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The Villa Nursery & Preschool

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We?ve just been offered a place which is great. We last visited nearly 2 years ago though so wondered if anyone had more recent experience of it. In particular what the environment is like with the little ones - playfocuused or more educational? It seems very well run.

Thanks in advance

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Hi - we?ve got 2 children there who?ve both been there since they were 2. They are now both in the school.

We love it and I think the nursery is especially good. My eldest was somewhere else before and the Villa is way better. Great outdoor space, great staff. Highly recommended.

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This nursery is absolutely incredible. My son (who is leaving this year to go to primary school) has been there since he turned 2. The wide range of activities they offer is wonderful. This evening my son has come home with a pizza that he has made and is counting in French and Spanish. He has been truly inspired to learn. The teachers are warm and friendly and crouch down to the children's level to greet them in the mornings. I can not think of a bad thing to say. We have been absolutely delighted with all aspects of the nursery. I'm just sad that he has to move on.
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  • 3 months later...

As a former pre-prep parent, I'd think very carefully about sending your child to the Villa pre-prep. It is still trading on the reputation established under the previous head as a warm, nurturing happy place.

But it has changed under the new head. The 7+ talk starts in reception and the new head spoke openly to us about counselling parents about halfway through Y1 to remove their children before the 7+ looms. I also found that school was keen not to take responsibility for anything and almost obsessive about referring children to outside specialists for "assessment" (not just my experience, but that of at least two other parents in my child's year - I'm also aware of this happening in the nursery). This could be inexperience in child development, or maybe a lack of willingness to work with the children in question on the basis that it's easier to outsource any "problems". Either way, I don't think this reflects well on the school. A third of my child's year have now left and I know others are considering leaving too. I think that 7-8 children in a class is too small for a friendship group. My child's self-esteem and confidence suffered a great deal as a result of attending the pre-prep and I still feel guilty that I thought it would be a kind and welcoming place.

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You might wonder where my post about the Villa went. Apparently they claimed it had "legal implications" and got the Admin to remove it.

Funnily enough, in my original post, I was going to say that I know the staff there monitor the edf (I've seen them reading it with my own eyes when in the office - note, for the purposes of the Defamation Act, that's a fact/the truth - and I'd be prepared to state that in court) and that I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to suppress my report of my experience and information reported to me by other parents (note, for the purposes of the Defamation Act, that's my honest opinon). I deleted it because I thought that was perhaps being unfair, but QED (again, my honest opinion).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi - I posted last time someone asked about this to say that I've got two children there and we love it, as do all of the other parents in both years. More than happy to answer any specific questions you might have.

My oldest son is now completing Yr 2 (the end of the Villa) and heading off to Dulwich College. The other destinations from his year are Dulwich Prep London, JAPS, one to a private school out of the area, and others to state schools. We've been really well supported through that process.

The staff are great and my kids are happy, and that is the main thing!!!


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    • Noted. I wasn't quite sure from their material whether the 'ad lib' supply by pharmacists had to be mandated; hence the suggestion to check.  There are plenty of individual manufacturers of generic methylphenidate, probably quite a bit cheaper too.  I'm afraid I didn't see radnrach's "can't really take an alternative", so apologies for presuming otherwise.  For myself I'm generally willing to trust that any manufacturer's offering of, say, 27 mg methylphenidate hydrochloride tabs, would contain that, and I'm not too worried about the minor quirks of things like their slow-release technology. I think it's likely that the medicines Serious Shortage Protocol does definitely give pharmacists some degrees of freedom. But it's apparently not in operation here. See the Minister's recent reply to a written question: https://questions-statements.parliament.uk/written-questions/detail/2023-11-13/1660#.   , which seems to approximate to: we can't apply the shortage protocol here because the drugs are in short supply.
    • I'm not sure pharmacists have any discretion to alter specific medication prescriptions, although they can choose supplier where a generic is prescribed which may be offered by more than one company. This will only be for older medicines which are effectively 'out of copyright' . They can't issue alternatives on their own authority as they don't know what counter-indications there may be for specific patients. GPs may prescribe a specific supplier of a generic medicine where, for instance, they know patients have an adverse reaction to e.g. the medicine casings, so the Nottinghamshire directive to specify only generics where available may not always be helpful. 
    • I see that in Nottinghamshire the local NHS Area Prescribing Committee is recommending that prescriptions should be for generic methylphenidate, giving their pharmacists the option of supplying any brand (or presumably a generic product). https://www.nottsapc.nhs.uk/media/bw5df5pu/methylphenidate-pil.pdf It might be worth checking with your local pharmacist(s) to see whether this will help them if, as I suppose would be necessary, your GP issues a replacement prescription. I'll have a look around our local NHS websites now, to see if I can find anything there.  Nottingham, btw, provide more information, nominally for clinicians, at https://www.nottsapc.nhs.uk/media/vwxjkaxa/adhd-medicines-supply-advice.pdf.  And at https://www.nottsapc.nhs.uk/adhd-shortages/.  
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