from a Boden catalogue - before they start their post?

Mrs *Bob* is pleased to be down from the roof at last (I've taken her off 'lead watch').. but I suppose I'll never see that Enya CD again.

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Horsebox Wrote:


> Have you heard anything in response to your kind

> offer of curry, KK?

Alas, no, TheCamperVanMan has not accepted my offer of a bag of frozen curry... his taste buds know not what they miss !

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Such a shame keef isn't about anymore, he'd have loved this thread. And where the heck in huguenot? He SURELY has an opinion? And Anette Curtain? Could have been SO much better with a tiny bit more sh*t stirring. As it is I think preggy woman smoking and/or breastfeeding in a charity shop cubicle still has it.


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