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Labour partly to blame????


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We were having a discussion in the pub last night on LL about the riots, and someone made a point that hadn?t occurred to me before, and one which I found rather interesting.

Basically he said that Labour should be held partially accountable for these riots, as they have pretty much indirectly incited them in their negative political approach. Everything that the coalition have done, they have argued against and put down, but not offered any alternatives. All they talk about is no to cuts, but they know that cuts have to be made after the countries credit card was maxed out from overspending.

Ed Milliband has done nothing positive, he has not offered any alternatives, or even policies to show what the Labour party would do if they were in power. All of the negativity that he and his party have created has had a knock on effect on the people that Labour claim to represent at their core- the working class and socially deprived. It has created anger and tension against the establishment and made people feel that cuts do not need to be made, because Labour say so. In fact I saw on the news on Tuesday night someone saying that this would never happen under Labour because they wouldn?t make cuts, so they should be brought back into power, which I thought was quite interesting perspective that the Labour party seem to have portrayed for themselves.

Anyway I just thought it was an interesting point, not sure how founded I think it is, but it is certainly a point to consider. Maybe if British politics hadn?t turned so negative then maybe the feeling of unrest in Britain would not be as bad. I mean Labour have to admit that they would make cuts, maybe not as severely, but that cuts would have to be made and where they would make them. Dont get me wrong these cuts have hit the heart of Britain and the economy but maybe the way they are being discussed and used to score cheap political points is not serving the British people in the best way.

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Just to be clear I dont think or am not suggesting that teh above is motivation for the riots, but instead can be used as justification in a rioters mind. Hearing senior politicians talk about the privaliged Tories who only represent the rich can only have a negative impact and hence lead to a rioter justifying his actions by saying that he is doing it to show the rich that he can do what he likes.
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