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Oakhurst Grove - Greenview court next to Altima Court


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Hello fellow EDers,

I felt like a little rant about the ferral tenants that seem to have recently moved into Greenview Court.

Over the past few months I have had the pleasure of putting up with regular anti social behaviour in a street that has over the past three years, been relatively quiet. Such as today with groups of kids/teenagers running up and down my street screaming, an adult male 'setting' his dog on one of these kids, rubbish being thrown all over the floor where this little gang have been hanging out, one of the tenants standing at their window and using ear buds to clear their ears and then throwing said earbud out of e window onto the floor below. Lovely.

All this down my lovely, quiet street is doing my head in. This and the poxy scooters flying up and down mŷ road and the toss pot idiots that think it's ok to pull up outside someone's house late at night, with their music and bass vibrating through to my house windows whilst they have a little chat with their mates - does not fill me with glee.

I love my little flat and I love the area I live in, but these people are seriously making me consider moving. I don't much like walking down my street with rubbish everywhere, gangs of teenagers hanging out, crazed dogs off their lead and viciously trying to get at someone whilst the owner encourages it, watching people throw rubbish out of their own home window onto the street, mopeds quizzing up and down at all hours....is there anywhere to go that will do anything about it? Has anyone else out there noticed the change over the past few months??

And breathe.

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Thanks for the tip :)

rahrahrah Wrote:


> I'm sorry you've had these issues. In my

> experience, if they're council tennants then the

> Southwark antisocial behaviour unit may be able to

> help. If it's private or housing association then

> there is very little accountability. Good luck.

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rahrahrah Wrote:


> I'm sorry you've had these issues. In my

> experience, if they're council tennants then the

> Southwark antisocial behaviour unit may be able to

> help. If it's private or housing association then

> there is very little accountability. Good luck.


If it's housing association, then the tenants should have a clause in their contract which includes not behaving in an antisocial manner, or words to that effect.

If you can find out which housing association it is, then you should definitely pursue it through them, and if you have no luck then go to the Chief Executive.

My neighbours and I had problems a while back with tenants of a housing association flat who were giving us grief. It did take persistence and not taking no for an answer while the issue was passed back and forth to different people in the housing association, but in the end writing to the Chief Executive had the desired effect.

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no one was viciously setting their dog on anyone,so please dont make a scene from nothing, the kids actually know the dog and get on well with the dog. im pretty sure if you came and approached me your stereotypical view may change.
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If the children were middle class White children,playing with a labrador,would your view have been different? May I ask how long you have lived on the road for? I have lived here for 25 years and not had any issues with those who live in greenview court or anyone else in oakhurst grove.
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I agree with Jaws. I have lived here for about 5 years and have in the last few months noticed more and more anti social behaviour! I probably sound like an old fart and need double glazing but the kids that walk up and down here are so loud and socially inept! Nothing to do with colour just attitude. Slims you are right about the dog only, if it was a labrador I doubt anyone would be scared but I haven't heard of many labrador attacks. The area is lovely its just a few oiks who cause problems, Rant over !
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The kids were laughing and joking with my dog. And their was nothing malicious or serious going on. Also the kids who were there were not feral youth but those whose parents who own houses in Dulwich and lived here a lot longer than you. I see on this website a lot of people commenting on how they don't like the area and how crime ridden it is. People need to stop being scared of everyone and maybe intergrate themselves more with the community they have joined.
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Slims - so you are the dog owner? If so why did you have your dog off the lead? I was witness to it and I must say from a distance it absolutely did not come across as friendly nor something that is right to do even if it was friendly - I accept all situations can be interpreted in many ways.. Unfortunately your dog again from a distance did no seem particularly friendly an it disturbed me to a level where I took a picture in case it needed reporting as the situation came across as quite menacing if I'm honest. Do you think it is acceptable given the amount of foot traffic in the street to have your dog unleashed for starters and barking up at a child who had to climb up on to the roof of the entrance to a building? If it was so friendly why was the child not patting your dog?

I would appreciate you not reducing this to anything to do with race or even more ridiculously so - class. No one mentions anything about that but you.. I wouldn't give a sh&t if the people involved were black, White, green or red my view of the behaviour would be exactly the same..

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Ok,I understand from your point of view if it looked dangerous,the boys were laughing joking and actually do get on with the dog. The dog or me ain't troubling no one,on this occasion I'll say sorry if it's caused any offence,but no one was in danger.
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The thing about little gang has something to do with colour or class, judging there appearance leads the word gang to be brought into question,let me tell you the children who live there are local school kids. Who have nothing to with being in a gang.
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I hate antisocial behaviour as much as the next person. But I must say I'm impressed with slims' response. A bit defensive at first but willing to explain himself and slip in a little apology. Maybe slims and Jaws can exchange PMs and perhaps get together over a cup of tea. They could discuss how what seems like normal behaviour to one is extremely annoying to the other. And vice versa.

Now if you'll excuse me I'll leave it there; I have to go and sort out the Middle East.

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Thanks for responding, Slims. Not many would. And thanks for your apology.

As already said, situations can seem/come accross as being very different from different people. I have not mentioned anything about colour , just that the recent change in behaviour is doing my head in. The mopeds whizzing up and down my road at all hours are not fun to listen too and nor are the cars that park outside my house about midnight, with their music bass vibrating my windows - not your fault I know, but these are some of the recent issues I have been experiencing amongst others.

Next time I will definately pop over to say hello....and good for you for working with the local kids.

As a side note, maybe put your dog a lead as not all are dog lovers - I am as I have a dog, but there are some that get quite scared and I would definately not like my child around a dog that is off the lead and that I don't know...this would also help with people feeling that they could pop over to chat rather than being put off/a tad scared because of a dog.

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Jaws Wrote:


> maybe put your dog a lead as not

> all are dog lovers - I am as I have a dog, but

> there are some that get quite scared and I would

> definately not like my child around a dog that is

> off the lead and that I don't know...this would

> also help with people feeling that they could pop

> over to chat rather than being put off/a tad

> scared because of a dog.

I'd echo this; even the most lovable of dogs - actual as well as perceived - can be a worry for the very young and the very old/infirm. Delightful as they are, dogs off leads can jump up and even that (white middle class?) labrador can knock you off your feet and cause real damage if you're not fit enough to fend it off. Your dog may not do that, but only your family/friends will know that for certain, so it can be upsetting for some to come across an unleashed dog in the street.

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I'm glad there is someone else out there that has noticed this. My husband & I have been very very annoyed by the noise, the behaviour and the rubbish for the past couple of months. It is getting worse day by day. What we can't stand the most are the scooters shooting up & down road past midnight on weekdays. This is unacceptable.

On Friday afternoon, my baby settled down for his afternoon nap, (which is valuable time for myself) his nap was cut short by screaming young boy & police sirens. I had a look out the window and 1 of the young boys were being arrested. To see such a scene just disgusted me, i'm just glad i wasn't going for a walk with the pram. I have to say in the 30 years of living on Oakhurst Grove I haven't experienced this much disturbance. It's just total disgusting behaviour.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I contacted the local support officer chap - [email protected] - very nice guy, he advised that we call 101 for anything non-emergency. I have used the service and they were very prompt in repsonding - there were the same kids outside my house throwing fireworks.

I've most definately noticed a lot more police cars with lights going, down our street - too many kids hanging in little groups for my liking.

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